0 Dollar Startup Review – Is Roger Comstock The Real Deal?

Welcome to my 0 Dollar Startup review. Can you really start making money online with this program, or is it another scam to avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. This is a high-ticket course that will teach you how to do local lead generation.  Roger Comstock wants you to believe that this is something very new and unheard of.

The business model has been around for a very long time. Regardless, it is a legit way to start making money online, but it’s NOT for everyone.

You need great selling and communication skills. Being persuasive can be a huge advantage too. The name 0 Dollar Startup can mislead you into thinking that you don’t have to spend any money to get started. 

You can, but it’s going to be VERY difficult if you don’t invest in paid ad campaigns, which is also taught in Roger Comstock’s training program.

By the time you’re done here, you will know exactly what you’re getting into without any hype or exaggerated income claims.

0 Dollar Startup Review Summary

Product Name: 0 Dollar Startup

Product Owner: Roger Comstock

Product Type: Local Lead Generation

Product Price: $2,000 – $5,000 (Presumably)

Overall Score: 60/100

Recommended: Not For Everyone!

Summary: This is a training program that will teach you how to connect with local businesses and offer to get them more exposure. How?

By identifying potential customers in a specific geographic area and leading them to a business you’re working with.

Many local business owners have no clue how to increase their online presence. They are too busy running their day-to-day operations.

Your job is to convince these people they need you to increase their sales. If you can manage to do that, they will keep you on a retainer, and you will be paid monthly.

Then, it’s a matter of scaling. To do that effectively, you will need a few key things. Probably the most important one is good presentation skills.

You need to present your service in a way YOUR potential clients will understand and find great value in. Good negotiation and sales skills are also a must.

You need the confidence and resilience to make good deals, or you won’t be able to make it work.

That’s why I don’t think that this is the best way for beginners with zero experience in business to get started. If that sounds like you, you should see this cost-effective, laid-back alternative below. 

What is 0 Dollar Startup?

Roget Comstock

0 Dollar Startup is Roger Comstock’s flagship program that teaches aspiring entrepreneurs a very specific business model. Local lead generation.

It’s all about showing you the huge potential of this industry and how you can not only make a difference in people’s lives but change your own for the better.

There is a bunch of free content for anyone wanting to get more familiar with Roger and what he is all about. There are 9 modules in the free training series.

Over there, you will see Comstock talking about mindset preparation, forming partnerships, lead generation hacks, sales, and more. It can give you a good idea of what to expect inside the paid program. 

Is 0 Dollar Startup a Scam?

0 Dollar Startup review legit or not

No, it’s not a scam. 0 Dollar Startup is a legit program that teaches a REAL business model. I like Roger’s transparency on the sales page.

He is clear from the beginning that this is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme and that you will have to put in a lot of work in this venture to succeed.

On the other hand, I think that he oversimplified the entire process of making money with this business model. It’s not nearly as easy as he makes it sound.

This is for a certain type of people that are good communicators and have at least some sales skills. You can, of course, learn as you go, but you need them to succeed.

In a way, lead generation is much like my favorite business model. All you have to do is send people to a product or service and get paid when they become clients. 

Furthermore, I know that there is a better, less stressful, and much cheaper way to do that. That’s why I can’t recommend this business model.

Alternative: Compare This With Lead Generation 

Who is The Founder Of 0 Dollar Startup?

Roger Comstock Zero Dollar Startup

Roger Comstock is a serial entrepreneur and the CEO of multiple companies. The 0 Dollar Startup is one of them. He has a Youtube channel with less than 50 subscribers.

However, I have a feeling that it will grow significantly throughout the coming months. His focus in life is something he calls the Fulfillment Formula.

Gratitude, growth, and giving are all the foundations of his mindset and the way he approaches things in life. His Instagram presence is exceptional. Over 47K people follow him.

How Much Does 0 Dollar Startup Cost?

It costs $2,000 – $5,000 or more (presumably). To find out, you need to schedule a call and talk with one of their closers. Their job is to push you in the right direction and convince you to become a paying member.

Book a Call for the Zero Dollar Startup Price

It’s no coincidence that before you book a call there are a few short words that read ”Please be sure any/all decision makers will be available to be on the call.” Why do you think that is? It’s because they want you to make that buying decision on the spot.

They won’t go through the trouble of getting you to talk with a sales expert if the cost of 0 Dollar Startup was a few bucks. It may be subject to change based on people’s individual circumstances.

I’ve seen this practice in many different courses and educational programs that teach people different ways to make money online.

Can You Get a Refund?

Yes. There’s a 7-day CONDITIONAL refund policy. You need to have watched less than 25% of the content you’ve purchased and request your money back within the given time frame. There will be some merchant account fees that are NON-refundable.

What I Like About 0 Dollar Startup

0 Dollar Startup review pros vs cons

1. Real Business Model. It’s 100% legit and many people have seen success with local lead generation.

2. Roger Comstock is Upfront.
He lets us know that this is not some magic system that will instantly put money in your pocket with little to no work. Unlike many get-rich-quick schemes, he is clear about the fact that you will have to put in work and effort to succeed.

3. Refund Policy.
You can get your money back which reduced the investment risk significantly.

What I Don’t Like About 0 Dollar Startup

1. It Looks Easier Than it is. In my opinion, Roger Comstock presents this opportunity without revealing all the potential struggles that you will go through when you begin. 

2. It’s Expensive.
Despite its name, the program will cost you a lot of money and you will probably spend even more on your day-to-day operations.

3. Not The Best Alternative For Beginners.
I think that there is a much better way for beginners to start making money online without creating a product, investing thousands of dollars, spending money on ads, or direct selling anything to anyone.

On the next page, I will show you the four-step system I’m using to bank up to $1K per SINGLE sale of a product I don’t even own. On automation. On top of monthly recurring revenue.

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