Is Bocannaco a Scam

Did they try to recruit you yet? This hemp oil MLM business has been gaining a lot of popularity lately, and questions such as is Bocannaco a scam can often pop up in one’s mind. 

In this review, you will find out the TRUE nature of Bocannaco and what it’s all about, but before that, there is something important that you should know. You see, some people might try to recruit you by presenting this as an extremely rare business opportunity.

They could try to persuade you into joining by promising fast wealth, easy money, and things of that nature. They can exaggerate and lead you on into thinking that this is going to be something it’s not.

In other words, you should do whatever it takes to make sure that you know what you’re getting yourself into beforehand. 

Online success can come in many different forms, which is why it’s important to do the research and find YOUR way, before investing time, money, and resources on a seemingly good product.

Bocannaco Review Summary

Product Name: Bocannaco

Product Type: Hemp Oil MLM Business

Price: $99+ Yearly

Founders: John Daniels, Dr. Robert Lawrence, Barbara Lammons, and Mark Lammon

Recommended: Only For Those That Are Good At Recruiting Others

Overall Score: 45/100

Summary: Bocannaco is an MLM (multi level marketing) business opportunity that offers people who join, to sell their personalized hemp oil products to other people, and get others to join that business opportunity. The way that people make the most amount of money is MOSTLY by recruiting others.

When you recruit others, they become part of your “downline” and you will be making money from the efforts of your “downline” which is basically what MLM is all about. Bocannaco is a LEGIT opportunity, however, it’s recommended ONLY for certain people as not everyone will benefit from it.

Another risk factor is that his MLM company is brand new and most MLM’s usually don’t last more than a few years, due to the nature of the business that they conduct. It’s yet to be seen whether Bocannaco is here to stay or not. 

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Bocannaco Review SummaryWhat Are People Saying About Bocannaco?
What Is Bocannaco About?Can You Benefit From Bocannaco?
Who Created Bocannaco?What’s Inside Bocannaco?
Is Bocannaco a Scam?Bocannaco Pros
My RecommendationBocannaco Cons

What is Bocannaco About?

Bocannaco is a company that was founded in 2018, in Torrance, California. According to them, they have the world’s purest active driven Terpenes. Bocannaco has a handful of hemp oil products in their product line, and the business opportunity is pretty straightforward.

Every member gets to sell and distribute these products, and encourage others to become members by buying specific hemp oil packages. You will be granted with a pre-build website and will receive regular support and feedback in order to make everything work for you as smoothly as possible.

Something that’s different about this MLM program is their compensation plan. When you recruit others, you are essentially creating a team.

You and that team will be encouraged to sell Bocannaco’s products, which is the only way that you can earn money. When you and the team you’ve recruited, manage to generate a consistent number of product sales each month, you will earn a percentage of the profits from each of them.

Unlike, most MLM programs out there, you will NOT earn any commissions when someone pays to become a member. Bocannaco has decided to put an equal emphasis on both recruiting others AND selling its products.

Who Created Bocannaco?

John Daniels is one of the founding members of Bocannaco and according to his bio, the desire to help others has been the spark that ignited this program. A career in horse racing and insurance, let him succeed in merchant card processing.

Card processing was first introduced to him by Dr. Robert Lawrence, who is the science behind Bocannaco. A retired M.D. with degrees in Neurology, Nuclear Physics, BioMedical Engineering Microbiology, Chemistry, and Pharmacology.

He has personally invented and holds patents to some newly found products within the garment industry, milk production safety, and person tracking. Dr. Robert Lawrence is the creator of all products that are being sold and distributed under the Bocannaco name.

The ones behind the network AKA owners of the majority of Bocannaco’s shares are Mike and Barbara Lammons. Apparently, they have been featured in numerous success books such as The Excel Phenomenon, The New Professionals, and Success Happens.

Their main goal in life is to bring communities, creating long-lasting relationships, and helping others succeed. They have been doing that for more than 25 years.

With the combined forces all these people, Bocannaco came into existence and has been operating for 2+ years now.

Is Bocannaco a Scam?

is bocannaco a scam
Bocannaco is not a scam, it is a legit opportunity to create an online business revolving around selling their hemp products and getting others to join by adding them into your team. Some concerns may arise about Bocannaco such as the fact that the company is still new.

This means that there is some level of uncertainty about whether or not this MLM company is going to stay here for long or not
. If an event such as the company going bankrupt and failing occurs, you run the risk of losing out on your investments.

There are some MLM companies out there such as Amway, that have passed the test of time, meaning they are here to stay. This gives you a more secure environment to invest your money in.

Bocannaco has a great product line, in an industry that’s booming right now, which means that if you’re good at sales, you will have a higher chance of success. It’s important to note that the MLM business is like no other, and the percentage of people who end up being successful with that business model is relatively small compared to some other opportunities out there.

Some people consider Bocannaco and all MLM’s to be a big pyramid scheme. I don’t think that is the case here because pyramid schemes don’t have any products to offer in exchange for cash. A pyramid scheme is a place where people are exchanging cash between their own private MLM network.

As we can see with Bocannaco, not only are you not going to be paid anything when a member you recruit pays for a membership, but you have a product which you are strongly encouraged to sell and market.

What Are People Saying About Bocannaco?

Some people that get involved with Bocannaco complain about their products being too expensive, which made it more difficult for them to generate sales. This sort of thing is normal with most MLM’s, and no matter what the products are, you will usually see them with a higher price tag than the industry’s average.

Other’s seem to thrive on that because it generates them larger profits when they manage to land a sale. While doing my research, I managed to find some pretty mixed feelings about Bocannaco.

Some people don’t like the pricing structure that they have set out in place, and straight-up labels the whole company as a scam. Due to the fact that CBD hemp oil is NOT legal all around the world, this business opportunity is limited to only those places where hemp oil is legal.

Another thing that people struggle with is the huge competition that’s inside the hemp oil industry, which can make it hard for them to become successful if they don’t have the appropriate selling and marketing skills.

Can You Benefit From Bocannaco?

You can benefit from Bocannaco ONLY if you have experience in recruitment, selling, or digital marketing. It can be hard for newbies to progress and achieve a breakthrough without any of these skills simply because of the competitive nature of the business. Everyone inside the MLM program will be competing against each other.

This means that you always have to keep up with your competition and strive to outperform them at all times. However, if you’re TRULY interested in the hemp oil industry, but don’t have that much experience with recruiting people and selling stuff, there are ways that you can learn.

If you have some knowledge of the topic, you can use that to your advantage towards your selling efforts. Bocannaco’s product quality is high, which means that the majority of people who decide to become paying clients and start using its products are going to be satisfied with the products. This gives you a real opportunity to help out others by providing them with hemp oil of the highest quality that’s out there. 

What’s Inside Bocannaco

This is what’s inside the membership area of Bocannaco. You can access it once you pay for the yearly membership ($99). You will be granted with a website and all their business tools. In order to get access to Bocannaco’s product and start selling them, you will need to find a sponsor.

In other words, someone from the inside that is already a reseller, has to become your sponsor, which essentially means that you become part of their team. You can try, and find a sponsor online using Google, or you can send an email to Bocannaco’s support line on 

They can send you detailed instructions on how to acquire selling rights within your membership. There is no other way to become a reseller and start distributing Bocannaco’s products. 

Bocannaco’s Compensation Plan & Refunds

is bocannaco a scam refund and finances
The compensation plan inside Bocannaco is pretty straightforward compared to some other MLM programs out there. You will earn about 15% from each sale that you generate plus all the sales that your team manages to make on a monthly basis. There are 3 ways to earn with Bocannaco and they are as follows:

1. First Sale Bonus. This sale bonus is granted to you every time one of your team members makes a sale. The commission percentage that you will be earning is determined by the number of people that make sales within your network (team members). In other words, as you add more people within your network, your overall earning percentage is going to be gradually increasing.

2. Residual Income. This is your own personal income, and it’s based on your overall sales performance. You get 15% for each sale that you make.

3. Organizational Residual Income. This is the overall percentage of revenue that you will get, and it’s based on the total sales of YOUR team, up to the 7th member. 

There is a 30-day money-back guarantee policy for your membership subscription, meaning that you will have up to a month to get a refund.

Bocannaco’s Product Line

Bocannaco’s product line is restricted to 4 high-quality hemp oil products. You will find out more about them below.

1. Excalibur Active Driven Terpenes. You can get two size types. One is 1000mg and the other is 1500mg. This is a THC FREE product that has a vast majority of vitamins and helpful minerals.

There are more than 40 different terpenes, lipids, waxes, flavonoids, and omegas. All of these ingredients can be found within their natural habitat which is the plant of their origin. The 1500mg Excalibur comes with a price tag of $149, while the smaller, 1000mg one costs approximately $99. 

2. BocannaCaine Fast Acting Gel. This is a fast-acting gel with active terpenes inside. It’s specifically designed for topical applications, and each BocannaCaine bottle contains 10ml of the product inside. It costs $99.

3. Macy Mask. This product is basically a facial mask infused with active driven terpenes and a bunch of other different extracts that help hydration. It’s a 2 piece mask that is applied on the face, in order for the skin to be able to absorb all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals inside this THC FREE product. The price tag of a single Macy Mask is $149.95

4. CannaGize. This is an active driven terpenes stick pack and it costs $129. Each stick pack has a mixture of minerals and essential vitamins. Each serving of CannaGize pack has about 10mg of active driven terpenes inside. Mix the powder with about 8oz of water to make a delicious and healthy drink.

What I Like About Bocannaco

is bocannoco a scam pros and cons
Bocannaco has its own unique ups and downs. Let’s start with all the things that I like about this MLM program and they are:

1. It’s Not a Pyramid Scheme. The fact this company is NOT a pyramid scheme leads me into believing that there is a potential to make genuine profits with this business model as long as you know what you’re doing. 

2. High Quality Products. The products of Bocannaco are of high quality which means that your customers will be more inclined into buying them even with the higher price tags that are in place.

3. Cheaper Membership. Compared to other MLM’s the membership within Bocannaco is a lot cheaper. $99/Year does not seem like a big investment for starting your own business. Most MLM companies out there charge upwards of $200+ a month just to maintain your membership status. That’s definitely something worth mentioning.

4. Refund Policy. When you become a member, you will get up to 30 days to get a complete refund. This removes the initial fear of the unknown and puts you in a position where you can safely test out and see if this can work for you or not without risking too much.

What I Don’t Like About Bocannaco

1. The Products Are Expensive. Due to the high product quality AND the nature of this business model (MLM) the products that you are selling will be at a bit higher price than what’s considered the industry’s average. This can make it more difficult to land sales and getting others on board.

2. Products are Limited. There are only 4 products available to sell and distribute inside Bocannaco. This can make it difficult to reach a wide variety of different target audiences, which will limit your earnings potential. 

3. You Won’t Get Paid Commissions For Recruiting. When you invite people to join your team and they become a paying member, you will not get any commissions from that. Again, this limits your earning potential a bit. Most MLM companies reward you with high commissions when you get others to join the network.

4. Big Competition. The hemp oil industry is a competitive market to be into. This means that you need to possess some skills in order to successfully sell and distribute Bocannaco’s products.

5. You Need a Sponsor. In order to become a product reseller, you will need sponsorship from one of the existing resellers inside Bocannaco.

My Recommendation

My recommendation is that you should approach Bocannaco and tap into their MLM business opportunity only if the following two things apply.

1. You Are Interested in Hemp Oil. If you have e genuine interest in hemp oil, and all it’s healing properties, it can make it way easier for you to generate sales. This is because, you will have knowledge about hemp oil, and can help people make an educated decision based on your personal experience.

2. Your Good at Selling. If you’re good at selling stuff online and recruiting others, then this is a great opportunity to put those skills to the test and earn some money along with that.

If any of these things do NOT apply to you, then you should look for an alternative to Bocannaco. Luckily, we live in a digital age, with an abundance of opportunities to make money online, you just have to find the right one. Check out how these people are earning passive income online, using a simple yet incredibly effective 4 step blueprint that so many tend to neglect and lose out because of that.

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