Angels Entrepreneurs Network Review

This Angels Entrepreneurs Network review will show you exactly how you can find startup businesses that are looking for investors and are selling their assets for extremely low prices, which gives you the chance to get massive ROI (return on investment) in the long run.

If that sounds interesting, then you should spend the next few minutes in getting to know everything about Angels Entrepreneurs Network. A lot of reviews out there claim that this is an awesome network, where investors can find extremely profitable startups they can invest in.

Let’s find out if that’s really the case here, now. It’s important to realize that Angels Entrepreneurs Network is the first of its kind and it basically levels the playfield when it comes to angel investing. People can now invest in promising startup companies without having to put out 50K upfront.

This gives an opportunity for everyday people of being able to invest in companies that have the capabilities of becoming extremely valuable in the future. With the endorsement of the famous Angel Investor Robert Herjovec, and with the bright mind of the successful digital marketer Neil Patel, Angel Entrepreneurs Network came into existence.

Angels Entrepreneurs Network Review Summary

Product Name: Angels Entrepreneurs Network

Product Type: Angel Investments

Price: $39/Year

Founder: Neil Patel

Recommended: Yes

Overall Score: 80/100

Summary: Angels Entrepreneurs Network can provide you with a place where you can see all the newest and most profitable looking startup business opportunities. Every month, the team behind this network scrapes through hundreds of startup ideas and picks the two most promising ones.

Then, they are added to the network as qualified and valid startup investing options for all the members to see and decide if they want to take advantage of them or not.

The thing about this network that makes it so great, is the fact that some startups don’t want you to pay a lot of money to become an investor and you can buy assets for as little as $50.

There are a bunch of different pricing options that you can choose from when becoming a member of Angels Entrepreneurs Network and they all have different bonuses or additional things that are included inside. 

It can be really easy to end up investing a ton of money into something that looks and sounds promising.

What you should remember is that NO ONE really knows if a startup is going to become successful.

In other words, this is all a big gamble that could yield high results, but it could also leave you broke if you’re not careful. Personally, I prefer a more laid back and secure approach when it comes to making money online.

What is Angels Entrepreneurs Network About?

Angels Entrepreneurs Network is all about connecting you with different startup opportunities. You can choose to become a part of these startups by investing and acquiring part of their assets while they are still in their launching process.

This makes the assets you’re buying very cheap as they don’t yet have any real value.

It’s important to note that this network is ONLY for those that are interested in Angel Investing opportunities and are looking to invest in different business ideas. 

If you’re an entrepreneur with a startup and need funding, you can check out Angel Investment Network. As soon as you spot an investment opportunity that fits your requirements, you can request additional information from the business owners, such as documentation papers, and their overall business plan. Angels Entrepreneurs Network will make sure that your request is being promptly met.

You can easily navigate inside the platform and track all your investments in one place. You don’t have any investing limits or stuff like that. You can basically do whatever you want in terms of how often you decide to invest in companies.

From time to time, you can witness live interview sessions from different startup entrepreneurs. Over there, you will get the chance to ask questions and participate in valuable conversations that can help you decide if you will invest or not. 

Who Created Angels Entrepreneurs Network?

New Patel is a 30 something-year-old entrepreneur, New Your Times best selling author, and a highly successful digital marketer, and the owner of an SEO tool called Ubersuggest.

He is mentioned in Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, and The Wall Street Journal for his numerous accomplishments.

He was acknowledged as being one of the top 100 entrepreneurs under the age of 30 by President Obama and a top 100 entrepreneur under 35 by the United Nations. Neil is a serial entrepreneur that runs 4 highly successful companies and according to Google, his net worth is over $30 Million.

He is also known by a lot of people from his website,, and his large Youtube channel, where he regularly puts out quality content revolving around digital marketing and mainly SEO. 

He likes to spend his time as an angel investor, funding various promising startup companies and providing them with what they need to get things going off the ground. By doing that, Neil has managed to make some incredible returns on his investments and is now ready to teach people how to do the same.

The main reason for creating Angels Entrepreneurs Network is because he wants to give the opportunity of being an Angel Investor to people, even if they’re not extremely wealthy. 

Another thing worth mentioning about this network is that it’s being fully endorsed by Robert Herjovec, an extremely wealthy and successful Angel Investor that has a net worth of more than $200 Million. People may also recognize Robert, from the Angel Investor’s show Shark Tank.

Is Angels Entrepreneurs Network a Scam?

Angels entrepreneurs network review is it a scam
Angel Entrepreneurs Network is definitely NOTscam. Not only is this program owned by a REAL person that has a huge reputation on the internet, but it’s also validated by a famous self-made entrepreneur-millionaire.

This on its own should be enough evidence to suggest that this is a legitimate website that can help many people in finding the perfect investment for them. It’s important to realize that only people who are interested in finding LEGIT start-up opportunities to invest some money in are going to benefit from Angel Entrepreneurs Network.

If you’re not into that kind of stuff, then don’t bother joining because you will just waste your time.

On the other hand, if you’re interested in becoming an Angel Investor and acquiring assets from different startups, in exchange for investments that can start from $50, then you should definitely check out Angel Entrepreneurs Network, as you will most likely get something out of it.

Who Can Benefit From Angels Entrepreneurs Network?

Anyone who is interested in investing in startup businesses that are in need of funding can benefit from Angel Entrepreneurs Network and their carefully selected investment opportunities. It’s great for beginners and If you’re truly serious about getting into the world of Angel Investing, without having to risk too much money, then this can be just what you’re looking for.

Inside, you will see a bunch of different companies with which you can invest and work. The great thing is, that these companies are preselected for you by professionals. In other words, you can be sure that the quality of these startup ventures is going to be at its highest. 

That’s exactly why, many investors are benefiting from Angel Entrepreneurs Network, as it simplifies the whole process of becoming an investor and funding different entrepreneurial ideas.  Let’s find out everything that you can get if you decide to become a “Founder Member” as they call the membership inside Angel Entrepreneurs Network. 

Are There Any Risks In Angel Investing?

If you approach Angel Investing with the mindset that you’re ROI (return on investment) is NOT guaranteed, and you run the possibility of investing in a startup that fails to become successful, then you can surely benefit from Angel Investing. According to a Harvard researchabout 75% of newly found startups end up failing.

That’s more than half, which means that there is a serious potential risk involved in Angel Investing. This is something that you shouldn’t take lightly. Consider the fact that it will most likely take some time for a startup that you’ve invested in to turn profitable.

It can be years if and until that moment comes. To summarize everything, yes there are some risks involved in Angel Investing, that’s why it’s important for people to educate themselves and know what they’re getting themselves into beforehand. 

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What’s Inside Angels Entrepreneurs Network

Angel Entrepreneurs Network offers a lot of different startup funding opportunities. The first things that you will get as a member of this Angel Investing network, are the following:

1. Angel Investor Bootcamp. This is a video series that’s all about Angel Investing and how to become successful at it. It covers everything that you should know from start to finish in order to reach maximum success rate.

2. Angel Investor Cheat Sheet
. This is a cheat sheet that covers all the requirements that startup companies have to cover in order to qualify for a successful investment opportunity. 

3. Deal Flow Notebook
. This virtual notebook can help you note down your thoughts during hot seat sessions, where different startup entrepreneurs are being interviewed.

4. Free Copy Of Hustle
. If you become a member, you will get a free copy of Neil’s best selling book called Hustle.

Alongside all of the above, your subscription will include 15 more additional features and tools that you can leverage for your Angel Investing ventures. 

5. Virtual Boardroom. The entire website of Angels Entrepreneurs Network is structured in such a way that members ONLY can fully operate inside it.

As a member, you will be presented with a virtual boardroom that is fully equipped and prepared to give you everything you need in order to find your perfect startup investment opportunity that fits your personal criteria. 

6. Monthly Packages
. As a member, you will receive two packages a month. angels entrepreneurs network review packageEach package contains detailed information about the newest startup that’s been published on their website. You can see decision making details attached to each package such as a full business plan, revenue projections, and all sorts of other critical information.

7. Angel Investor Action Plan. Here, Neil Patel will give you his exact plans and strategies that he uses when choosing successful startups. With the Angel Investor Action Plan, you can learn directly from Neil’s experience and guidance. Not only that, but you will also receive his personal feedback and review on each new startup that gets published inside Angels and Entrepreneurs Network.

8. Deep Dive Video. This is an in-depth video by Neil Patel where he explains exactly how to assess all the potential risks of a good deal and how to go about minimizing them.

9. Hot Seat Session. This is where you will get the chance to participate in a live interview session with the entrepreneurs behind certain startup companies that you like.

You can ask questions and learn more details about the business venture itself, and all the personal struggles and successes that these entrepreneurs have. The hot sessions are usually held approximately one week after the startup has been published inside the network.

10. Hot Seat Briefing
. After each hot seat session, Neil and his team give out a summary of everything that was included in the interview. You will be handed over a list of all the questions and answers that were given during the interview. In other words, even if you can’t show up for a live session, you will still get all the notes and essential information from it.

11. Step By Step Investing Instructions. If you end up finding the perfect investment deal and want to move forward, you can get a step by step instructions guide on how to move forward.

12. Investor Updates
. You will get instant updates on what’s happening with the startup business that you’ve invested in. In other words, Angel Entrepreneurs Network will make sure to keep you in on all the details, changes, and updates that your investments might undertake.

13. Deal Flow Tracker
. The deal flow tracker gives constant updates on the evaluation of your business venture investment. What this means is that every time something major happens and the company you’ve invested in increases or decreases in value, you will get notified as soon as possible.

14. Recurring Reports
. Regular report updates for different things about Angel Investing that will help Angel Investors in their ventures are being distributed to you in the form of two different categories.
angels entrepreneurs network review report
– Momentum Reports
. Announcements news, and updates about every new startup and its performance rate.

– State of Angel Investing Reports
. With this report, you will distinguish different trends, opportunities, and statistics that the Angel Investing world has to offer.

15. Access to Private Forums
. This is a private forum that’s available for Angels Entrepreneurs Network members only. Over there, you can access a friendly community of investors that discuss different topics. You will get the chance to participate and learn all kinds of different things by interacting with other investors.

16. World Network Opportunities
. This is your chance to meet face to face with other members of the network to discuss different deals. It’s really easy to set up a meeting point inside the network where you can do personal meetings with others.

17. Angel Investor Master Class
. Every month, Neil does an interview with successful billionaires from Silicon Valley. They share their experiences, expertise, failures, and

18. Founders Corner
. The Founders Corner is a special place where Founder members can discuss different topics, get additional help, and support if needed. 

19. Annual Retreats
. Once a year, Neil hosts a retreat to different places like Sand Diego or The Grand Cayman Islands. This is where members can come together to celebrate their success, network, and explore different pitches.

Angels Entrepreneurs Network Price & Refunds

The membership structure inside Angels Entrepreneurs is divided into 3 separate categories and they are.

1. Gold Membership. For $39/Year, you can get access to everything inside the Angels and Entrepreneurs Network. 

2. Diamond Membership. For $79 you can get access to the platform for 2 years. Alongside the two monthly packages, this membership will bring you two extra angel deals.

3. Platinum Membership. This membership comes with a price tag of $129 for a 2-year subscription and includes everything inside the Gold and Diamond Membership plus two bonus reports.

Is There a Money Back Guarantee?

There is a two-part money-back guarantee that’s included within the Angels Entrepreneurs Network and it covers a 60 day period. Over that time, you can request a refund and it will be granted to you.

Even after the 60 day period is over, if you end up being inactive and not using the platform, you can ask for a refund, and Neil will probably give it to you. He’s known to do that with unsatisfied customers.

What I Like About Angels Entrepreneurs Network

Angels entrepreneurs network review pros and cons
Angels Entrepreneurs Network can provide a clear solution for every person that wants to invest in a business venture but doesn’t have that big of a budget like the big Angel Investor millionaires and billionaires. This network serves as leveling the fields when it comes to Angel Investing which is something that’s truly unique and incredible.

Neil has managed to find a solution to a problem that many people were dealing with. Here are a few of the things that I like about this program.

1. The Membership is Cheap. If you are on a tight budget, then the Gold membership can be a great fit because of its cheap yearly price. This really does remove all the worries and fears that can come up when buying something on the internet.

2. It’s Packed With Value. The UNLOCKED version of the website which is for paying members only, is packed with value, tools, and recourses that can help every investor even if they have zero experience with Angel Investing and have never done anything like that before.

3. It’s Founded By Neil Patel and Endorsed By Robert Herjavec. Both of these are incredibly powerful and reputable names, associated with entrepreneurship and wealth generation. This brings a lot more credibility to the network, and it only goes to prove how great this service actually is.

What I Don’t Like About Angels Entrepreneurs Network

There’s not a lot that I can say about the things that I dislike about Angels Entrepreneurs Network. Only a couple of things come to mind and they are:

1. It’s a new network. That can be considered both good and bad because if it’s never been done before, there’s no real way that you know if it will work. That’s why there are few customer reviews and there’s not much feedback about the user experience and all that.

My Recommendation

My recommendation is to approach Angel Investing as a whole with the mindset that there is a possibility to lose out on your investments.

Yes, Angels Entrepreneurs Network does have a qualifying process that showcases all the worthwhile startup opportunities, however, that’s not a guarantee that every start-up listed inside the network is going to end up being successful.

If you are interested in Angel Investing, then you should definitely consider taking a look at this network as it can help you if you’re a beginner and don’t know where to start.

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