1090 Method Review

Welcome to my 1090 Method review. Can you really earn a full-time passive income online with this program created by Michael Mansell, or is this just another scam to avoid?

According to the sales page, this is a fully automated marketing system that can bring in high-quality leads that are ready to pay you over and over again.

Here’s what you need to know. This offer comes with a 3 figure monthly membership fee, and it encourages you to promote it to others.

This means that you may come across biased and one-sided reviews, praising the 1090 Method like it’s the best thing that ever happened on the internet, without offering any REAL VALUE that you can use in the buy or not decision.

I’d like to point out that I’m not affiliated with Michael Mansell or any of his programs, so don’t expect a thousand low-quality ebooks for joining through my links.

Ready? Let’s get started…

1090 Method Review Summary

Product Name: 1090 Method

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Program With an MLM Component

Product Owner: Michael Mansell

Product Price: $153.99/Month + Upsells

Overall Score: 35/100

Recommended: No!

Summary: With the 1090 Method, you’re taught how to become their affiliate and promote the same program as an online business opportunity to others.

Before you’re eligible, you have to sign up for Michael’s trading system, which will cost you $134.99/Month, and the done for you affiliate page ($19/Month), designed to convert all the traffic that you send into buying customers of the 1090 Method.

In other words, you’re paying for the opportunity to sell this system to others. When you make a bunch of sales, your membership fees get reduced, and your earnings potential is increased.

Even though you get some free traffic generation training, unless you’re willing to invest a solid amount of time, you’re likely going to end up paying for traffic within the program.

You will also get access to something called the traffic rotator. It’s designed to periodically send leads to your affiliate page and entice you into upgrading to a paid package to get even more leads.

It’s a performance-based business model where all the risks fall on you. If you don’t make any money from this system, the owner still profits from your monthly membership fees and all other expenses.

If you do end up earning revenue, he makes even more thanks to you. I think that there are other, more suitable, and cost-effective alternatives for beginners with no experience in making money online.

What is The 1090 Method?

This system consists of numerous things in one place.

A done for you sales page with your affiliate link, so you don’t have to spend time building one yourself, multiple sources of traffic, a membership for a platform called Epic Trading, free access to one of Michaels products called Affiliate Marketing Pros, and a multi-level compensation plan that allows you to earn from the efforts of others.

Down the road, you may be pitched some additional products that can supposedly increase your earnings potential, such as Amplified Profits and Easy1Up, which comes with 6 membership levels that cost from $25 to $2,000.

1090 Method’s Compensation Plan Explained

1090 method review compensation plan

As a member of this program, you can earn affiliate commissions from each person that you refer. It doesn’t stop there.

You can also earn from each person that your referrals invite and so on, hence the multi-level marketing aspect of this business model.

There are 6 company ranks in total. As you move up, so do your earnings. Broken down, it looks like this:

Founder 1
– To get to the first rank, you need to invite 3 people under you and get them to become paying members.

Founder 600
– Now that you have a team of people, your job is to help them recruit 3 more people each. When that happens, you can move up the ranks.

Founder 1000
– When you get to a point where you have a total of 30 paying members under you and your referrals, you can make up to $250 a week.

Founder 2000
– You will reach that rank when you have 80 team members. Your income will increase to $500 per week.

Founder 5000
– You need a total of 250 people in your team, and you will earn $1,250 for each week that you manage to retain all these people as paying members.

– When you get to a point where you have 500 people under you, the earnings increase to $2,500 per week.

Max Payout Level
– If you manage to recruit 75,000 people in total, you can earn $250,000 per week.

The 1090 Method’s compensation plan does sound enticing and lucrative, but what does it really take to get to a point where you’re earning that much money online from this system, and is it really possible to get there in the first place?

Technically, it is, but you need to possess a certain set of skills. Despite these huge numbers that you could potentially make, most people that get involved with multi-level marketing end up losing more money than they spend.

Is 1090 Method a Scam?

1090 method review legit or not

No, it’s not a scam. You’re offered REAL products and services in exchange for your money. The business model does revolve around recruiting as many people as you can, but according to Michael Mansell, it’s entirely compliant with the FTC Direct Sales requirements.

Even though the 1090 Method is not a pyramid scheme, in my opinion, most people that get involved with it are going to end up losing money. 

If you’re not good at managing people, recruiting others, and effectively communicating with your team, you’re probably not going to have the results you want with this system.

This is promoted as a 100% beginner-friendly program, however, the risks that come along with being a member are significantly increased, compared to other business models, mainly because you will end up spending a lot of money on traffic generation on top of your monthly expenses. 

On top of that, not everyone is going to appreciate the fact that the only way to make money online with this system is by pushing others to buy it. 

If you want to learn how to turn your passion into a profitable online business instead, then you can see this below.

Who Created The 1090 Method?

Michael Mansell is the founder of this system. He’s a seasoned internet marketer and a serial course creator. He’s been involved in affiliate marketing, direct sales, and Forex trading.

One of his biggest skill sets is the ability to sell to people. That’s a trait that every successful multi-level marketer needs to possess in their arsenal. 

michael mansell youtube channel

Michael Mansell has a Youtube channel with over 27K subscribers and almost 3 million views. He posts content regularly, and according to his bio, he’s made over $4 million in online sales throughout the course of 5 years.

What’s Inside The 1090 Method?

To make money online, you would need two essential things. A good offer or service to sell/promote and people that are interested in buying.

It’s incredibly simple to comprehend but very difficult to implement. In between the aforementioned things, you need to complete a set of steps. One of them is to present your offer or service in an attractive, attention-grabbing way. 

The 1090 Method is designed to give you access to everything that you need to make money online.

An offer to promote, relevant traffic training that can teach you how to find people that might be interested in that offer, and a landing page to convert your traffic into buyers. Let’s find out exactly what you’re getting inside this system as a paying member.

Traffic Rotator

Michael Mansell, alongside a small group of other leaders, share a small portion of their traffic generation efforts with members of the 1090 Method that make use of the Traffic Rotator.

Collectively they gather traffic from email marketing, Facebook posts, Youtube videos, Google search rankings, and paid ads.

Keep in mind that even though you’re essentially getting free traffic, it’s likely not going to be enough on its own to help you create a full-time income business online. 

Automated Marketing System

Once you send traffic to that page, they will go through something known as a sales funnel, which is a series of web pages designed to warm up cold traffic and turn it into hot sales. 

As a member, you will get access to a squeeze page that will look like the one you stumbled on just before you left your email inside the 1090 Method website.

That’s the first part of the funnel. Anyone that leaves their email will go to the next part called the video sales page. 

People that get to that part of the funnel will be able to watch a bunch of videos created by Michael Mansell designed to sell them on the idea of buying the system. 

Every lead that leaves their email will get follow-up messages with your unique affiliate link attached to them. This can increase the chances of landing a sale.

Community & Training

There’s a private Facebook group where members share traffic methods and closing techniques.

There’s also a Telegram chat group for everyone that’s part of the 1090 Method. Michael Mansell has prepared a bunch of training resources that can further enhance your marketing, recruiting, and management skills.

Can You Get a Refund? 

You can get a refund within 3 days of your purchase ONLY on non-affiliate purchases. As long as you’re not referred by a promoter of the 1090 Method you qualify for a refund.

This is one of the shadiest refund policies that I’ve seen, and I’ve reviewed hundreds of make money online programs and courses.

Every single member of this system is taught how to onboard others, which basically means that most people will not be able to get a refund. Only people invited directly by Michael Mansell will be eligible.

What I Like About The 1090 Method

1090 method review pros vs cons

1. Done For You Features. The initial part of getting people to buy the product is taken care of by Michael and his automated system. 

2. The Traffic Rotator Can Give You an Initial Boost
. It may be the fuel that you need to keep your motivation going. It may also help with increasing your downline retention rate.

What I Don’t Like About The 1090 Method

1. You Need to Master Traffic Generation and Help Others in Your Team do The Same. This can be challenging, especially when you consider the fact that not everyone will be willing to spend money to run ads online.

Even if they do, they might end up losing money and quitting the system. In other words, you need to find a way to retain people in your downline and help them with their own recruiting. It’s the only way to increase your earnings.

2. You Use The Same Landing Page and Funnel as Everyone Else. Since the only way to make money with the 1090 Method is by promoting the opportunity to others, you will be targeting the same type of people as everyone else, with the exact same landing page, which increases the chances of annoying your target audience by exposing them to the same thing over and over again.

This happened to me with a similar MLM program called Digital Prosperity Movement. At one point, every ad that I saw on Facebook led me to the same offer over and over again. 

3. Misleading Refund Policy.
If you don’t examine it carefully, you can easily come to the wrong conclusion that you can get your money back within 3 days of buying the system. The fact remains that 95% of people who purchase the 1090 Method will not be able to take advantage of the refund policy.

Is There a Better Alternative?

If you’re familiar with the multi-level marketing business model and you have the team-building skills to be a leader, then maybe you can benefit from the 1090 Method.

However, I think that there is a better way for beginners to get started with making money online.

There’s still room for people to take advantage of the done-for-you features because the program is relatively new.

Due to the way that everything inside is built, I don’t think that this can be a long-term solution for those that are looking to earn income online for a long time.

When enough people get on board, it can easily become saturated and very difficult to find people in your niche that haven’t already seen the same landing page that you’re pushing alongside every single member of the 1090 Method.

If you want to build an online business around a niche market or a topic you’re passionate about, you can learn how to do that and leverage the affiliate marketing model below. 

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