Max Tornow’s Freedom Business Mentoring [In Depth Review]

Welcome to my Freedom Business Mentoring review. Can Max Tornow, also known as RSD Max, help you start an online business, or is this just another scam that you should avoid? 

Here’s what you need to know. This is a very expensive training course that’s geared toward helping coaches, consultants, or service providers.

In the free training video, Max talks about a little-known industry that’s worth 350 BILLION dollars according to Forbes.

What’s the industry?

It’s E-Learning, also known as online coaching and consulting. By taking advantage of his free training and then his paid coaching program, you too can benefit from this HUGE industry.

In exchange, you have to spend and risk losing a few thousand dollars.

Freedom Business Mentoring Review Summary

Product Name: Freedom Business Mentoring

Product Owner: Max Tornow

Product Type: Lead Generation and Coaching Training Course

Product Price: $3,000+

Overall Score: 35/100

Recommended: No!

Summary: Freedom Business Mentoring is a course that teaches lead generation methods and techniques. According to the sales page, Max Tornow’s coaching is suitable for those who are looking to grow their existing business, and newbies alike.

However, there’s a strong focus on consulting, coaching, and service providing, as the main source of your online income.

According to Max, most people have a hobby, interest, or passion that they can leverage and turn into a coaching program. All they need is the right guidance.

What if you don’t have any skills, passions, or hobbies? No worries there, as Tornow has got you covered. In his own words, this method works even if you have no experience or skill.

In its essence, Freedom Business Mentoring will teach you how to mass message people on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook, to generate as many free leads as you possibly can.

Most of the traffic generation content inside can be found for free online. The course is well structured and organized, but the low success rate for coaches in the industry makes this a much riskier venture than it needs to be.

Especially when you know that you have to shed upwards of $3K for this training program.

I think that there are other, more suitable, and cost-effective alternatives for those who want to create an online business.

What is Freedom Business Mentoring?

Freedom Business Mentoring is a 12-week training program that will teach you how to start your own coaching and service-based online business and generate traffic (web users) through social media, for free.

If you’re looking for a course that’s very similar to this one, with the only difference being that it teaches paid traffic generation methods, then you should see this High Ticket Coaching Academy review.

Max Tornow has created an in-depth course that will show you what it takes to become profitable by implementing a legitimate business model.

The sales page uses scarcity tactics, and implements urgency, with its numerous statements that there are limited spots available, or that the free training could become a paid course at some point, which is highly unlikely. 

As long as you can afford to pay for this course, there will be room for you, because Max Tornow has structured his entire business model in a way that there can never be too many members inside. 

The main concept of this program is to show you how to charge MORE money for your services.

Instead of working with many customers who pay low to mid prices, you will be helping a handful of people who are willing to pay thousands of dollars for your time.

That’s the gist of it.

Who is Max Tornow?

Max Tornow is a former dating coach and pick-up artist, born in Austria. A college dropout who moved to L. A. to pursue a career in international relationships advice.

After realizing that he is not the only one feeling trapped by society’s norm, to finish school, get a job for the better part of his life, and spend most of his time on earth stuck at an office desk, he decided to create his coaching course.

Freedom Business Mentoring was born through the idea of helping others achieve financial freedom, by being able to leverage the internet and work for themselves.

Nowadays, Max Tornow has helped more than 2000+ entrepreneurs in achieving their desired lifestyle.

His experience with coaching others, and helping them make money online, are worth mentioning. It’s safe to say that many people can learn a thing or two about sales, and generating revenue online.

Is Freedom Business Mentoring a Scam?

is freedom business mentoring a scam legit or not

Freedom Business Mentoring is NOT a scam. Max Tornow is teaching a real business model that works. However, I can’t recommend this course to anyone.

There are many misleading things on the sales page, that can confuse a lot of people, especially beginners, into thinking that this course is something that it’s not. I think that the price tag is way too big, and there are tons of things that are missing.

Max Tornow insists that as an online business owner, you should avoid using paid ads to generate leads for your business and that you should rely solely on social media outreach.

He launched a new training course called 30 Second Clients. It teaches how to create short 30-second videos and post them on TikTok and Instagram to drive traffic to your offers. It costs less than $3 bucks and it’s 100% a tripwire.

That’s the practice of offering leads a low-cost product intending to sell them more expensive products later.

The reason why Max Tornow is so focused on making sure that you don’t spend any money on ads is so that he can upsell you on one of his additional training courses, later down the road.

Think about it. He is advising you against doing what he does to make money online. That doesn’t make any sense. If it’s all about organic, free lead generation, why does the training inside Freedom Business Mentoring not mention SEO at all? 

From my experience, writing articles like the one you are reading right now, is WAY better for free lead generation.

If you LEARN how to produce content that ranks well on the search engines, then you can be targeting people with BUYER INTENT, which means that your conversions will be bigger, compared to most social media outreaching.

Once you manage to rank something, it usually stays on top of the search engine results page for a long time. In other words, this is one of the best ways for passive income generation.

What’s Inside Freedom Business Mentoring?

Freedom Business mentoring review inside

Inside Freedom Business Mentoring you will learn how to build your online coaching business from scratch, how to set up everything before you start organic lead generation through social media, and more. Here’s a breakdown of everything that you will be getting inside


Naturally, it all starts by setting up a foundation for your online business. This usually involves creating a web presence via a website and registering to all the social media platforms that you will be generating leads from.

Most of them will be free to join, however, business platforms like LinkedIn have a premium membership that can cost you.

Massive Self Confidence

This part is all about gaining the confidence that you need to make all the marketing and selling work for you. If you are lazy and unmotivated, then these video series can help you by boosting your self-confidence.

Making sure that you approach this or any other online business with the correct mindset will determine if you will be successful or not. If you don’t know WHY you are doing this it usually indicates a weak mindset.

If that’s the case, then you will probably give up as soon as things get difficult. The Massive Self Confidence part of the training inside Freedom Business Mentoring will ensure that you avoid that from happening to you.

Choosing Your Audience

Focusing on a niche market, and narrowing down on your audience is an important part of creating a successful business online. When you do that, it makes it much easier to locate where your audience hangs out the most.

Take Facebook for example. It’s a place where billions of internet users hang out. Naturally, not everyone will be interested in your offers, and services, which is why you need to have a good understanding of your audience.

This can help you locate niche-related Facebook groups, pages, etc. Before you learn about your audience, you need to know where it is. That way you can ensure that your organic lead generation attempts aren’t in vain.

Learn About Your Audience

This is where you will start doing your market research. You will get to join different groups, communities, and online hangouts.

That way, you can gather intel about your audience, and get to know their wants, needs, and overall behavior online. This is vital in ensuring that your online business is successful.

Find Pain Points

This is where you will learn how to spot the most common problems, and issues that your audience is dealing with daily.

The best way to do that is by careful examination and effective communication with your ideal audience. It’s way easier said than done, but with enough patience, and hard work, it’s doable.

Create and Validate Offer

To create a valuable offer, and ensure that it gets received well by your ideal audience, you should have completed all the above modules.

It was all leading to this part here. Without doing your market research, establishing the pain points, and learning about your audience, you can’t create the perfect offer.

It’s supposed to solve their biggest problems and make their life easier. This is what a good offer should look like.

Learn The Coaching Tools

This is where you will learn about coaching tools. These tools should help you create trust, and build authority with your audience, and potential clients.

It’s all about providing VALUE and getting things done the right way. This is also the part where you will learn all about sales funnels, and how to convert leads into sales, in the most efficient ways.

Accomplish Breakthrough

By now, you should already be seeing some decent results. Here, you will evaluate your recent successes, and establish a plan of action moving forward.

You need to be ready for every challenge that you may face in the future, and implementing the breakthrough coaching process is how you will achieve that.

Arrange Strategy Sessions

This is where you will show all your current, and future clients, that you truly know what you are doing with your coaching business.

Making regular check-ups or strategy sessions, to discuss the best course of action for your clients is essential if you want to keep them. 

How Much Does Freedom Business Mentoring Cost?

freedom business mentoring review cost

It comes with a minimum price tag of $3,000 however it could be more than that. It all depends on the outcome of the scheduled call with one of the sales team experts.

Once you set up that call, they will ask you a bunch of questions, like how much you are earning, whether are you willing to invest in yourself, and things like that.

It’s important to understand that your first point of contact will be with a salesperson, and they will follow a very aggressive script. You will be pushed to make the buy decision on the spot, and you have to be prepared that they will not take no for an answer.

These are trained people to create an environment where it will be hard for you to resist saying no. Remember, that when you’re dealing with salespeople, they will do whatever it takes to make you buy because they earn commissions for every sale they generate.

If at some point, you want to be left alone, you could either hang up the phone or just let the salesperson know that you can’t afford to pay for Inside Freedom Business Mentoring. Once they realize that they can’t get anything out of you, they will leave you alone.

Are There Any Upsells Inside Freedom Business Mentoring?

Yes, there is one upsell, and an option to become a private student. I’m fairly certain that the upsell inside Freedom Business Mentoring will teach all about paid ads with social media, and YouTube, plus everything else that Max Tornow is implementing in his own online business, but leaves out in the main training.

You should expect to pay at least $5,000 for that upsell. Not everyone can take advantage of the upsell. You have to earn at least $10,000 as a student of Freedom Business Mentoring before you are eligible.

Becoming a private student is even more costly than that, and it involves additional training methods that will teach you how to set up calls. Cold calling will be part of the learning process if you become a private student.

Can You Get a Refund on Freedom Business Mentoring?

There is a no-refund policy in place. This is something that most low-quality training programs and services have in common.

That’s why you should buy Freedom Business Mentoring ONLY if you are aware of all the negative consequences. One of them is the fact that you can’t get your money back under any circumstances.

What I Like About Freedom Business Mentoring

freedom business mentoring review pros vs cons

1. You Will Learn Lead Generation With Social Media. This is a free way to generate leads for any type of online business, and it’s a skill that can be useful to you.

2. The Business Model is Legit. Everything that you will learn inside, has the potential of generating revenue for you, which means that this is not a scam. No one will take your money and run for the hills, which is a good thing by itself. Especially when you consider the fact that many online scams will do that.

What I Don’t Like About Freedom Business Mentoring

1. It’s Way Too Expensive. The course costs a lot of money. A lot of people, especially beginners may think that just because an online course is expensive, it will yield great results, or that they won’t have to put in any work to become successful, and that’s just not true.

2. Aggressive Selling.
When you get to a point where you talk with a sales representative, you will be pitched a course that almost sounds too good to be true, and if you have any hesitations, they will be met with hard-selling, and you will be pushed into buying. The experience may not be pleasant for a lot of people.

3. No Refunds.
The fact that there are no refunds available, makes this investment way riskier than it should be. In my opinion, if a training course is of high quality, then giving people the option to get their money back if they end up disliking it, should be available.

4. It’s Not Beginner Friendly.
Even though the sales page, explicitly says that beginners can take advantage of this course, I think that it’s not worth the risk. No one who’s just getting started with making money should have to pay thousands of dollars for something that may not even work that well for them in the first place.

5. There is No Search Engine Optimization Training
. SEO is one of the best FREE ways for lead generation, and it’s not part of the training.

My Recommendation

I can’t recommend Freedom Business Mentoring to anyone, simply because I don’t believe that it’s a worthwhile course.

Based on everything that I know about this course, it’s obvious to me that a large portion of what’s being taught inside can already be found for free online. Paying thousands of dollars for something like that doesn’t seem that great to me. 

The price for quality is just not there. If you are looking for a better alternative, that can help you start an online business, with free lead generation methods, then you should see how these people are banking profits using a simple yet incredibly effective blueprint that most people neglect and lose out on that. Don’t be most people.

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