True Trader Review

Welcome to my True Trader review. Can you really make money online with Dan Parker’s course, and is it worth joining his community?

There are so many low quality platforms out there looking to take your hard earned money.

That’s why it’s important to know exactly what you’re getting into before you decide to commit yourself, especially when it comes to high ticket programs such as this one.

By the time you’re done here, you will know if Dan Parker’s True Trader is worth your time or just another scam to avoid.

Here’s what you need to know. Leaving your soul sucking 9 to 5 job is likely one of your main priorities.

Being able to work on your own time, for yourself, and being your own boss is what most people looking to make money online are interested in. 

Dan Parker’s course could help you with that, however, there are a lot of things you need to know and understand before you decide to part ways with your hard earned money and invest in this opportunity

Let me point out that I’m not affiliated with True Trader in any way or form, so don’t expect a thousand low quality bonuses for joining through my links because you won’t find any.

Ready? Let’s get started…

True Trader Review Summary

Product Name: True Trader

Product Owner: Dan Parker

Product Type: Day Trading Program

Product Price: $695, then $149/Month

Overall Score: 40/100

Recommended: Not Really!

Summary: If you are like most, one of the main reasons why you want to get into day trading is to achieve a certain level of financial freedom.

With that in mind, it’s important to know how much you would have to spend to get to a point where you no longer have to work for anyone else but yourself.

If you don’t have at least $20K, there is no point in considering this particular day trading program.

Dan Parker teaches others how to use a strategy called scalping, which is the practice of exploiting small changes in currency prices by reselling them at a profit.

It’s the fasted way to earn money in the trading space. Since you’re dealing with small, frequent trades, you will have to invest in volume to make it worth your while.

Personally, the entire trading space looks more like gambling than anything else. No one truly knows when a stock will go up or down, hence the bigger risks.

It’s without a doubt that many people have managed to earn a lot of money with day trading, but there are tons of others that have experienced losses beyond repair as well.

On the upside, True Trader teaches one of the most high reward, low risk trading tactics out there.

If investing over $20K does not feel comfortable to you, but you’re still interested in learning how to make money online and creating a thriving online business, you should see this cost effective alternative below.

What is True Trader?

True Trader has everything you need to learn and master day trading. There’s a masterclass course created by Dan Parker, daily live stream screen share sessions, an online scanner, and an indicator set, which serves as a tool to help you find the perfect setups for conducting trading deals. According to the True Trader platform, by enrolling in it, you will learn the following:

1. You will know exactly where to enter and exit.

2. When and where to act.

3. When to just sit and wait patiently.

The lack of patience is one of the most common reasons why day traders lose money. It’s one thing to know when to skip a trade deal, it’s another to do it.

Sometimes, the thrill, adrenaline, and rush that comes with day trading can get the better of you.

These are all basic things that every trader needs to know. Let’s get more technical and explore the exact method that Dan Parker is leveraging to help his students make money online.

What is Scalping?

Investopedia says that scalping is a way to make small quick profits that can add up over time. Traders profit by reselling currencies and capitalizing on the small price changes that occur many times throughout the day.

One of the biggest drawbacks of scalping is that one mistake could wipe out all your other smaller gains. That’s why you need to have a great exit strategy in place.

Otherwise, you could significantly increase your risk of losing a lot of money. The embedded tool inside True Trader is designed to help you make it as easy and effortless to do your day trading as it can be.

Most importantly, you need to have the willpower to keep on buying and reselling currencies in large quantities. The more long term you think, the higher your chances of success get.

Is True Trader a Scam?

True Trader is not a scam, but there are many red flags you should be wary of. For instance, there’s very little information out there about the founder of this platform, Dan Parker.

He has no social media presence, almost no information about him online. The only place where you could learn about him is on Forbes and Entrepreneur magazine.

Keep in mind that anyone can pay to be featured on these publications, as long as they can afford it. I’m not saying that’s the case with Dan Parker. I’m only stating that it is possible.

Furthermore, he does NOT share his earnings with anyone. He only shows percentages, which means that no one truly knows if he is successful at what he teaches or not.

These things may not necessarily indicate that Dan Parker’s course is a scam, but it is cause for concern.

After all, you’re expected to spend a significant amount of money on both your education and on implementing what you’ve learned inside True Trader. 

If what you’re taught inside does NOT work, there is no point in wasting your hard earned money.

In any case, unless you can shed off at least $20K for this business venture, you should look for an alternative to Dan Parker’s course. My top recommendation is to explore affiliate marketing.

It’s the EASIEST, cheapest, and one of the most rewarding online business models out there. If you have passions, hobbies, and interests, you can learn how to monetize them and help others at the same time.

What’s Inside True Trader?

true trader review inside

True Trader is a platform of like minded individuals that share one common goal-succeeding in the trading space.

Dan and the other instructors are focused on helping their students become profitable traders by identifying KIP’s (Key Inflection Points).

Each morning, Dan goes live to confirm that these KIP’s are accurate, and he does it in front of all his students.

As part of your membership, you will get perks like a trading plan 15 minutes before the market opens, Dan’s method for working only 1 hour a day, True Trader scanners, and more. Here’s everything else you should expect as a paying member of this platform.

Chat Room

The chat room gives you access to a ton of traders, both professional experts, and newbies alike. If used properly, you can find out who to follow and replicate their success to the best of your abilities. In some chat rooms, like the pro trading room, you won’t be able to post anything.

That’s where floor traders and moderators share advice on what to do to maximize your earnings. Getting advice from people that are already where you want to be is paramount to your success. It’s one of the best ways to speed up your progress and avoid a ton of mistakes while you’re at it.

Masterclass Course

If you already have basic knowledge of trading, then this masterclass course is perfect for you.

However, if you still don’t know exactly what you need to do, there’s a separate mini course that goes over basic trading lingo, what your job is going to look like, and more.

Dan Parker’s course is all about aiming for a profit of at least 2% and up to 5%. According to him, it’s realistic to achieve a win rate of 75%, with your average winnings being at least 2 times larger than your losses.

It all seems pretty good, which is exactly the point.  You see, gurus like Dan have to make their courses and training programs as lucrative as possible.

In many cases, this means exaggerating (a bit) about what it REALLY takes to succeed. The above mentioned statistics are entirely doable, however, MOST people will not get similar results.

Trading Platforms

Dan is a big fan of the trading platform ThinkorSwim. Apparently, its simplicity of use and user friendly interface make it a great platform to work with. Another option is Lightspeed. It’s one of the biggest trading platforms out there.


There are a bunch of tutorials inside that can show you how to navigate within the trading platforms. If you want to get regular updates whenever someone you follow posts something, it can be arranged.

Don’t want to hear from someone? You can block them. If you’re interested in learning how to set up your charts and the basics of candlesticks, these tutorials are perfect for you.

How Much Does True Trader Cost?

It costs a one time fee of $695 plus $149/month after 60 days. This will unlock access to the training, tools, and video tutorials that can help you become a great trader.

However, you will still need to invest a hefty sum of $20-$25K to start with. Otherwise, you will have to make bigger trades, in small quantities, which is way riskier.

Can You Get a Refund?

True Trader has a 30 day PARTIAL refund policy. If you pay for a 3 month or 12 month subscription and decide to cancel your membership, True Trader will reduce it to a monthly plan and refund the difference.

What I Like About True Trader

1. You Can Get Started Fast. As long as you have the funds to do so, you can begin trading immediately after you buy this platform.

2. You Get Live Training Sessions Every Day
. This can keep you motivated and educated at the same time.

3. The Methods Inside are Not That Risky.
Since you will be investing small amounts of money in larger quantities, the overall risks are reduced a lot compared to other forms of trading.

What I Don’t Like About True Trader

1. You Need a Lot of Money to Get Started. For most people, $20K as a bare minimum is a pretty large sum of money. Not everyone would be willing to risk losing that much. It’s important to remember that this business venture, just like any other, comes with its own risks and ZERO guarantees of success.

2. There’s No Way of Knowing How Profitable Dan Really is
. Since he declines to share his earnings and losses, there’s no way to find out if what he is teaching actually works for him. If it did work that well, maybe he wouldn’t bother with creating an educational platform.

3. Very Little Information About Dan Parker. Since he is running an online business, it’s only natural to have some presence online. At least that’s how I see things. Take Preston James from Money Press Method, for example. He is a trading guru with a big social media presence and following.

Is There a Better Alternative?

If you’re interested in trading and that’s the only thing you’re passionate about, then True Trader may be for you.

As long as you can afford to spend and risk losing a minimum of $20K, I don’t see a reason why you shouldn’t try it out and see if the scalping method that’s taught inside will work for you.

However, I do think that there are better ways to start a profitable online business, especially if you’re on a budget.

When I got started with making money online a while back, I couldn’t afford to spend a lot on education, tools, and resources.

That’s why I found a way to spend my free time wisely, in a profitable way. If that sounds like you, and you’re hungry for a change, then you should see my top recommended platform below. 

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