5 Billion Sales Review – Scam, Pyramid Scheme, or Legit?

Welcome to my 5 Billion Sales review. Can you really start making money online with this platform, or is it another scam to avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. This is a brand new program that offers an opportunity to earn by simply inviting more people and getting them to become free members.

You can earn money by doing your usual internet activities. Apparently, you can be earning up to $400 in passive income. The problem that I see with 5 Billion Sales is that it’s not transparent about anything.

You don’t know HOW you will be earning. According to their website, their services will remain hidden until the LAUNCH date to avoid copycats.

There is also a TON of hype around 5 Billion Sales. The entire website keeps pushing you to make the “right choice” or miss out big time.

In my experience, that is USUALLY NOT a great sign of a trustworthy and legit platform. However, that alone is not enough to determine if this thing is worth your time or not.

That’s why, I decided to take a closer look at this opportunity, share my insights, and help you make a decision for yourself.

By the time you’re done here, you will know exactly what you’re getting into without any hype or exaggerated claims of income. 

Ready? Let’s get started…

5 Billion Sales Review Summary

Product Name: 5 Billion Sales

Product Type: MLM

Product Owner: Unknown

Product Price: Free

Overall Score: 20/100

Recommended: Not Really!

Summary: In my opinion, there’s a lot of things that are wrong with 5 Billion Sales. One of them is the fact that you can only promote the platform itself to earn money online, which is exactly what a pyramid scheme does.

You are strongly encouraged to grow your downline that can be spread out until the 16th level.

In other words, you can earn money from the efforts of your personally recruited members, the ones that they have invited, and so on until the 16th level.

5 Billion Sales looks like a shady platform designed to create a lot of hype around itself with the help of all the members.

That’s why I don’t think that it’s worth spending your time and energy on this. At this point, it does NOT look like a sustainable business opportunity.

In my opinion, there are better alternatives that can help you get started with earning passive income from home in a more legit, straightforward, and sustainable way.

What is 5 Billion Sales?

5 Billion Sales is a website claiming to have monetized regular internet activities that people conduct on their devices. Currently, they have 2 services that haven’t yet launched. Right now, this platform is in its PRE LAUNCH phase. Here’s what you can do during that time.

1. Invite More People.
When you get others to join under you, you are essentially building and growing your network. The goal here is NOT to have as many people as you can.

You have to make sure that everyone you invite stays active within 5 Billion Sales and that they recruit more people too.

In other words, it will be much more profitable to have 10 active recruiters under you, than 100 inactive zombie accounts that just waste server resources.

2. Sign Up Affiliates and Recruiters.
During this phase, you are encouraged to invite only affiliates and people that are interested in spreading the word about 5 Billion Sales to as many people as they can.

The way I see things right now is that the unknown owners of this platform are trying their best to create as much hype around this product as they can.

This can increase the chances of it blowing up and getting the attention of high end recruiters and super affiliates alike.

You can only sign up when you have a sponsor above you. That’s how the entire thing works. If you want to sign up for free, you can use my affiliate link here.

Is 5 Billion Sales a Scam or a Pyramid Scheme?

5 Billion Sales review legit or not

It’s not a scam or a pyramid scheme. At the very least, it’s too early to tell. However, there are a bunch of red flags that keep grabbing my attention each time I log into my 5 Billion Sales account. 

For example, you can only join by getting an invitation from someone that is already a member. In other words, each membership is interconnected with each other.

If you invite someone, they onboard someone else, and so on until the 16th level, you are at the top of your network. Here’s how that looks like.

As you can see, this is a PYRAMID shaped image. 5 Billion Sales can easily be some sort of a scheme that is trying to get as much personal data from its users as possible and then sell it somewhere.

I’ve certainly seen this happen with other MLM programs that offer a ton of free stuff for members to sign up, such as Monetize 911.

It’s too early to know for sure, but this is one of the things that you should be wary about when signing up for something similar. 

If you’re looking for a secure alternative, find out how I got started with making money online and how I am able to generate a full time income from home.

Who Created 5 Billion Sales?

There’s absolutely no information about who created 5 Billion Sales on their official website. That’s definitely a red flag in my opinion. Throughout the years, I have reviewed a ton of different programs similar to this one.

When the owners are not clearly identified within the program of your choice, it usually means that it’s all a big scam. I’m not saying that’s the case here. I am, however, saying that you should be suspicious about that simple fact. 

What’s Inside 5 Billion Sales?


When you sign up and join 5 Billion Sales, you will see inside a bunch of different options from the header menu.

Let’s analyze each one and take a closer look at everything else that you can do inside this program. A new feature of this program came out. It allows you to earn money by selling your data. 

All you have to do is download the 5 Billion Sales browser extensions and you can earn up to $400 per year just for doing what you are already doing online.

If you don’t mind giving away your data and other personal information, this can be a good way to start earning some side income online.

You can do that by going to the “my money maker page” and following the 4 steps outlined.

my money maker page

However, you need to remember that this feature will become available after the launch date. 

Affiliate Dashboard

This is where you can get access to all your promo stats. As an affiliate of 5 Billion Sales, you can track all your link clicks, commissions, overrides, service one, and service two account management.

However, most of the features are not yet available. You have to wait until the launch phase rolls in.

feature not yet available


This part of the website is all about showing you all relevant details about your downline and how to manage your referrals. Right now, you can take a look at your level one affiliate downline.

You can only personally contact your level one referrals. What you need to remember about this particular part of 5 Billion Sales is that you can have two types of level one affiliates.

Active and Inactive ones. As the name suggests, those that get other people to join under them are your active affiliates and the ones that don’t have any activity are inactive. 


The marketing section consists of 7 different options that you can choose from and they are as follows:

1. Email Marketing.
You get access to 3 sample emails that you can adjust and make unique for your audience. 

2. Video Marketing.
You can create videos that you can upload on platforms like Youtube. You are encouraged to talk about 5 Billion Sales and promote the platform.

3. Images.
They may not be available yet, but they are coming soon.

4. Banners.
You can access 10 different banners that you can use to promote this offer.

5. Links.
You can leverage your affiliate links on QR Code links and send them out to prospects.

6. Social Media Marketing.
You can leverage various social media channels to promote this opportunity to others. However, platforms like Facebook do not allow affiliate links, which is why you need to redirect your prospects to an external page. 

7. Resources.
This is a place where you can browse different websites that can help you get more traffic, sales, and level up your internet marketing game. 

5 Billion Sales Compensation Structure

Here’s what 5billionsales.com has disclosed about its compensation structure. According to their website, affiliates can earn from 2 types of services that are NOT yet revealed.

The first one will allow you to make $100 per year plus $5 recurring from your downline which consists of 16 levels.

The second service pays out $10 once per member in your network plus $200 – $1,000 on top of that. It all depends on the activities of your referrals.

The override here is $1 for each paid member of your network plus recurring commissions of $10 – $50.

What I Like About 5 Billion Sales

5 Billion Sales review pros vs cons

1. It’s Brand New. It’s not even in its launch phase. When it comes to similar programs, the earlier you get in, the higher your chances of earning some money get.

2. They Disclose That You Need to Work Hard.
Despite all the hype and heavy marketing messages inside this program, they do state that you can only make money if you put in the work, recruit more members, create an active team of more recruiters, etc.

What I Don’t Like About 5 Billion Sales

1. We Don’t Know Who The Owners Are. That’s never a good sign.

2. It’s Way Too Hyped Up.
In my opinion, the entire platform is way too hyped up. On the other hand, I get it. They want to make a lasting impression and to push people to take action now or lose out big time. That’s a good marketing strategy but not very good when it comes to being transparent with people.

3. It’s Not Sustainable.
I think that this has the potential to crumble pretty quickly. The entire business model is not very sustainable.

4. Not The Best Way to Get Started as a Beginner.
If you don’t know anything about internet marketing, MLM, managing people, or if you haven’t made any money online yet, then this is probably not the best way for you to get started.

Is There a Better Alternative?

I think that there are better ways to get started with making money online. Especially, if you are in this for the long term.

There’s no telling if 5 Billion Sales will be around next year. You risk investing your time and energy into something that has not yet passed the test of time. 

I also think that multi level marketing is one of the hardest and most expensive ways to start an online business.

That’s why, there are better alternatives, more suited for complete beginners and people that have never made any money online.

Using the affiliate marketing business model and the 4 step system that you will see on the next page, I am able to earn recurring monthly passive income, on top of regular high ticket commissions of up to $1K from products and services that I don’t even own myself.

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