CB Income Bot Review

Welcome to my CB Income Bot review. Can you really start making money on autopilot, or is this another scam to avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. CB Income Bot is simply a rehashed version of an older product created by the same guy behind this one.

In my opinion, this is one of the most hyped up and UNREALISTIC sales pages I’ve come across for a while now.

Apparently, with CB Income Bot, you can access over 2 million pre made articles that will supposedly bring in tons of free traffic (web users) and an opportunity for you to earn affiliate commissions.

By the time you’re done here, you will know EXACTLY what you’re getting into without any hype or exaggerated income claims.

Ready? Let’s get started…

CB Income Bot Review Summary

Product Name: CB Income Bot

Product Type: Done For You Money Site

Product Owner: Venkatesh Kumar

Product Price: $17+ Upsells

Overall Score: 20/100

Recommended: No!

Summary: CB Income Bot is a program that will create a website with tons of articles that will supposedly rank well on Google and the other search engines.

It’s all automated and you don’t have to lift a finger to start making money online. At least, that’s what you’re led to believe.

In reality, you will gain access to a website that you DO NOT own. It’s hosted on a domain that you have no control over.

In other words, if at some point, the founder of CB Income Bot decides to close down this website, you can’t do anything about it.

Furthermore, everyone else that buys this product will get access to the same thing as you. There is no uniqueness here, and the articles you will see inside this program are of extremely low quality.

They will NEVER rank anywhere near the first page of ANY search engine. Even though you’re promised FREE buyer traffic,  you won’t get any. That’s why I think that this program is useless and NO ONE will make any money with it.

This is yet another shiny object that overpromises and underdelivers. If you’re ready to create a REAL passive income business without creating a product or service and without paying anything to get started, see my top recommended training program below.

What is CB Income Bot?

CB Income Bot false claims

CB Income Bot is a program sold on the WarriorPlus marketplace. Products like these give the marketplace a bad name. Some time ago, Venkatesh Kumar launched a product called CB Paydays, which is essentially the same product as this one.

The only different thing is the name and the sales page. Why would you pay for something that’s portrayed as brand new, when it’s not? 

According to the product’s sales copy, you can get started in 3 easy steps. First, you choose a site template. Second, you enter a keyword to fetch content that will auto fill your website. Last, you enter your ClickBank ID and get paid.

Is CB Income Bot a Scam?

CB Income Bot review legit or not

CB Income Bot is NOT a scam. You are getting something for your money. However, I think that the product uses false advertising and very misleading income claims.

There are too many red flags for me to safely recommend this offer as a viable opportunity to make money online. 

Concern #1 – It’s Probably a Rehashed Version of an Older Product. If you take a look at one of Venkatesh Kumar’s older products, CB Payday, you can see that the dashboard, content, and services you’re offered are exactly the same as in CB Income Bot.

Concern #2 – You Won’t Get Ranked With This Content. You’re offered over 2 million articles that will supposedly rank well.

The reality is, that the content is of very low quality, makes NO SENSE for the readers, and it’s NOT unique. Anyone else that gets this program will have access to that content. In other words, don’t expect to start getting ANY free traffic.

Concern #3 – It’s a Shiny Object.
Products like this one target beginners and inexperienced people that are just getting into the make money online world.

This is how people get into a pattern of buying programs and software tools over and over again.

They expect to start making easy money with little to no effort, and ALWAYS get ripped off.

I talk more about this problem, how to avoid wasting money on shiny objects, and where to find a REAL way to start earning passive income online HERE.

How Much Does CB Income Bot Cost?

CB Income Bot costs $17 for the front end offer. There are multiple upsells or OTOs (One Time Offers) that you can explore and possibly purchase.

One of them is mandatory if you want to unlock the completed version of this product.

Upsell #1
– Unlimited ($32)

Upsell #2 – Income Automator ($47)

Upsell #3 – DFY Setup ($197)

Upsell #4 – Limitless Traffic ($37)

Upsell #5 – DFY Template ($27)

Upsell #6
– Fortune 500 ($37)

Upsell #7 – Reseller Rights ($97)

If you want the full version of this product, this means paying an extra $32, which means spending a total of $49 for the completed version of this product.

Can You Get a Refund?

Yes. There’s a 30 day mandatory refund policy for all products hosted on WarriorPlus. Some vendors, usually those with low quality offers, will make it difficult to get your money back if they can help it.

What I Like About CB Income Bot

1. Nothing. This product does NOT have any benefits. If you find any, let me know. The vendor has an incredibly low score on WarriorPlus, which is an indicator of the low quality programs that he launches from time to time.

CB Income Bot Low Vendor Score

What I Don’t Like About CB Income Bot

1. It’s Overhyped. The product can easily leave people with the WRONG impression that they can start making fast and easy money with no effort whatsoever.

2. It’s Not New.
The first version of this product came out in December 2021. This is the exact same program with different branding and marketing copy. It only looks different on the outside, when in reality, it’s NOT new.

3. You Have to Pay Extra for The Full Version. This is very misleading and you find out about it AFTER you’ve purchased CB Income Bot.

4. It’s Not For Beginners. Even though the target audience for this product is beginners and newbies in the make money online space, NO one can benefit from it. Everyone wants fast and easy money, but there’s no such thing. If something sounds too good to be true, it is.

When you’re ready to start earning from home, you can go to the next page.

Pro Tip: This is NOT for lazy people who aren’t ready to put in the work required to succeed.

If you’re ready to take things to the next level, you can look at the four step system I’m using to make up to $1K per SINGLE affiliate sale, without showing my face on camera, recording my voice, or spending money on ads, on top of monthly recurring revenue.

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