Joe Robert’s Print on Demand Accelerator

Welcome to my review of Joe Robert’s Print on Demand Accelerator. Can you really learn how to start and grow your POD business online or is this just another scam? 

Here’s what you need to know. This is a high ticket course, which means that you can come across biased and one-sided reviews that will try to sell it to you, rather than help you make an educated decision.

That’s why I want to point out that I’m not affiliated with Joe Robert or any of his training programs inside POD Ninjas.

I will breakdown everything that you need to know about Print on Demand Accelerator and give you my honest opinion about it, without any hype or exaggeration.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Joe Robert’s Print on Demand Accelerator Review Summary

Product Name: Print on Demand Accelerator

Product Owner: Joe Robert

Product Type: Print on Demand Training, eCommerce Training

Product Price: $997

Overall Score: 70/100

Recommended: Yes!

Summary: This is an extensive training course that covers everything that you need to know as a beginner that’s just getting started with Print on Demand (POD).

It’s also suitable for those that are looking to scale their online business with this model.

You should know that you will probably end up spending money on paid ads to drive traffic (web users) to your eCommerce store, with no guarantees that it will convert into buyers.

You need a solid budget to ensure that you can stay on top of your expenses until you figure out what works best for you.

While Joe Robert and his course can definitely help you speed things up, this is by no means an easy way to make money online.

Just like any other REAL business model, this one comes with its own risks and expenses.

If you already have a POD business in place, or if you think that this is the best model for you, then Joe Robert’s Print on Demand Accelerator may be the right course for you.

However, if you’re a beginner looking for a cost-effective way to start your own online business that does not require a hefty upfront investment, then you should consider an alternative.

What is Print on Demand Accelerator?

It’s an online training course designed to help people get started with Shopify and build eCommerce stores leveraging the Print on Demand business model.

Joe Robert has an in-depth training that goes through all the relevant details that anyone starting out should know, such as choosing the right niches and targeting the right type of people that are most likely to buy.

His POD masterclass is also great for experienced eCommerce store owners that are looking to grow their Print on Demand businesses.

There are many platforms that you can use to set up your own digital store but in this case, Joe Robert is focused entirely on Shopify

This is something that you have to consider, especially if you already have your own store. If you’re using a different platform to manage your eCommerce store, then you won’t be able to take full advantage of everything that Print on Demand Accelerator has to offer.

What is Shopify?

Shopify is a company that offers online retailers a multitude of resources and services to conduct their business more efficiently.

It offers marketing, customer engagement, and various payment tools to ensure that sellers can increase their overall sales.

The idea of Shopify is to ensure that business owners have full control of their day to day operations and to make it easy as it can be for consumers to buy things from online stores hosted by that platform. It’s the all in one solution for eCommerce stores. 

What is Print on Demand?

Print on Demand is a business model where sellers collaborate with suppliers of physical goods to put their own designs on their products.

If you are a creative individual, POD can be a great way to bring your art to life by allowing you to place your designs on different products such as t-shirts, water bottles, mugs, etc. 

The good thing about this business model is that you don’t have to store inventory and there is no shipping involved.

It’s all handled by the supplier, which is why you have to make sure that you get in business with a credible and trustworthy supplier that does a good job of producing high-quality merchandise.

There are lots of moving pieces that you need to think about when it comes to Print on Demand. It can be challenging to try and learn everything on your own, which is why there are many courses created with the intention to help people get started.

One such program is Printable Profits. Print on Demand Accelerator is NOT one of kind, but the competition can be a good thing. It encourages course owners to always strive to outperform their competitors, which can greatly benefit the course buyers. 

Is Print on Demand Accelerator a Scam?

joe robert print on demand accelerator legit or not

No, it’s not a scam. It’s a legit training program that can help anyone interested in learning the ins and outs of the Print on Demand business model.

There are many student testimonials from people all over the world that have benefited greatly from Joe Robert’s Print on Demand Accelerator course. 

It’s also not a course created by someone that has no idea how to run a successful POD business. Unlike many other ”Gurus” out there, Joe Robert uses his OWN successful online stores as case studies throughout his course. 

In other words, you can learn from someone that is experienced at creating successful Shopify stores. Someone that knows what it takes to become successful.

However, that does not mean that you should jump right in and buy the Print on Demand Accelerator course. You have to be prepared to spend a decent amount of cash before you start seeing success.

Expenses such as your Shopify account and your ad spend have to be taken into account, along with the price that you have to pay to get access to this course.

Who is Joe Robert?

Joe Rober is an internet marketer, experienced in creating eCommerce stores on platforms like Shopify, Prinitify, and Printful. Before diving into Print on Demand, Joe tackled with adobe photoshop for a while, and eBay where he saw success selling e-cigarettes.

pod ninjas youtube channel

He is well known on Youtube with 29K subscribers and over 930K views. His channel launched back in October of 2018 and has been steadily growing throughout the years.

That’s partially due to the fact that Joe Robert uploads high quality, informative videos with the intention of helping people get acquainted with the Print of Demand business model.

He’s even featured on Printify, which is one of the biggest platforms that helps connect merchants with print providers from all over the world, making it very easy to operate a POD business. 

Joe Robert’s POD Ninjas

POD is Ninjas is a website created by Joe Robert, filled with resources information, and courses on, you guessed it, Print on demand. offers a lot of free value that can be very helpful for beginners in the industry, including a completely free course called 123 POD.

pod ninjas free course

There are a few paid courses inside his POD Ninjas website, that can teach you how to run Facebook ads, how to sell custom products with your POD store, mentorship, and his Print on Demand Accelerator course. Let’s find out more about his program by breaking it down completely.

What’s Inside Joe Robert’s Print on Demand Accelerator Course?

This course can teach you how to create niche stores on Shopify catered towards a specific audience. You will also learn how to create general stores that are suited for a broader range of people.

In my opinion, it’s way better to focus on a niche market, because it can be way EASIER to find traffic that is going to be interested in what you have to offer.

Since you will be working with Facebook ads, it’s important to target the right type of people. Knowing who they are and placing the right type of offer in front of the right kind of audience can ensure more sales and a higher return on ad spend.

You will also learn how to leverage Instagram Influencers to promote your products and merchandise, which can help you reach even more people. Here’s everything that’s included inside Joe Robert’s Print on Demand Accelerator course.

Module 1 – Welcome

This is the starting point of the Print on Demand Accelerator course. It’s supposed to give you an overview of what will be covered, help you set up everything including your ad copy for Facebook.

You will be introduced to a photo editing software called Photopea. Prices start from $5/month. The second part of module one is all about helping you choose a path that’s best suited for you.

You will learn exactly what is a niche market, and how it can affect your profitability. By choosing a niche you will be able to focus on a specific market by selling products related to that niche.

For example, if you decide to go with fitness, you can sell products related to that topic, such as sportswear, fitness water bottles, etc.

Module 2 – Shopify Store Mastery

It all starts with picking a name for your digital store AKA domain name and hosting provider. Then you will have to create a logo for your brand, set up your shipping details, add product descriptions, implemented branded trust badges, graphics, and build your product pages.

When you’re done with all of that, the next step is to create a testing store with all the relevant menus and pages inside. Then you will learn all bout conversion-boosting apps, like add Wheelio, Infinite Options, Loox, and Checkout + Add to cart Booster.

Once you’ve tested everything, you can create your niche store. In order to help learn how to identify profitable stores from low-quality ones, Joe Robert will review a bunch of them and you will be able to watch as he assesses their quality.

Another approach that you can go with is setting up a single product store, which is what the final lesson of this module is all about.

Module 3 – Winning Product Academy

This module covers tactics and techniques for choosing a winning niche. To help you get a better understanding of what that means, Joe Robert starts by explaining the science of selling. According to him, there are types of winning niches, and you can pick any one of them.

You will also learn how to research your niche, and you will get a worksheet that can help you select your niche market. Part two of this module covers everything about optimizing your niche and locating high margin winning products.

Then, Joe goes onto the ins and outs of creating designs. How to succeed at creating winning designs, the POD Ninjas method for creating winners, and how to incorporate viral content.

Module 4 – Facebook Ads Workshop

In this workshop-style module, you will get familiar with Facebook ads. Joe Robert will cover everything from ad objective, setting up lookalike audiences, campaign structures to Facebook pixel, and how to use it the right way.

Then he goes over an introduction to Facebook targeting, helpful audience insight tools, different targeting methods, and more.

One of the most important parts of this course is going to teach you about setting up campaign optimization ads (CBO). It helps with managing your budget and making sure that you don’t end up overspending on campaigns that aren’t profitable.

The next part of this course is all about testing and running page post engagement ads (PPE) and leveraging your knowledge of CBO to run effective PPE campaigns.

Then you will learn all about conversion campaign strategies, video ads, and how to scale winning products to increase your earnings.

Module 5 – Social Media Branding

Here you will learn how to create and grow Facebook and Instagram pages. You will get to know everything about posting on these two social media channels, including when to post and how to find content ideas.

Module 6 – Instagram Influencer Secrets

This module covers the basics of influencer marketing, how to target the right people, calculating page engagement, and assessing performance levels.

Case Study – $0 To $23384 in 10 Days

This is a case study, where Joe Robert shows you how he launched a store, picked a winning product, and made a bunch of money in 10 days.

He covers absolutely everything that he did, including the financial investments that he had to make, the failed Facebook ads the trial and errors of finding a good product, and everything that he did to generate over 23K in 10 days.

Bonus Content

Here are some additional things that you can get with your purchase of Joe Robert’s Print on Demand Accelerator course.

– Free Resources for Designs

– Your Logo

– Customer Customization

– A $1,000 Per Day Ad

– Additional Training

How Much Does Joe Robert’s Print on Demand Accelerator Cost?

The course comes with a price tag of $997. This gives you lifetime access to the program, which includes all upcoming updates. There is also a Facebook group for members only that you can join when you buy this course.

Can You Get a Refund?

Yes, you can. As long as you don’t watch more than 20% of the course’s content, and you ask for your money back within 7 days of your initial purchase, you can get your money back.

What I Like About Joe Robert’s Print on Demand Accelerator

print on demand accelerator review pros vs cons

1. It’s a Legit Business Model. Ecommerce is booming right now, which is why there are so many people trying to make it work for them. It’s definitely a viable way to make money online.

2. Joe Robert is Well recognized in This Industry. He is known as a successful owner of multiple POD businesses, which means that he is more than qualified to teach others.

What I Don’t Like About Joe Robert’s Print on demand Accelerator

1. The Price Tag. It can be too expensive for a lot of people, especially beginners. That’s why it’s probably a good idea to go through Joe’s free resources on his website if you’re not familiar with the business model, or if you’re generally unsure whether or not this is the right thing for you.

Is There a Better Alternative?

Print on Demand is a very competitive and risky business model. If you’re a beginner, or with a limited budget, then you probably want something safer, and cost-effective.

I think that affiliate marketing is one such alternative where you can create an online passive income business without spending a ton of money upfront and hoping for the best outcome.

If that sounds interesting then you should see how these people are banking profits using a simple yet incredibly effective blueprint that so many neglect and lose out on that opportunity forever.

2 thoughts on “Joe Robert’s Print on Demand Accelerator”

  1. I bought it and bought into the main program for approx £500 and it was useless. He never had one good thing to say about anything I did. Yet he continues to motivate those who are doing similar work. Hes a scammer. In my experience. Ive never used the training I paid for after a quick look and ssaw that its just more over priced garbage. Put it in a book and it would sell for $5.99 – with some good reviews?


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