John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program

What is John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program all about? Is it just another BIG SCAM that’s trying to take your money? If you’ve seen this program’s sales page, then you should know about the 3 step process of making money online.

Step one is finding out how John Thornhill made more than 1,300,000+ and how to copy and paste the same methods that he used to generate that income. In step two he reveals his formula that can enable you to make more than $1,000+ every day with only one hour of work.

The final step will show you how to set up the system that will bring you leads and sales within less than 30 minutes of starting. Let me ask you, does this sound too good to be true? That’s because it is.

If you are a beginner and have no experience in the online business world, let me assure you right now, you will NOT start off by working one hour a day and be able to generate that much money. Only someone that has never dealt with similar training programs will not know that.

So, if you were expecting something else, I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but that’s how it goes. It’s way better to find out the bitter truth now than to waste your money and end up being disappointed in the end.

After careful examination of some of the reviews out there that talk about John Thornhills Ambassador program, I came to the conclusion that most if not all of them are trying to sell you this product by praising it and telling you how great and perfect it is.

In other words, these reviews are very biased and cannot provide you with a good point of view that outlines the good alongside the bad side of this program. Here’s the thing.

This is a high ticket digital product and comes with a great commission structure that can pay more than $1,000 per sale.

Meaning that if you end up buying this training after you’ve been convinced by a review that talks ONLY about how incredibly great it is, the guy/girl that has made this review will get a nice big juicy commission payment of over $1K. Let that serve as an eye-opener for you.

I am not affiliated with the Ambassador Program in any way, so what you’re about to find out today is what this training course is REALLY all about. No hype, no lies. Anyway, with that out of the way, let’s jump right into things.

John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program Review Summary

Product Name: John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program

Created By: John Thornhill

Product Type: Online Marketing Training Program

Price: $497 + Upsells 

Overall Score: 60/100

Recommended: Not For Everyone!

Summary: John Thornhills Ambassador Program is all about training you on different things such as “done for you traffic” methods, license to sell all of his products, keeping all of the profit generated, and various other things that will help in the promotion of this product.

If you don’t mind spending money on ads for paid traffic generation, and you are okay with promoting his products as an affiliate, then you can benefit from the training inside.

However, if you’re looking for a cost effective alternative that can help you start an online business following your passions, hobbies, and interests, see below.

What is John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program About

So, let’s find out what is John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program about by revealing a few core things related to this product and they are:

1. You get a license that enables you to promote this training course and keep 100% of the profits for yourself.

2. Access to a done for you evergreen webinar that does not get old as time goes by. It’s entirely conversion-focused and ready to make sales

3. A built for your website that’s ready to make you money and gives you the chance to recruit affiliates and share the profits with them at a 50/50 ratio.

4. Ready and built for your e-mail letters (99 of them to be exact) that you can send out to your list of subscribers. They are full of promotional materials.

They cover John’s product and some other online digital services. Unlike John Thornhill’s course that gives you all of the profit to yourself, you will get the chance to earn 50% of the revenue for each and every one of the extra products that you will be promoting to your list.

5. Advanced traffic generation training that gets regular updates and support.

This is basically an affiliate marketing training that teaches you how to promote the ambassador program. Nothing special here, I’ve seen this in many different online courses.

If you’re not interested in promoting John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program, you can still find some value in it, but you will be learning how to target web users interested in making money online, working from home, etc.

If that’s not your target audience, then you won’t be able to take full advantage of everything offered here.

Another thing that’s worth mentioning is that this program is kind of a prelude to John’s MAIN offer, which is called Partnership to Success, you can find out more about that and what it’s all about in my review, here.

Is John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program a Scam?

john thornhill's ambassador program
Even though this program is very hyped up and leaves you with the impression that you will make a lot of money fast and easy, I would still NOT classify John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program as a scam product. It can be misleading, but It does come with a lot of value in it.

A few things that lead me to believe that this is a legit course is the fact that John Thornhill is a REAL person and he’s the one behind this platform.

 He’s been in the industry for more than 17+ years and has been ranked as a top affiliate at JVzoo and ClickBank, both of which are famous online websites that connect digital product creators and affiliate marketers alike.

John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program recently got featured at number 2 out of the top 10 ClickBank products to promote, on their official Youtube channel. 

Being endorsed by such a big platform is a sure sign the program is legit and of high quality.

John has some case studies where his students talk about how successful they have become since joining up inside the program, however, there’s no real way to prove that they are not fake ones.

In case you’re wondering, many people pay other people to create fake testimonials for them, so this is not something that rarely occurs.

Since the program has been around for a long time, I doubt that it hasn’t helped a lot of people succeed in their attempts at making money online.

Price and Upsells

The price of the Ambassador Program is approximately $497 and comes with an upsell of his other training course, Partnership to Success which is a lot more expensive. It’s $4997 but can be spread out into 12 monthly installments.

What I Like About John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program

1. You Get to Keep All The Profits From His Product.

This may not be the case forever, but it is for now. With the license that you get when you buy this program, you can sell and promote it however you want and keep all of what you make for yourself. As a bonus, you get the chance to promote some other carefully selected online products and keep half of the profits.

2. There’s a traffic training.

Traffic generation is the HARDEST thing to do online. Creating a website is easy, creating your own product is not difficult too, but generating visitors for your offers is. It’s even more strenuous to get traffic that converts into sales.

That’s why having that kind of training in place is something that I like about the Ambassador Program.

3. John Will Promote Products On Your Behalf.

Over the course of 99 days, John will be sending out emails to each prospect that leaves their email on one of his squeeze pages.

During that time, he will put out promotions for different products and services NOT related to his Ambassador Program.

If someone decides to purchase any of these products, you will get rewarded with a percentage of profits via commissions. As long as you keep sending leads through his funnel, you could make money. 

What I Don’t Like About John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program

1. It’s Too Hyped Up

The sales page basically tells you how you can copy and paste his business model and be able to generate an insane amount of money fast, even if you’re a complete beginner. Odds are that this will NOT happen, especially if you’re a newbie.

John Thornhill already has a loyal following and people who look up to him. Meaning that if he decides to put out a promotion about something, people are WAY MORE likely to buy from him than from someone they’ve never seen before.

The reason for that is because nowadays it’s all about building trust and relationships with your potential customers.

Think about it, how can you spend so much money on someone’s training if you have no clue who he is, what he is about, and is he really THAT knowledgeable.

This brings me to the next thing that I don’t really like about the Ambassador Program.

2. It’s Expensive. 

Not everyone would be willing to spend nearly $500 on a course that teaches you how to promote it.

You can spend way less and learn how to build your own business within the Affiliate Marketing industry. Many people sell their courses for similar amounts and I guess that people buy them.

For me, charging so much is not that great, especially when you take into consideration that you can learn EVERYTHING about Affiliate Marketing for free on the internet.

Some people simply prefer to get all the info they need in one place, and I get that, but the information is there, you just have to do your research.

3. It’s a Warm Up for an Even More Expensive Product.

This program is all about selling someone else’s product. When you become part of it, you are going to be encouraged to join his ULTIMATE program that shows you everything you need to know about creating your own digital program and marketing it online. It’s a VERY expensive program with a price tag of almost $5,000.

You are being guaranteed a 100% success rate, but there’s a lot of shady stuff revolving around that guarantee which I talk about in my Partnership to Success Review, here

What I Recommend

If you’re interested in creating an online business by promoting other people’s products, I would NOT recommend spending that much money on something like that, without being fully aware of what you’re getting into.

John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program will teach you how to run paid ads online, which means that you will have to set aside a decent budget if you want to get faster results.

If you’re looking for a much cheaper alternative with the same high quality training but prefer to avoid spending money on paid ads, see how these people are banking profits using a simple 4 step blueprint that everyone is neglecting and it’s costing them money. 

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