Angel Investment Network Review

Are you an entrepreneur/business owner that’s looking for an investor? If you had the opportunity to connect with more than +230K people that are looking for the perfect investment venture, would you take advantage of it? This Angel Investment Network review will show you exactly how to get more people interested in getting involved with your startup business plan.

Angel Investment Network can connect entrepreneurs from the UK and all over the world with Angel investors that are willing to put in a lot of the initial upfront payments for a startup business in exchange for a percentage of the company or any other agreement that both parties involved can come up with.

The platform can help you set up your first listings and create an enticing pitch.

This can be very useful for beginners and a great opportunity for both entrepreneurs and those that want to invest in their ideas. Let’s find out everything about this network now.

Angel Investment Network Review Summary

Product Name: Angel Investment Network 

Product Type: Angel Funding

Price: Free Idea Listing Inside the Network for 30 Days, Then it Starts From £149 for 90 Days and Can go up to £2,499.

Founders: James Badgett & Mike Lebus

Recommended: Yes, But It’s Not For Everyone.

Overall Score: 75/100

Summary: Angel Investment Network is a website that was created for entrepreneurs that need financial help with their start-up ventures and investors that want to finance these ventures in exchange for a percentage of the company and its assets. You can choose to register as an investor or an entrepreneur with a business idea.

Inside Angel Investment Network, entrepreneurs can list their startup ideas with a price tag that shows exactly how much is needed to get it all going. Once listed, investors that are interested in a certain idea, can then get into contact with the entrepreneur and arrange a deal that will benefit both parties.

If that is something that you find interesting, then I suggest that you check out the program and see what it’s all about.

What is Angel Investment Network?

Angel Investment Network is all about connecting people with ideas and those that can give the support needed to realize them. In other words, this network will be useful to you only if you fall under one of these two categories:

1. You’re Looking For An Investment in Your Startup. It can be anything from app creation to opening up an offline shop somewhere. You list your idea and set out a target that needs to be met in order for the project to launch and how much you can accept as a minimum from investors.

If you’re new to this and have no idea how to go about looking for investors, they can help you out by preparing your pitch and making sure that you have a well-presented idea. Not only that, but you can get additional help by exploring the different ways in which you can contact potential investors in the most efficient way possible.

2. You’re an Investor Looking to Fund a Brilliant Idea. If you’re interested in funding people’s business ideas and potentially profiting from that, then Angel Investment Network may be what you’re looking for.

There’s an abundance of smart entrepreneurs with unique ideas just waiting for the right people to partner with. Once you join, you can set up your preferences, so that you receive pitches and presentations ONLY from ideas and start-up opportunities that fit your requirements.

The platform makes sure that it connects entrepreneurs with investors that have shown an interest in a similar idea or if it fits a certain description that was initially set up by the investor. This website can be a great way for Angel investors to get a hold of a bunch of unique investment opportunities. 

If any of these two categories sounds like you, then you should join and see what it’s like inside. That’s the best way to be sure it’s a good fit or not. You can test drive the program, here.  

The great thing about Angel Investment Network is that it’s basically a connecting bridge between people with expensive ideas and those that can realize them. This can provide a win-win scenario for both the entrepreneurs and the investors as they work out on a deal that will benefit everyone.

How Does Angel Investment Network Work?

Angel investment network review how does it all come together
Angel Investment Network works by providing a secure ground for Angel investors to make safe investments and for entrepreneurs to receive a financial boost in their business start-ups. If you are an entrepreneur and have a brilliant idea that you need capital to realize, this is the perfect place to go.

If your idea is good, you will surely attract some of the +230K Investors inside the Angel Investment Network. As for investors, the amount that a start-up will require is determined on a case-by-case basis. Some startups can ask for as little as £1K while others can go up to a million.

The minimum amount that you as an investor can actually invest in a start-up is explicitly listed within the pitch of each startup idea. This can save a lot of confusion further down the road.

If you come across something that doesn’t look right or is suspicious, then you should definitely think twice before you invest money into it, and do whatever it takes to make sure it’s legit.

Who Created Angel Investment Network?

Angel Investment Network was created by James Badgett & Mike Lebus. Two childhood friends decided to join forces and create the “startup ecosystem” as they like to call it. The idea behind this network was first sparked back in 2004.

Back then, there were many people with extraordinary ideas and some of them were trying to grow a business. The biggest struggle that these people had to deal with was the lack of funding that was necessary for them to grow. At that moment, the problem became clear.

Great ideas were not being executed because it was hard to find investors. That’s when James Badgett and Mike Lebus decided to solve that issue by creating a platform that can connect startups with Angel investors.

Over the years, they have managed to create a network for entrepreneurs and investors that now has more than 1 million members from which 230K are investors. Angel Investment Network is not the only creation of James Badgett and Mike Lebus.

In January 2018 they create a platform focused on supporting and empowering the investment space called SeedTribe. Soon after that, in April 2018, they launched
BrickTribe which was focused more on connecting property developers with investors.

There are obvious correlations and similarities between these programs. They are all focused on helping and connecting startups with entrepreneurs.

Is Angel Investment Network a Scam?

Angel investment network review is it a scam
Angel Investment Network is NOTscam and over the years, this platform has helped thousands of people to fulfill their dreams and accomplish their goals. However, not everyone is going to benefit from this program, and here’s why.

Due to the fact that there is a higher percentage of startups and entrepreneurs that need funding than investors, some people can get left out. What I mean by that is that your pitch needs to be well presented and polished just because you will be competing with other people that may have similar ideas to yours.

Unless you think of something unique and never done before, odds are that there will be competition for your startup funding. If you’re not well presented, investors will likely choose your competitors rather than you.

Be prepared for that, as it may not be that easy to attract investors simply because there are a lot more start-up entrepreneurs inside Angel Investment Network. Some people can end up waiting for a long time before being spotted by a potential investor and being listed on the platform is not cheap either.

This can make people upset because they can end up spending some money without getting anything in return and label this program as a scam. 

If you’re an investor and are looking to invest in a startup inside Angel Investment Network, be sure to qualify all potential investment opportunities and make sure that these are REAL listings and not some fraudsters that want to take your money.

Angel Investment Network has the necessary features, security, and background checks in place, however, there can be instances where some scammers manage to slip through the cracks and end up listed over there. Be careful with that.

Who Can Benefit From Angel Investment Network?

Angel Investment Network serves as a connector between businesses looking for funding and investors looking to invest their money in start-ups. If you fall under any of these categories, you can benefit from the platform.

There are lots of things that come into place, and they all determine whether you’re going to succeed in attracting investors to your start-up venture or finding the perfect investing opportunity.

If you are looking for a business to start online, and you prefer to avoid high-risk investments, see this cost-effective alternative below.

What’s Inside Angel Investment Network?

Before you join Angel Investment Network, you will be asked if you’re either an entrepreneur or an investor. Depending on what you answer, there will be different options for you to choose from inside the user dashboard. If you join as a startup entrepreneur, you can get access to a bunch of stuff and they are:

1. Adding a Pitch. This is the message that you want your investors to see. If you manage to impress an investor with your pitch, you will get that much-needed funding. Even if you don’t know how to do that, you can get help from the network as they can assist you in creating a great pitch for your potential investors.

2. See All Your Pitches. Inside your user dashboard, you can see all the pitches that you have created with this user profile and track their progress.

3. Search For Investors. You can use the search bar inside the Angel Investment Network to find investors. Each investor has its own unique preferences for the kind of investments they’re interested in. 

4. Access To All Your Investors. You can see everything about your investors, including the deals you’ve done together, and a lot more.

5. Job Posting. From time to time, certain positions tend to open up within Angel Investment Network, that’s why this job board exists. You can take a look at it and see if you can find something useful.

If you end up joining as an investor, you will gain access to the following things:

1. Search Bar. Over there you can look for specific startup ideas and see what piques your interest.

2. Your Matches. Once you set up all your preferences, you will begin matching with potential entrepreneurs who have a start-up related to something that you as an investor find interesting.

3. Explore. You can explore the platform to see what kind of startup ideas people have inside. You might end up finding something that you like.

4. Invest in Impact. You can get a list of all the start-up companies that Angel Investment Network has partnered with, what they stand for and how much they want. This can give you a perspective of what this network is really all about. All of them invest in impact companies that are targeted towards eco-friendly solutions and making sure to keep the environment clean.

5. Your Portfolio. Over there, you can create and manage your personal portfolio.

Angel Investment Network Price Rate, Refunds, and Subscriptions

Angel Investment Network has a structure for start-up entrepreneurs that includes exposure rate and what you get depends on the subscription that you want to enroll to. Their structure is as follows:

1. Novice. For 30 days, you can get local exposure and list your startup idea for free. You will also have access to the contact details of all investors who show interest within that timeframe.

2. Pro. This package comes with a price tag of £149, it includes keeping your list for 90 days and you get the following added bonuses:

– Local Email Exposure. Your pitch will be sent to Angel Investment Networks email database of investors, which will bring more eyeballs on your pitch. This will significantly increase your chances of landing an investor that will fund your venture.

– Increased Exposure. Pro members rank higher in the search results within the Angel Investment Network. That way, more investors can find your pitch listed inside the network. 

– Logo, Images, Video, and Doc. This will grant you access to upload a bunch of additional things within your pitch such as your business logo, images, and videos. On top of that, you can also upload copies of valuable, decision making documents such as a complete business plan, financials, etc.

– Refund Guarantee. With the pro package, if you get no interest on your pitch within the 90 days time frame, the team within Angel Investment Network will personally rewrite your pitch and list it inside the platform for another 90 days. If nothing happens after that, they will refund you the full price of the Pro package.

– Team Members. You can add individual team members and use their LinkedIn profiles within your pitch as a Pro member.

3. Global Pro. Global Pro comes with a price tag of £249 and will give you access to the same bonuses as the Pro package plus a bunch more and they are as follows:

– Global Online Exposure. This bonus will give international exposure to your pitch and start-up idea. It’s ideal if you want to bring in some foreign investors. 

– Global Email Exposure. Your pitch will be emailed to all the investors that fit the criteria of your pitch and start-up idea. They have a list of emails to more than £230K investors worldwide.

4. Executive. This package comes with a listing period of 120 days and costs £2,499. It includes all of the bonuses that come with all the other packages and you get the following ones as an added bonus exclusively for the Executive package.

– Featured Listing. Your pitch will get a “Featured” status across all their 30 networks. This status will stay for the entire duration of the listing period.

By having the “Featured” status in place, your pitch will appear on top of all the other pitch lists and the algorithm will give priority to your pitch and everything that’s included inside. Basically, you will get maximum exposure for a long period of time, which will virtually ensure your chances of landing investors for your startup.

– Consultancy. An expert from Angel Investment Network’s team will personally guide you through the process of creating a great pitch and ensuring that you have all the required documents in place.

Any issues and queries will be automatically fast-tracked to the front of their ticket queue. This will ensure that you’re fundraising is running as smoothly as possible.

– Executive Mailout. Your personal expert will ensure that you have an HTML email campaign dedicated to your campaign and pitch. This campaign will be sent to ALL of the investors that are registered inside the network.

What Are People Saying About Angel Investment Network?

According to some forum comments on Quora, this Angel Investment Network is filled with unregulated people with no background checks and is even labeled as a scam product. If we take a look at Trustpilot, we will see that most reviews left there are positive and people are seemingly satisfied with Angel Investment Network.

Of course, one could argue that these reviews are paid for, however, there aren’t many negative comments so I don’t think that is the case here. The general opinion of this program is mixed as some people are very satisfied with this investment network while others, not that much.

What I Like About Angel Investment Network

angel investment network pros and cons
There are a bunch of things about Angel Investment Network that caught my attention in a good way. I like the whole concept behind this network because it brings people together that help each other out.

1. It Connects Start-Up Entrepreneurs with Investors. This network gives the chance for people with bright ideas to realize them with the help of investors. This opens up the doors to a lot of unprecedented opportunities that so many people can take advantage of. 

2. Investors Can Find Great Funding Ventures. Many investors have been the starting point of what are now huge companies and organizations, which is exactly why this is just as big of an opportunity for investors as it is for entrepreneurs.

3. You Can Try It For Free. You can add your listing on their platform for free for 30 days, and see what this can do for you. If your pitch is good and you have a quality startup idea that is too good to miss out on, you can find an investor with the free package. 

What I Don’t Like About Angel Investment Network

There are some things about Angel Investment Network that could do better with and I will be discussing them below.

1. Investor/Entrepreneur Ratio is Unbalanced. There are too many startups that are looking for funding compared to the number of investors. This can leave many people without being able to find an investor.

2. It Can Be Expensive. If you want to get maximum exposure that will virtually ensure that you find an investor, you should be willing to pay a lot of money.

My Recommendation

If you’re looking for a start-up investment, then you should definitely check out Angel Investment Network, because they have a free membership option that can get you listed inside the network for a month.

Apart from that, Angel Investment Network is a place where entrepreneurs and investors can come together and work as one for the mutual benefit of both parties involved.

Personally, my own approach is a bit different, and if you’re interested, you can find out how I make money online below.

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