What Is Commission Magnets

Can you really start generating commissions online on autopilot with this digital program? Remove all of the hard work that comes with Affiliate Marketing and focus on watching that bank account grow. Before we find out what is Commission Magnets REALLY all about, you should know that some review websites out there praise this product like it’s the most incredible done for you system ever created and there is a good reason for that.

You see, Commission Magnets has a lucrative commission structure that rewards generously each affiliate that lands them sales. Just a head’s up, if you stumble upon similar reviews, take into consideration that they may be saying all these good stuff for the sake of making money.

I would like to point out that I’m not affiliated with Commission Magnets in any way whatsoever. Within the next few minutes, expect to learn everything about this platform including some shady facts that no one talks about.

Commission Magnets Review Summary

Product Name: Commission Magnets

Product Creators: Omar & Melinda Martin

Product Type: Done for You System

Price: $297 + Upsells

Overall Score: 65/100

Recommended: Only if you are willing to buy into the upsells, otherwise it’s not recommended

Summary: Commission Magnets is a done for you affiliate marketing program and it includes ready-made landing pages, funnels, marketing campaigns, tools, and training. It all revolves around making it as easy as possible for you to promote other people’s products.

In a nutshell, they claim to do all the marketing for you. Commission Magnets can ease things up for you, however, if you want to truly take advantage of this product, you need to be prepared to spend way more than $297. Even if you decide NOT to buy into the optional upsells (which are basically essential if you want to take full advantage of this service) you still have to consider the fact that you will have to pay for your traffic and that’s not cheap either. 

Quick Navigation

Commission Magnets Review SummaryWhat’s Inside Commission Magnets?
What Is Commission Magnets About?Commission Magnets Price, Upsells & Refunds
Is Commission Magnets a Scam?Commission Magnets Pros & Cons
Who Created Commission Magnets?My Recommendation

What is Commission Magnets About?

Commission Magnets is about making it as easy as possible for people to generate commissions promoting products and services that they do not own using affiliate network websites, such as Jvzoo.

They offer convenience by making sure that each member gets instant approval for a few of the top converting affiliate programs inside Jvzoo. This removes the waiting time and ensures that you start off with a bunch of products that are ready for you to market online.

They have a step by step training videos that teach you how to navigate inside the membership area and take advantage of the done for you pages. Omar & Melinda promise that you can start generating commissions without having a list of subscribers, without creating any products of your own and by removing all the manual work of setting up a funnel with their done for you system.

According to their sales page, the only skills that you need to achieve great success is copying and pasting their materials. That’s a big exaggeration. even if they do provide you with all the templates and pages that you need to have for a successful campaign, there is still a lot of work that comes with achieving success with Affiliate Marketing

Is Commission Magnets a Scam?

what is commission magnets - is it yet another hardcore scam?
One thing’s for sure when it comes to Commission Magnets which is that this service is definitely NOT a scam. There is a lot of value that you can get inside however, the sales page is way too hyped up and can leave people with the wrong impression that it’s going to be easy for you to start making affiliate commissions.

Odds are, that if you are a seasoned affiliate marketer, you won’t really need to use their pages and funnels, because you already know what’s working and what’s not. If you’re a beginner, then this can simplify the whole process but it comes with a hefty price tag and it will require hard work from your end nevertheless.

The truth is that nowadays with all of the technological advancements, it’s become extremely easy for people that have no computer knowledge to build beautiful landing pages and awesome websites
. The hard part is getting traffic to these pages.

Even if you have the perfect sales funnels, landing pages, and all that good stuff, without visitors to your offers to see and experience them first hand, there is no point in having them. Buying visitors is usually an expensive way of kickstarting your online journey and if you’re not careful, it can make a gaping hole in your wallet.

Who Are Omar and Melinda Martin?

Omar and Melinda Martin are serail digital product creators with +15 products and services online. They’re also the owners of a company called Higher Level Strategies which is all about helping online entrepreneurs and companies by providing a wide range of services from private mentoring/coaching to development of personalized software solutions.

Before jumping into the online world of endless opportunities, Omar was a physician’s assistant. Back on the 11th of September 2001, he lost his partner David who was on duty that dreadful day and that’s when he decided to step away from his career and move to Orlando Florida, where he got a job as a door to door salesman.

The person who interviewed him was no other than his later wife to be, Melinda. She knew all about selling and over the years, Martin learned a lot from her. The door-to-door business had them move from city to city on a regular basis.

They were highly successful in this endeavor until 2003 when it all came downhill for them. That’s when they ended up in Lindenhurst New York, broke and homeless. 3 years later in 2006, they both decided to settle down in Florida and took onto corporate 9-5 jobs

Due to the vast accumulation of debt throughout these 3 years of unsuccessful door-to-door sales, one day Omar found himself trying to sell some of his garage inventory on eBay and that’s when their online journey began. After buying an online ebook, and got a bunch of follow up emails, he discovered e-mail marketing and fell in love with the process that got him to buy several more ebooks.

Fast forward 18 months later and a lot of sleepless nights, Omar decided to quit his job as he was now making over $30K/month. Shortly after that, Melinda quit her job as well and began helping Omar to build up his business by answering support tickets for their newly founded company Higher Level Strategies. More than a decade later, in 2018 they created a membership site called Commission Magnets. 

What’s Inside Commission Magnets

what is commission magnets inside -

Commission Magnets comes with a variety of different things and an abundance of bonus offers. Here is everything that you will get inside:

1. SIx hours of over the shoulder training by Omar
. He walks you through the process of gathering cold leads and converting them into a warm audience that’s ready to buy with the help of bridge pages.

2. Jvzoo Approval Codes – This gives you 19 more pre-approved products to promote, giving you a total of 26 programs and services in your affiliate “baggie” which gives you plenty of options to choose from.

3. 40 Bonus Product Giveaways – You get access to 40 products that will spice up your affiliate promotions and entice people to purchase through your links in return for these giveaways. These digital product bonuses come in the form of text documents, videos, PSD documents, and graphics. You get private label rights to each one, which allows you to freely distribute them throughout your promotional content.

4. Bonus Pages – You have a bunch of bonus pages that are focused to convert lookers into buyers. You can customize and personalize them by changing the headlines and inputting your affiliate links inside. Every bonus page is cloud-hosted by Commission Magnets, which saves you a bit of money for hosting expenses, buying domain names, and all that techy stuff.

5. Cloud Hosted Download Pages – You have the option to send your visitors to a download page which gives you the opportunity to lead them through the so-called sales funnel AKA a series of web pages with the goal of converting people into buying customers. 

6. Traffic Conversion Focused Materials – Each of your bonus pages comes with 6 pre-written sales letters that are focused on sending out emails to your potential customers. In other words, you have your email marketing letters ready to go.

7. Built-In Stats and Tracking Options – This lets you easily track your bonus pages to see which ones are converting the best and which ones aren’t. Tracking and analyzing how your content performs is an important aspect of your campaign because if you end up spending money, you should do that for the most profitable pages. The stats and tracking options lets you identify them.

8. Facebook Friendly Links – Due to facebooks many restrictions on marketing, it’s really easy to get your links and content banned and many people struggle with that. Apparently, Commission Magnets, remove that issue from the table because their pages strictly abide by Facebook’s rules and regulations.

There’s a couple of upsells along the way, which unlock some of the features inside Commission Magnets such as your JVzoo approval codes and your tracking options. In all honesty, they bring a lot of value to the initial or front end product, and without them, this program loses a lot of its value

Commission Magnets Price, Upsells and Refund

Commission Magnets comes with a $297 price tag and there is a 30-day full money-back guarantee.

what is commission magnets about - 30 day money back guarantee

Unfortunately, the refund option only covers the front end product without the extra offers. So, if you want to buy the upsells, keep in mind that there is no turning back on that decision. That’s why I think that it’s important to learn all about them and what they represent. Which is what this next part is going to be all about.

Upsell #1 – MyUnfair Advantage

MyUnfair Advantage is basically, everything these people have ever created online brought together in one place. It comes at a price of $37/Month or a one-time payment of $297. It includes a lot of things such as additional training, software tools and recourses that can help you out along the way such as:

1. Live Weekly Coaching. They do one live coaching every week and have been doing so since 2010. Inside MyUnfair Advantage, they have well over +330 saved replays of their weekly coaching. Inside, they discuss different marketing tactics, methods and give people the chance to ask questions and get answers. The duration of these live coaching webinars usually lasts between 2-4 hours. 

2. Facebook Live Streaming. They simulcast these live weekly sessions inside their members-only private Facebook group. Alongside watching these presentations, people can discuss different events, share knowledge, experience and communicate with like-minded people.

3. Access To The Archives. You will get access to every prerecorded webinar over the years since 2010. That’s more than +330 training sessions for you to watch and enjoy. Of course, not all of them will be worthwhile seeing, because some of the methods and techniques that used to work years ago are outdated and pretty much useless nowadays.

4. Step By Step Product Creation Course. This is a training course that will teach you how to create your very own digital product. You will get the chance to observe as Omar creates a digital course and sets up everything else that is essential to your success along the way in a matter of hours.

5. List Bolt. This is an email marketing training that will teach you how to grow an email list from scratch. This is actually the product created in the Product Creation Course.

6. Sales Pages. These are done for you sales pages plus training on how to sell digital products to any type of audience with ease. 

7. Membership Site Mini-Course. In this course, Melinda will teach you how to create membership sites that generate a recurring income online. You will learn how to create encrypted and password protected membership websites using WordPress builder.

8. Launch Superstar & Affiliate Superstar Training. This course will introduce you to Jvzoo’s owners in a 6 series of videos that will reveal how top-selling marketers operate to achieve that high amount of success. You will learn all about product launching and Affiliate Marketing.

Upsell #2 – A.C.E.

This upsell is basically a license to resell and keep 100% of the profits made from the core products. A.C.E stands for Automated Commission Enterprise and the price of this upsell varies depending on the access that you would like to have but it starts from $297 and can go all the way up to $697. This is what you will get for the FULL access of A.C.E. below:

what is commission magnets about - ace upsell

1. Instant Affiliate Approval – Instead of waiting around to be approved for each and every product, inside Jvzoo, you will get an instant approval for 7 core digital products chosen by Omar and Melinda.

They have managed to make a deal with 7 product creators/vendors to let every member of Commission Magnets promote these high converting offers. On top of that, you get to keep all 100% of the profits.

2. Access to 115 Pre Built Funnel Email Campaigns – They handle all of the email marketing aspects for you, which saves you a lot of time and effort along the way.

3. Done For You Jvzoo Sales Funnel – This brings you pre-build pages with automatic integration tools that work with all of Jvzoo’s offers.

4. Automaton Portal – This is a dashboard that helps you track your stats, links, promotional materials and all your marketing campaigns in one place. It can help in keeping you well organized and allow you to look at what’s going on inside your business in a “birds-eye” kind of view.

5. Pre Build Marketing Materials – These are all tools and resources that you would need to convert traffic into sales.

6. Traffic Training Videos – In this training, they teach you how to bring in loads of free and paid traffic from various platforms using different techniques. They show you how to do the work and if you’re willing to put in what it takes, there is no stopping you.

However, the free traffic methods that they teach you, most likely will not be as effective because if they provide you with ready-made content or even article spinners, this can have a negative impact on your efforts. All the other members of this program are going to be using the same articles as you, which can result in duplicate or even plagiarized content.

If you decide to use an article spinner or any other similar tool, this will result in poor quality content. Google and the other search engines will look down on that.

In most cases, this will result in you NOT achieving that free traffic and force you to spend money out of your own pocket for paid advertisements to get more eyeballs on your promotions. If you want to avoid all that and learn the TRUE way of generating passive income using free organic traffic, click here.

7. Access To The IM Clinic
– This training covers the 4 most commons reasons why users get stuck and fail to progress. If you ever end up experiencing any of them, you just need to watch the training to learn how to overcome these obstacles in the most efficient and fast manner possible.

8. This is a 60 Day Personal Email Access to Omar – This can give you some advantage and a boost in the right direction. If in doubt, just shoot him a private message to his personal email. As long as it’s within 60 days of your purchase, he should reply and help you out in whatever way that he can.

What I Like About Commission Magnets

what is commission magnets - pros and cons
Commission Magnets comes with a variety of value, and I will be focusing more on that below. There’s a bunch of things that I like about this program that can make it more convenient for you to kickstart your business and they are:

1. You, Will, Get Instant Approval for a Lot of Affiliate Products. Assuming you purchase the upsells that come in addition to Commission Magnets, of course. This can truly be a great thing because, most vendors tend to shy away from beginner Affiliates, especially on Jvzoo. It can be really difficult to make a breakthrough over there.

2. You Have Built-In Sales Funnels and Pages. This can save you some time during the process of creating your own, and if you don’t really know how to go about creating one, it can just all of that work for you. 

3. You Have 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. Even if you don’t really trust the owners of Commission Magnets, they are backed up by one of the world’s biggest affiliate marketplaces, Jvzoo. This gives you a chance to try the program virtually risk-free. If you end up not liking it, just ask for a refund and you’re golden.

What I Don’t Like About Commission Magnets

1. There’s a lot of hype that comes along with this product on their sales page. Sentences such as “If you can copy and paste then you’re overqualified” or ” You’re customers are going to be throwing money at you” can mislead a lot of beginners into making them think that it is going to be extremely easy to make money with Commission Magnets.

Just buying their products, won’t guarantee anything. They even have it imprinted in their huge earnings screenshots just above their bold statement that you just have to “focus on your earnings while they do all the work for you” which is simply not true. 

what is commission magnets about - disclaimer

2. It’s Way Too Expensive. Just buying the front end product which is a one time fee of $297 won’t be enough to truly take advantage of all the tools, training and resources that Commission Magnets can provide for you.

For example, if you want to utilize the instant approval aspect of this program, you need to purchase the A.C.E upsell which can come at a price tag of as high as nearly $700. Add these costs to the amount of money that you need to spend for ads to get traffic on your “done for you” pages and you’re looking at an investment of more than $1300+ for something that may or may not work for you.

Remember, you don’t have the option to get your money back if you buy any of the refunds. The money-back-guarantee applies for the main product ONLY

3. Free Traffic Training Will Not Work. In my opinion, the free traffic training that they have outlined over there can serve only as guidance to teach you what you need to do. All the automation tools in the world, will not make it easier for you do drive traffic.

Bottom line is that if you want to get these organic visitors to your offers, without spending any money, you will need to put in a lot of upfront work. Quite frankly, you can learn all about that for free online, so there really is no point in getting this course if you’re in it just for the free traffic methods that they teach you. 

My Recommendation

If you are a beginner, you can be easily misled by Commission Magnets sales page that it will be very easy to make money online with them, when in reality that’s just not true. Not only that but with the upsells it can become a very expensive investment.

Yes, they are optional but without them, the initial product loses a lot of its value and just buying Commission Magnets alone, is not worth it. There is a better and WAY cheaper alternative to this that involves free organic traffic generation and does not require any upfront investment to start with.

Find out how these people are banking profits using this incredibly effective yet simple 4 step blueprint that so many are neglecting and lose out on money because of that.

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