What is the Membership Method By Chris Luck [Ugly Truth Exposed]

Welcome to my Membership Method review. Can you really make 11K every single day leveraging membership sites? Is that too good to be true? What is the Membership Method by Chris Luck all about? Those are all valid questions that you’re probably thinking of and if not, well you should be.

Within the next few minutes, you will find out everything that you need to know regarding the Membership Method. Before we continue there’s one thing that you need to realize about this program and that’s the fact that they have a commission system in place, which pays a lot of money to people who promote it.

This means that some Membership Method reviews out there are just trying to push this product by praising it like it’s the best thing ever created for the sake of making money and landing that commission.

Unlike them, this one is not trying to do that. The sole purpose of this article is to provide you with all the facts, ups and downs of this program so that you can make an educated decision whether or not this program is for you. With that out of the way, let’s move on to the review. 

Membership Method Review Summary

Product Name: Membership Method

Product Type: Make Money Online Training

Created By: Chris Luck

Price: $1,497 (One Time Fee) or 6 Monthly Payments of $297

Recommended: Yes, only If you’re willing to pay that much money to learn a different way of making money online

Overall Score: 75/100

Summary: Membership Method is all about teaching you how to create membership websites that get people to sign up for monthly/yearly subscriptions for a fixed price of your choosing. After you’ve built up your website, you will be shown how to grow your subscriber list and scale this as much as you can.

Creating a membership type website is probably one of the hardest business models out there. It takes a lot of time, hard work, and money but if you do it RIGHT, you can get to a point where you make $11K or more daily. Don’t expect that it will happen fast because it won’t, and you will have to work your behind off for a very long time before you can end up seeing results. 

However, this is one of the few legit and very REAL programs that can actually help you start making money online.

Quick Navigation

The Membership Method Review SummaryWhat’s Inside Membership Method?
What Is The membership Method About?Membership Method price, Upsells & Refunds
Is Membership Method a Scam?Membership Method Pros & Cons
Who Created The Membership method?My Recommendation

What is The Membership Method By Chris Luck All About?

Membership Method is an expensive service that can guide you in creating your own membership type of website which offers people information and knowledge about topics of your choice. Within the course of a 6 week period, you will know what it takes to build your own money-making machine online.

I have to give out props to Chris Luck on this one because, on his sales page, he does let you know that it will take a lot of hard work and dedication to get to a point where you’re making a significant amount of money.

He also clearly states that there’s no guarantee that you will make any money at all. This is true, not everyone is going to make money, however, this is a business model that WORKS and if you invest enough time and effort in it, odds are that you will get to a point where you become profitable.

Paying that much money for a product or service online means that you have to trust the vendor and the offer 100% otherwise, you risk losing a lot of money.

Luckily, the Membership Method is hosted on ClickBank, which means that, if you end up disliking the product, you can get a refund within 60 days.

The thing that differentiates this high priced course from most of the other ones, is that creating a membership type of website is one of the hardest and most rewarding things to do and without the correct guidance and mentorship, the likelihood of failure is huge. If you are a beginner, it can be really overwhelming at first, so be prepared for that.

If you haven’t seen it already, Chris Luck has a free webinar training that outlines exactly what the profit potential of this model is and what it takes to be successful. Get a taste of what’s inside the Membership Method without paying anything here! 

Is Membership Method a Scam?

Membership Method is definitely NOT a scam because it delivers a lot of value to anyone who decides to join. The training materials are well-structured step by step guides taking you from scratch all the way to a fully optimized and profit ready membership website.

It’s also a product being sold on the ClickBank marketplace. That’s one of the biggest network websites that connects product creators and people who want to promote them. Another reason that makes me believe that this program is legit, is the fact that the Membership Method is created by a REAL person who has a reputation to hold on to.

In the online world, bad labels usually stick for a long time. That’s why everyone that wants to be someone makes sure to create a good name for themselves. With that being said, let’s find out more about this program’s creator Chris Luck. 

Who Is Chris Luck?

Chis Luck is the creator and founder of 13 different online business and has been in the game since 1999, that’s more than 20 years of experience in making money online. He discovered membership websites back in 2007 and after failing multiple times in generating revenue with this method, he finally succeeded.

He is now actively involved in helping people create their own membership sites by giving people the opportunity to copy his proven to work methods. 

Whats Inside Membership Method

what is the membership method inside
Inside Membership Method, you will find training, tools, recourses and a community of like-minded people. Everything that you need to create and launch a profitable membership website is there. Below is a description of everything that you will get when you join.

1. Masterclass

This is a 6-week in-depth training series that covers in detail everything that you need to create and launch your first membership website. With a total of 35 comprehensive video lessons that are brought to you on a weekly basis.

At the end of every course lesson, you receive a task that needs to be completed before proceeding to the next one. At the end of each week, you get a test that you need to complete in order to advance further into the training. This is done so that you make sure to soak up everything learned so far. Let’s see what each of the 6 weeks looks like now.

Week 1 – Roadmap To Success. The first week is going to lay out the foundation of your website. You will learn key things such as choosing a profitable market or niche, evaluating the competition and strategically analyzing the most profitable path according to what is currently in demand, and liaising that with your expertise and knowledge.

Even if you’re not experienced that’s fine too because the training will show you how to adapt the “learn as you go” approach. Preferably, you should pick something that can be both profitable and enjoyable, especially if you’re learning as you go.

This will increase your chances for success and reduce the likelihood of experiencing burnout.

Week one ends with you choosing a name for your newly found business and registering a domain name.

Week 2 – Content Creation. This is the most crucial part of the weekly training series that you need to make sure to master. That is if you want to be successful with your membership website of course.

In this week’s training, you will learn how to create and structure your content in a way that is worthy of people paying money to have access to it. You will get familiarised with essential things such as finding what’s already working and implementing it on your website and outsourcing some or all of the work you need to do. 

Week 3 – Development Strategies. In the third week of the training, Chris Luck shows you the methods and techniques that he is using on one of his profitable websites and lets you clone them with a step by step guide that simplifies the whole process.

You will learn important aspects of great website design and structure, how to automate your funnels for maximum conversion rates, and his top recommendation for successfully creating and deploying all of that.

Week 4 – Free Marketing Techniques. Here, you will learn all about the free traffic generation techniques that Chris Luck has used in the past which have brought him revenue. It’s important to note here, that gathering free traffic is way slower and time-consuming than the alternative which is paying for your traffic.

However, this method can be extremely useful in helping you to get hands-on experience on how online marketing works, which can oftentimes help you significantly when and if you decide to dive into the paid traffic methods. A few very useful and effective free marketing techniques can be seen in action inside Chris Luck’s free webinar training.

Week 5 – Paid Advertising. This approach can be costly but it usually yields results much faster than the free traffic method alternatives. In the fifth week, Chris Luck will teach you all about advertising on Google and Youtube in a slightly different way than what most paid traffic training videos show.

You will also learn all about retargeting methods and direct response emails that do not require you to build an email list. He doesn’t hold back with this last one, as this is what most successful digital product creators utilize at its fullest and that’s getting affiliates to generate more traffic for them.

This is some crazy advanced stuff that can be really frustrating until you get the hang of it, but once you do, the rewards can be quite exhilarating and you can have a small army of people who are promoting your membership websites.

In case you don’t know, affiliates are those that promote other people’s products and services for a percentage of the profit paid out in the form of commissions. Most beginner internet marketers start out as Affiliates because it’s the easiest method for making a lot of money and you don’t need to have your own product or deal with any customers.

If you’re a beginner in the online world, you can check out this training below that teaches you all about that. It’s how I got started and thanks to this method, I’m earning a full time income online.

Week 6 – Automation Strategies. That’s the name of the sixth and last week’s training, but it’s more of an outsourcing strategy rather than automation. Chris Luck shows you how to find experts in different fields that are in correlation with all the things that you need to implement into your membership website business. This can save you a lot of time along the way, but as you can probably imagine, it won’t be free.

2. Bonuses

Alongside the 6 weeks of in-depth training, you will get access to some bonus stuff as well such as:

– Traffic Bonus. This will help you organize and put into action what you’ve already learned within the main part of the training series.

– Template Bonus. You will get a bunch of built for you page templates made by Chris Luck.

– Workshop Bonus. Unlimited access to live monthly video sessions with Chris where you and all other members of the Membership Method will get the chance to ask him questions and get support when you need it.

– Master Mind Bonus. This grants you access to additional help and support from Chris and his experienced team alongside other successful members of this program. This way, you can always ask for feedback and assistance about anything related to your online business.

– Partnership Bonus. This bonus gives you the opportunity to become a Membership Method partner and promote the product in exchange for a $750 commission for each person that signs up using your affiliate link.

Membership Method Price & Refunds

what is the membership method

This product comes with a price tag of $1497 or 6 monthly installments of $297 however, if you’re from Europe or anywhere else outside the US, you will most likely end up spending even more than that (a couple of hundred extra) because of VAT taxes so be mindful of that.

As with all products and services that are being offered through ClickBank, you will get a 60-day full money-back guarantee with Membership Method. So, if for any reason you decide to make the purchase but end up wanting your money back, you can do so within that 60 day period.

That’s just a guarantee from ClickBank. Chris Luck, however, has his own money-back guarantee alongside this one. For 12 months after you buy this product, you can get all you’re money back if you haven’t achieved any results using the Membership Method. It sounds to me like he is pretty confident about his member’s success rate.

What I Like About Membership Method

what is membership method

1. It’s an All in One Platform. With the exception of a few things that have to be outsourced, Chris Luck has made sure to provide you with an extensive, in-depth and easy to follow guide on creating a profitable membership website.

Everything you need is in one place, and if something has to be outsourced, he makes sure to navigate you and show you EXACTLY what you need to get in addition
. That way you’re never left to wander alone into the unknown as you always have a guide to follow.

2. 12 Months Guarantee. At first, I thought that this was some sort of a typo, but it wasn’t. Chris Luck is giving you a year’s time to successfully create a Membership Website or you’re money back.

3. Community Access & Regular Updates. You can get ahold of Chris or his team of experts anytime you have some sort of an issue or just general questions. It shows that the founder of the Membership Method is looking out for his members and by regularly updating his training, he ensures that everything is kept to date and no method that he teaches becomes outdated.

What I Don’t Like About Membership Method

1. Too Expensive. The price tag can put off a lot of people and for some, even if they wanted to they couldn’t afford it. Let’s face it $1,497 is a lot of money for some and not everyone can afford to pay that much for a course.

And if you decide to pay $297 for six months it ends up being $280+ more expensive than if you’d pay the whole sum in one time. On top of that, there will be additional expenses such as outsourcing your work or even using paid ads if you decide to go down that road.

There are going to be a few tools that you would need to pay yourself along the way because the Membership Method does not provide them for you.

2. Even though the training course is beginner-friendly, this method is still one of the hardest ones to get into. In other words, it can be really difficult and frustrating for a beginner to start off right away with a membership type of website.

There’s a lot of customer service work involved and you need to make sure that your client is always satisfied if you want to keep them paying you each and every month and that can be really hard and time-consuming, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing and have no experience with that.

My Recommendation

My recommendation, for all you beginners out there is first, don’t start off with such an expensive training course. You risk the chance of ending up not liking the whole process and that can be a waste of time for you. Plus getting your money back doesn’t always happen fast, so keep that in mind too.

Second, you should start off with something easier such as Affiliate Marketing. This can help get your feet wet, rather than straight-up diving in, which can give you more flexibility and time to actually find out if this online thing is really for you or not.

I know that this internet digital nomad thing sounds wonderful and all, but sometimes it’s not what it seems to be at first glance. 

Check out how these people are banking profits using a simple yet incredibly effective 4 step blueprint that so many internet marketers neglect and it’s costing them money

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