Titan Network Review – Amazon FBA

Welcome to my Titan Network review. This is an Amazon FBA training program designed to help you grow and scale your online business. Here’s what you need to know.

By the looks of it, this is a high-ticket, expensive platform that unlocks access to a community filled with like-minded people expert sellers, and all additional resources that you may need to accelerate your growth. 

Does that mean that it’s the right solution for you? It depends on a lot of things. That’s why reviews like this one exist.

By the time you’re done here, you will know exactly what Titan Network is all about so that you can make an educated decision if it’s the right platform for you or not.

Let me point out that I’m not affiliated with this Amazon FBA training program, and I won’t be offering a thousand bonuses for joining through my links because there aren’t any.

This is a brutally honest evaluation with zero hype and exaggerations.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Titan Network Review Summary

Product Name: Titan Network

Product Type: Amazon FBA Training Program

Product Owners: Dan Ashburn & Athena Severi

Product Price: $5,000+ 

Overall Score: 55/100

Recommended: Not For Beginners!

Summary: If you’re already familiar with Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA) and you have an operational business in that space, but you’re not getting the results that you want, then maybe you can benefit from Titan Network.

Inside, you will get everything that you need to grow your existing online business. From accountability coaches that push you to continue, even if you feel unmotivated or lazy, to strategic advice, support, and access to logistic benefits as a bonus for being part of the Titan Network.

You need to prepare a solid chunk of cash if you want to take complete advantage of everything that you’re being offered inside this program.

The front-end price for becoming a member is not the only investment that you will be required to make.

There are numerous tools that you will most likely have to buy to ensure your progress and growth as an FBA business owner.

Even with the discounts that you will be entitled to as a member of this program, you should be prepared to spend up to $10,000 or more altogether.

If you’re a beginner there are other cost-effective and more suitable ways to leverage Amazon and create an online business.

What is Titan Network?

It’s a fairly new platform created by top eCommerce and FBA experts for Amazon sellers that are looking to scale their current earnings and reach new levels of income through hard work and collaboration with the community inside Titan Network. 

According to the sales page, you will be tapping into a group of successful entrepreneurs and industry experts eager to help newcomers and the less experienced in achieving their income goals as fast as they can. 

This can help you push through the difficulties of being an Amazon seller because, in theory, you could always get help when you’re struggling or feeling stuck.

If you’re already a business owner, then you probably know that there are a lot of things that you need to do to get to a point where you are earning more money than you’re spending. It’s not easy to do that, especially with FBA, where the overhead expenses can add up quickly. 

If you’re wondering how much it can cost to start selling on Amazon, you can take a look at JungleScout’s article to get a better understanding of the potential spendings that can occur. 

Remember that the price for joining Titan Network is excluded in the above-mentioned report, which means that you have to consider that as well before you decide if this is the right opportunity for you. 

FBA’s high cost is one of the most common problems that people deal with. That’s why you need to be fully aware of your outgoings. 

My Experience With Titan Network’s Application Process

The application process that’s meant to see if you qualify for joining this program is nothing but a useless form to find out if you can actually afford to pay for the membership. It doesn’t really matter what kind of answers you give to 95% of the questions.

Just like with other similar programs, this form is in place to get you feeling special when they tell you that you’ve qualified for their exclusive invite-only group.

I went through the entire application form and gave incredibly meaningless answers to most of the questions, just to see what will happen. About 5 minutes after completing the form, I got the following email from one of the team members inside Titan Network.

Titan Network email from Dan Ashburn

I’ve reviewed hundreds of courses and programs that can help people make money online with various business models, including FBA, and I’ve been exposed to similar marketing tactics many times.

The false sense of ”you are special” that they try to induce in you to increase the odds of getting on a phone call with them is the only thing that I personally dislike about their application process.

Is Titan Network a Scam?

titan network legit or not

No, it’s not a scam. It looks legit and credible. However, that doesn’t mean that Titan Network is suitable for absolutely everyone.

They want to appeal to beginner Amazon sellers and experienced FBA business owners alike, however, I think that this program is most suited for those that already have everything set up in place and are looking to scale their existing business.

There are many similar training programs such as Blue Sky Amazon by Sophie Howard, that may be more suitable for complete beginners.

Some internet marketers even offer to build your entire business for you. AMZDFY and Just One Dime’s Done For You services are a couple of ways to do that.

Even though I don’t recommend either of these programs, some people may find that this is just what they need. Everyone is different, and there is not a SINGLE solution that is perfect for absolutely everyone.

That’s why you should do your research and find out about the different ways that you can leverage the internet to make money. My preferred way of doing things is to promote other people’s products and services.

This can remove a lot of the initial obstacles that an FBA business presents, such as the heavy upfront investment, customer service issues that may arise, potential refunds on your products, and more.

Who Created Titan Network?

Dan Ashburn is the co-founder of Titan Network. He is an expert and branding, eCommerce, and marketing. According to his bio on LinkedIn, he has a ton of experience in Amazon FBA as a seller, content producer, and CEO of a company called Ignite Brands.  

It’s definitely safe to say that entrepreneurs can learn a lot of useful things from Dan Ashburn and he is more than qualified to teach people how to grow and scale their Amazon seller businesses.

Athena Severi is Titan Network’s other co-founder, and the founder of China Magic, a 12-day mastermind, mentoring, and product sourcing trip that’s being held every once in a while. It’s exclusively made for Amazon sellers.

What’s Inside Titan Network

The program offers numerous perks, training materials, support, and mentorship. When you join as a paying member, you will get immediate access to their private group, where you will be introduced to your Titan Mentor. He/she will hold you accountable throughout your journey.

Titan Network is supposed to be a 12-month commitment, which means that you shouldn’t expect instant results.

Instead, you will be required to put in hard work and commit yourself to long-term results. Here’s a breakdown of everything that you will get access to as a member of this program.

In-Depth Training

The training will cover basic to advanced FBA, including product selection, branding, patents, and trademarks.

You have the option to participate in 1 on 1 mentoring, but it’s going to cost you. However, all the support and help that you might end up needing comes with your purchase of Titan Network’s membership.

You also get access to monthly live monthly masterclass sessions alongside all other members of the network. If you can’t attend, you can watch a prerecorded version of the masterclass and every other lesson that was ever done since the beginning of this program.

Discounts & Perks

There are many tools and external resources that will make your life easier as an Amazon seller, and some that are mandatory for your success.

They all cost money, which is why as a member, you get access to exclusive discounts on a bunch of them.

Titan Network’s team will occasionally host special events. Some will be free to attend, and others will require that you buy a ticket, such as the China Magic event, which will be priced at a discounted rate for all members.

HPUCK Marketplace

This is a private network of verified buyers and a marketplace where you can get good deals on tools like the Helium10 chrome extension. Prices for that tool start at $97/month and can go up to $397/Month. As a member of Titan Network, you won’t have to pay that much.

Product Sourcing, Logistics, and Product Development

You can create, store, and ship your products with the help of a logistics team of 30 people. They will help you source products from China, Vietnam, Thailand, and more.

The team’s job is to ensure that the highest quality product standards are being met at all times. This can help with the reduction of refunds, customer complaints, etc.

How Much Does Titan Network Cost?

To find out the price of Titan Network’s membership, you need to go through a sales call with one of the members of their team. They could personalize a specific price based on your circumstances, and you may even get offered to pay in monthly installments.

The only way to find out how much it will cost you to join Titan Network is by scheduling a phone call. A good estimate of the program’s cost is between $5,000 – $10,000 or more. In any case, it’s definitely NOT going to be less than 4 figures.

What I Like About Titan Network

titan network pros vs cons

1. It’s Community Focused. This can increase the likelihood of achieving success much faster. By being able to communicate with people that share your goals and aspirations you can learn from one another. Networking with others in your line of business is always a good thing.

2. FBA is a Legit Business Model.
Many successful entrepreneurs thrive thanks to FBA. It’s sustainable, and it won’t go anywhere anytime soon.

3. The Founders Are Experienced
. Their online presence and relevant experience is a clear indicator that people can benefit from what they have to offer through their program.

What I Don’t Like About Titan Network

1. The Marketing Hype. It’s not as excessive as some other training programs that I’ve seen, but that doesn’t mean that I approve of their methods. In particular, the application process is a waste of your time. The only point of it is for Titan Network’s founders to find out if you can afford to invest a ton of money or not.

2. Not For Beginners
. In my opinion, the risk of losing your investment is way too big for beginners that have no experience with FBA, especially when I know that there are other ways to create an online business that’s not that costly or risky.

3. It’s Expensive. There are many extra costs that you may not even be aware of yet. By the looks of it, you will be upsold on a bunch of things once you become a member of Titan Network. This may not be a problem for some, but if you’re running on a tight budget, then this business opportunity is probably not the best option for you.

Is There a Better Alternative?

Unless you are extremely passionate about Amazon FBA and you KNOW without a doubt in your mind that this is the only thing that interests you, yes, there is a better way to start an online business as a beginner.

It’s less risky, sustainable and the entry barrier is significantly lower. You don’t have to create, store, and ship products, you do not get involved with customer problems, refunds, or complaints and you don’t have to spend any money to get people to see the offers or service that you’re promoting.

If that sounds interesting, then you should see how these people are banking profits using a simple yet incredibly effectible blueprint that most people neglect and lose out on that opportunity forever.

2 thoughts on “Titan Network Review – Amazon FBA”

  1. Joined Titan($8000-discounted)after being in ASM ($5000)shortly, then they Allured to join even as a beginner (supposedly for experience sellers only- lol). Went in there wasted a bunch of time working on things i could have otherwise done in ASM. Then to get real help from the experience members is a whooping $500/hr. They then turn around and blame you for for everything if you don’t get value . Lol.. No one wants to give real information for free, just vague water down info. Titan is just like another personal growth scheme preying on vulnerable people who wants to quit their 9-5, which they already know is most of the masses. On the phone call, Athena said, we’ll help you make million and millions of dollars ( that’s was the red flag, but it was a learning experience) would tell people stay away from them. Perhaps less expensive groups can give more value. ( and many others I spoke to outside the group felt it was a waste of money, so they could not wait for subscription to end and get out.!


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