Agency Navigator Course Review

Welcome to my Agency Navigator course review. This is Iman Gadzhi’s latest product. You can see it inside the Grow Your Agency website, where he reveals everything that’s included inside. 

This in depth review will help you learn more about the Agency Navigator course and what it really takes to succeed with the business model promoted by Iman Gadzhi. 

You should know that I’m not affiliated with this expensive product, so don’t expect a thousand low quality bonuses for joining through my links because you won’t find any. 

By the time you’re done here, you will know exactly what you’re getting into without any hype or exaggerated claims of income. 

Ready? Let’s get started…

Agency Navigator Review Summary

Product Name: Agency Navigator

Product Owner: Iman Gadzhi

Product Type: Digital Marketing Agency Course

Product Price: $997 – $1,499

Overall Score: 65/100

Recommended: Not For Everyone!

Summary: This is a complete course program that covers everything you need to know about starting and growing your own digital marketing agency.

At its core, your job will be to onboard high paying clients that are looking for specific services and provide them with results.

For example, you may get one client that is looking to increase their organic traffic (web users) generation or someone that is looking to get better results with their Facebook advertising.

These two things are very different from each other, but nevertheless difficult to master.

That’s why, you need to be good at juggling multiple tasks at once, while you’re also making sure that you don’t get too much workload pilled up.

If you do that, you risk failing to meet your clients’ deadline, which will result in loss of revenue and income potential.

The business model can be compared with having multiple bosses at the same time, expecting results, and not caring about what you have to do to provide these results.

In other words, it can become pretty stressful. That’s why, I think that there are better, more relaxed ways to start your own profitable online business that don’t have to cost you thousands of dollars to get started.

What is Agency Navigator?

In his own words, Iman Gadzhi describes Agency Navigator as the go to source for getting access to everything that he has learned since the inception of his digital marketing agency.

It was created in just over a year, this course is packed with all the essential information that you will need to start your own agency.

Apparently, this is an updated, new and improved version of Iman’s original SMMA (social media marketing agency) course. 

You can learn more about it on my IAG Media review. Unlike his older, outdated course, Agency Navigor seems promising enough for aspiring entrepreneurs that are looking to get started in this online business. 

However, I think that there are a couple of essential things that you need to realize before you decide whether or not you should become a paying member of this course and they are as follows:

1. Starting Your Own Social Media Agency is NOT for Everyone. Yes, the income potential is big, but it’s not GUARANTEED. You need to be a certain type of person to make it work for you.

For starters, you shouldn’t fear getting rejected by prospects and you should be motivated enough to keep pushing until you start landing high ticket clients.

You will be doing cold outreach via phone, email, social media, etc. That’s why MOST of your prospects will end up rejecting your offer and that’s normal.

It can become tiresome and the grind will be real. That’s why you need to have a good reason to keep pushing.

In all honesty, if you’re heart is not in it, and you don’t enjoy the journey to success, then you will probably NOT get there. 

2. It Can Be Stressful.
If you can’t handle working under pressure, then this type of online business venture is probably NOT for you. You will be working for your clients, not the other way around.

That’s why you will have to maintain a certain level of transparency, deadline efficiency, high quality of service, and communication. 

In my opinion, there are better ways to start a successful online business with ZERO experience, without having to spend a lot of money upfront and without having to work under pressure.

Find out why I think that this business model is far superior to starting your own digital marketing agency.

Is Agency Navigator a Scam?

Agency Navigator legit or not

Agency Navigator is not a scam. It’s a high quality course worth looking into, especially if you’ve made your mind about starting a digital marketing agency.

The founder of this course has been involved in the industry for a while now. Apart from creating and selling courses, Iman Gadzhi has his own agency called IAG Media.

That’s why I think that learning from him can be an effective way to reach your goals and increase the revenue flow for your online business. 

What’s Inside Agency Navigator?

Inside this course, you will get access to a curriculum that consists of 8 phases that start you off with the essentials that you need in order to get started.

Followed by extensive and in depth training that’s all about showing you how to approach this business model in the most effective ways.

Then you have core strategies and concepts that you need to grasp to start getting more clients. Let’s break down each phase and see exactly what get’s covered inside this program.

Phase 1 – Laying Your Foundations

The first module is all about showing how the entire business model looks like from a bird’s eye view.

You will get access to the latest ways of creating a profitable online agency, all the tools you will need along the way, a niche discovery guide, and a rundown of the service selection process.

Phase 2 – Mindset

As with most online courses on making money from the internet, this one comes with its own mindset section. It covers things like what kind of thinking you need to have to succeed.

According to this module, there are 4 aspects of success. Monk mode, War Path, Social Engineering, and Day in Life.

They are all fancy names for helping you learn the essential aspects of running an online business.

Phase 3 – Systems & Processes

This module is all about showing you how to legalize your entire online business. From the corporate structure, taxes, and accounting, to helping you set up prices for your services.

A big part of this phase is learning how to set up competitive prices as well as effectively communicating with your prospects and presenting these prices in a comprehensive and well versed way.

Phase 4 – Finding Leads & Setting Meetings

This part of the course will show the most up to date ways of generating online leads.

Expect to learn things like cold email outreach, cold calling prospects, automating email messaging systems, leveraging LinkedIn and Upwork to find new clients, and more. 

You will also be learning everything there is to know about communicating with your clients as well as organic and paid lead generation.

Phase 5 – Sales

One of the most important skills you need to learn is sales. It’s essential if you want your business to grow.

To most of us, selling doesn’t come naturally. That’s why Iman Gadzhi has prepared a sales script for your convenience.

You will also learn how to handle objections and master the art of communication with your prospects.

To help you, even more, you will unlock a bunch of real life case studies from his own agency and from current customers of Agency Navigator.

Phase 6 – Service Delivery

This is the largest module of this entire program. It’s created by performance marketers and media buyers for agency owners.

It starts with basic things that everyone getting started needs to know and moves on to more advanced stuff for lead generation for local businesses and acquiring high paying clients. 

You will be setting up sales funnels, running Facebook ads, learning copywriting, and how to deal with the recent iOS14 updates.

Phase 7 – Operational Supremacy

This module will show you how Iman Gadzhi finds contractors for his own agency, how he maximizes his revenue flow, and how to achieve maximum efficiency when you hire your team.

Running an agency, usually, is NOT a one man job. That’s why you need to develop some high grade team management skills. You will also learn how to form strategic partnerships and where to find referrals.

Phase 8 – Exclusive Bonuses

It’s not online money making course if you don’t find bonuses inside. All of the online gurus and course owners have them.

The only way to learn about all the bonuses that you can get access to as a paid member is by buying the program and unlocking the secret module.

How Much Does Agency Navigator Cost?

Right now, the price of Agency Navigator is $997. However, it is displayed as the early bird cost, which means that it may increase at some point in the future to $1,499.

To help you make a decision, Iman Gadzhi offers to connect you with one of his representatives and sales experts. They will walk you through the process and discuss the idea of joining this program.

What I Like About Agency Navigator

Agency Navigator review pros vs cons

1. It’s Brand New. This is definitely a good thing in my opinion. There are many changes in the online space that happen daily. That’s why it’s important to have access to high quality, updated courses, and programs like this one.

2. Iman Gadzhi is Legit.
He’s been around for a while now. This shows that he obviously knows what he is doing when it comes to running an agency and teaching others how to do it too.

3. There’s a Refund.
You have 14 days to ask for your money back. 

What I Don’t Like About Agency Navigator

1. Extra Costs. Apart from running Facebook ads, you will probably be using expensive software to build your sales funnels that will cost you anywhere from $97/month to $297/month.

2. You Have to do Cold Outreach. In my opinion, this type of work is not for the faint of heart. If you can’t face rejection and you lose motivation quickly, then this is probably not for you.

3. It’s Not The Best Business Model for Beginners.
In my opinion, there are other, more suitable ways for beginners with no sales or entrepreneurial experience to get started with making money online.

Is There a Better Alternative?

This Agency Navigator review showed you everything there is to know about the course, the business model, and the things you need to do to achieve success. If it sounds like something you would enjoy doing, then Iman Gadzhi’s course can help you out a lot.

However, if you’re not up to the pressure that comes with having your own digital marketing agency, or if you prefer to spend a lot of money to get started, I know that there are other ways to create an online business. In fact, you don’t even need to have your own product or service to sell. 

Using this model and the four step blueprint that you can see on the next page, I was able to earn as much as $1K from a SINGLE product sale without even owning the product itself and without spending a dime on paid ads.

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