Affiliate Automation Review – Is Adrian Brambila Legit?

Welcome to my Affiliate Automation review. Is Adrian Brambila’s done-for-you affiliate marketing worth it or not?

Here’s what you need to know. This is a 100% passive income generation opportunity where you get to leverage a team of highly experienced professionals that will do ALL the heavy lifting for you.

All you have to do is pay a large chunk of money upfront and hope it all goes well. Are there any risks? You bet there are. What you need to ask yourself is, are you ready to invest thousands of dollars and risk losing them? 

Read on to find out exactly what you’re getting into without any hype or exaggerated income claims.

Affiliate Automation Review Summary

Product Name: Affiliate Automation

Product Owner: Adrian Brambila

Product Type: Done For You Affiliate Marketing Business

Product Price: $35,000 Minimum

Overall Score: 65/100

Recommended: Not For Everyone

Summary: This is a fully done-for-you affiliate marketing service. Adrian Brambila and his team will build a brand, and website, pick a niche market, high-quality affiliate products to promote, build funnels, and send traffic (web users) to your website with free and paid methods.

Everything will be handled on your behalf. All you have to do is invest a bunch of money upfront and let them take care of the rest.

This will be a slow process, so don’t expect to be making money within the first few months. It may take a year or more.

However, in business, nothing is guaranteed, which means you may end up losing more money than you spend on this.

Unless you’re willing to treat this as an unsure thing, you’re better off finding a different way to get started. In my opinion, there are better, cost-effective, and less risky ways for beginners to start making money as an affiliate.

What is Affiliate Automation?

Adrian Brambila

Affiliate Automation is an automation service by REAL people. Unlike many done-for-you programs that promise a ton of things and rarely deliver, this one looks very promising. It was founded by Adrian Brambila.

A guy that’s been in the affiliate marketing industry for a very long time. He knows what works and what it takes to make money online promoting other people’s products. 

His previous product launched is called the Brambila Method. It talks about the affiliate marketing business model using a more hands-on approach for his clients.

In other words, they have to put in the work and spent time implementing what is taught inside. This is a much cheaper alternative to this one, and rightfully so.

Is Affiliate Automation a Scam?

Affiliate Automation review legit or not

No, it’s not a scam. This is a legit service by a guy that’s been doing affiliate marketing and making money online for many years. Unless you’re willing to take a risk and lose your 5 figure investment, you should NOT get involved with Affiliate Automation. 

In his own words, Adrian says that he did not create this business to take people’s last dollars or to have them decide between funding their kids’ college, for example, or funding this business.

“If you’re hearing these numbers and that investment would stretch you thin, I would say thank you so much for considering. Maybe at a later time, you can apply again.” 

Good guy vibes right there. What most owners of similar done-for-you automation services do is encourage people to apply, even if they don’t have the funds. They talk about applying for credit and taking out loans to pay for the expenses.

If you prefer to let someone else handle everything business-wise, and you have the money to invest in this venture, I would highly recommend you do it. Adrian and his team have experience with building affiliate brands and know EXACTLY what it takes. 

However, if you’re not that financially stable, you should consider an alternative. My top recommended program is all about creating a wildly profitable affiliate marketing business following your passion, hobbies, and interests. It’s one of the most cost-effective ways to get started.

Click Here: The Four-Step System to a Full-Time Passive Income Online (Start For Free)

How Much Does Affiliate Automation Cost?

Affiliate Automation price

Affiliate Automation by Adrian Brambila costs 5 figures. That means AT LEAST $35K. The only way to find out how much it will cost for you is to schedule a phone call with one of the closers. Their job is to find out if you’re suitable for this program.

You will go through a bunch of onboarding questions. You should also prepare your own so that you can be fully aware of what to expect inside the program.

Can You Get a Refund?

It looks like there are no refunds available. Everything is transparent and on point. You should know exactly what you’re getting into before you decide to pay or not.

What I Like About Affiliate Automation

1. Zero Hard Work on Your End. All you have to do is invest a ton of money, sit back, and do nothing. Let them handle everything.

2. Adrian Brambila Knows What He’s Doing.
He’s been building businesses in the affiliate marketing space for over a decade. That, of course, does not guarantee your success. 

What I Don’t Like About Affiliate Automation

1. Very Expensive. Not everyone can afford to invest in this. You are paying for a team of experts that will handle EVERY single aspect of your business. 

2. Not The Best Alternative For Beginners.
Affiliate Automation is NOT the best way for beginners to start an online business. The financial risks are far too big, in my opinion. I think that there are better alternatives out there.

On the next page, I will show you the four-step blueprint I’m using to bank up to $1K per SINGLE sale of a product I don’t even own. On automation. With ZERO money on ads spent.

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