Andrew Tate War Room Review

Andrew Tate is the founder of the War Room. One of his most expensive programs on the internet. It’s an upsell for his Hustler’s University 2.0 training on making money online. 

Here’s what you need to know. The War Room is for people that already have some success in making money and want to take things to the next level.

This review will go over the price points, what’s included for all members, and who can benefit from this high ticket program.

Many members of HU 2.0 join the War Room as soon as they start earning a full time income from home. That’s the natural path to progression.  

By the time you’re done here, you will know exactly what you’re getting into, without any hype or exaggerated income claims.

Ready? Let’s get started…

War Room Review Summary

Product Name: War Room

Product Owner: Andrew Tate

Product Type: Modern Wealth Creation

Product Price: £4,147 GBP, or $5555 USD

Overall Score: 70/100

Recommended: Not For Beginners!

Summary: The War Room is Andrew Tate’s program on networking and what you need to do AFTER you get that money.

In his own words, Andrew says his high ticket program is for people that are already financially independent and are looking to take things to the next level.

However, even if you’re not at that point yet, as long as you’re willing to learn, and you fully understand that achieving success takes time and effort, you will be allowed inside.

In my opinion, you should think about joining Hustler’s University 2.0 first, get to a point where you’re making a bunch of money from home, and then join the War Room.

As the saying goes, your network is your net worth. Surround yourself with people that are where you want to be, and eventually, you will get there too.

What is The War Room?

Andrew Tate

The War Room is a virtual hang out place for millionaires, wealth creation experts, and people in between. You will be using Telegram as the medium between you and these people.

The topics covered inside are focused on “winning in life”. This includes financials, fitness, biohacking, and being the best version of yourself. The idea is to surround yourself with “winners”, learn their ways, and adopt a winning mindset.

You join, learn, and implement. When you have something to show for it, then you can start teaching other members of the War Room that are yet to achieve your level of success.

Both The War Room and Hustler’s University 2.0 are MALE oriented communities. Andrew Tate’s target audience is men that want to escape the matrix and achieve financial freedom through modern wealth creation methods.

In a recent podcast on Youtube, the Tate Brothers talked about that particular topic in more detail. 

Can You Ever Meet Other Members of The War Room?

Andrew Tate War Room

If you understand networking well enough, you know that you HAVE to meet with like minded individuals in real life too. Not just online. Andrew Tate holds summits for all War Room members all over the world.

To make it even easier, you will get help with all legal documentation, so you don’t have any issues when traveling to other countries. Being able to connect with millionaires and actually meet them in person is a powerful thing.

How Does The War Room Work?

The War Room works in a very simple way. You join a bunch of rooms through Telegram and start networking with others.

The high valued members inside (the wealthy ones) post quality information and teach other members their secrets all the time.

There are some rules you need to follow. Otherwise, you risk getting banned without getting a refund. No bickering, no political talk, and no rudeness.

The whole point of this program is for wealthy men to come together and talk about money and expand their network. Follow these simple rules and won’t have any problems.

How Much Does The War Room Cost?

Right now, The War Room costs £4,147 GBP, or $5555 USD. It used to be only $600 years ago but the price gradually increased over the years. If you’ve been following Andrew Tate, you know that he always lets people know about any changes first. 

Some internet marketers like to do something called fake scarcity. For example, they might say that space for a particular program or service is limited when in reality, it’s not. With Andrew Tate, there is no such thing. He said the price will increase, and it did.

Now, he is saying that The War Room will close for new members at some point, and focus on the ones that are currently inside.

The same thing happened with Hustler’s University’s affiliate program. They closed it. Soon the entire program will be shut down for new members, so make sure to take action before you regret it.

Learn More About HU 2.0 Here!

Can You Get a Refund?

No refunds. This is a digital product, and as such, it’s strictly outlined on the website that NO digital products can be refunded. 

What I Like About The War Room

War Room review pros vs cons

1. It’s Exclusive. Only people that can afford to spend over $5K can gain access to The War Room. When people pay for a high ticket program like this one, they usually take it seriously because there’s a lot of money on the line. 

2. You Can Connect With Millionaires & Wealth Creation Experts.
This can be a true game changer. As the saying goes, you are what you surround yourself with. If you communicate ONLY with wealthy people, you will learn how to become one of them. It’s inevitable.

3. You Can Still Take Advantage of Andrew Tate’s Programs Even if You Can’t  Afford This One.
If you don’t have $5K+ to invest, you should join Hustler’s University and get the blueprint for modern wealth creation, make some money, and then join the War Room.

What I Don’t Like About The War Room

1. It’s Not For Beginners. To take full advantage of this program, you need to have some capital in your bank and some degree of experience when it comes to making money online.

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