How to Create a Passive Income Online – Top 8 Ways Revealed

There are a lot of different ways to make money while you sleep.

In order to learn how to create a passive income online, first I want to make sure that we are on the same page here.

Passive income is when you create or buy something that later on generates you a consistent flow of money without the need of you doing anything else.

Do the work once, keep getting the profits for life.

You won’t be exchanging your time for money anymore.

The idea is to stop working for cash and instead let money work for you.

Sounds nice right?

Here are the top 8 ways that anyone can learn in order to start making a passive income.

1. Affiliate Marketing

the true path to passive income affiliate marketing

Affiliate Marketing is my favorite method of creating a passive income that’s why It’s first on this list.

That’s when you promote other people’s products or services and you receive a commission for that.

It’s an extremely easy method and people are making a lot of money with it.

In order to create a passive income with affiliate marketing, you have to create your own website and start producing quality content which then gets ranked on search engines like Google.

When you do that, you get exposure to a lot of people.

From there they go to the websites that you are promoting and when they make a purchase you get paid a percentage of the profits.

Commissions can vary between 5% and to all the way up to 100%. Crazy, right?

I have an article that can teach you how to start your own affiliate marketing business the easy way.

You can check it out below.

2. Write an Ebook

write an ebook
There are a lot of software and services out there that can help you to write your very own Electronic book.

You can write about anything.

The internet is a huge space and it’s used by more than 3 BILLION people.

So, whatever you write about odds are that there WILL be people who are interested.

The great thing about it is that you don’t really have to be a professional writer to get people to buy from you.

All you really need to do is share information on a specific topic that you are good at.

It could be anything.

If you are a gym fanatic, then why not write an ebook about it?


No problem, write about your favorite games and the tactics that you use when you’re playing.

People love these things.

You’d be surprised how much popularity a single 20-40 page Ebook could gather in a short period of time.

You can put your work for sale on websites like Amazon Kindle.

It’s a set it and forget it kind of thing.

3. Create an app

build an app
A lot of people are making an incredible amount of money just by developing small simple apps.

Do you remember flappy bird?

That app alone made over 50,000$ a day from advertisements, even though it was free to play.

That’s nothing compared to some of the more advanced app developers out there.

Games like Clash of Clans make over $800 million a year, according to forbes

You would probably have to learn a little bit of code for that, but everything is teachable as long as you are willing to learn.

Websites like Udemy can help you with that.

4. Create Online Courses

create an online course
Another great way to make money  would be by creating courses and selling them online.

Think about what you’re good at.

A topic on which you have a lot of knowledge.

Odds are that there would probably be someone out there who will benefit from your course and will most likely be extremely happy to pay you a bunch of money for you to teach him.

 After all, knowledge is power.

The great thing about that is you don’t really need to look out for ways to promote your course, because there are already a lot of platforms made for people just like you, that want to sell their online courses.

People go to these websites looking for information knowledge and are already with this mindset that they want to pay for education.

This is really as easy as it’s going to get.

Once you put your course out there that’s it you can just leave it like that and you will be making passive income.

Sounds good, doesn’t it?.

5. Create a Blog Website

build a blog website
Building a blog post website is kind of like creating an affiliate marketing website, the only difference being that you don’t necessarily have to promote other people’s product.

You can still make money just by putting out you’re articles online.

If you want to go on this path then you should know that you need to pick a niche.

In other words that is what you’re going to be blogging about.

It’s quite easy to do that because there are tons of different kinds of topics and things to blog about out there.

Think about your interests.

Think about a hobby that you might have or something that really intrigues you and gets you excited.

I’m saying this because once you choose a niche, you need to stick to it and not really change it.

For example if you are really passionate about cooking then your niche could be something that involves making recipes.

What I’m trying to say here is that there isn’t really a point for you to start a cooking blog and write things Like the new iPhone that just came out.

Stick to the point.

How can you make money from this you ask?

Well it’s really easy you can go ahead and put a bunch of banners across your website.

When someone clicks on a banner you would get paid for that.

So, as long as you have visitors to your website, you can always find ways monetize them.

If this sounds like something that might interest you you then I suggest you check out my article about How To Choose Your Blogging Niche Here!

6. Make Youtube Videos

YouTube has always been a great way to make money online.

There are tons of people who get their income solely from YouTube advertisements.

Did you know that when you watch something on YouTube and an ad pops up, the channel owner gets paid for it?

In other words, as long as you have a lot of followers on YouTube you can easily create a passive income.

It doesn’t really matter what your channel is all about as long as it has a lot of subscribers you will get paid money from advertisements.

YouTube is extremely popular nowadays.

There are millions of videos being posted each and every day on that platform.

With a little bit of work, you can easily set yourself for a long-term success making YouTube videos.

7. Create and Grow a Social Media Account

create and grow an instagram account
Social media can be a great way of making money online. It’s all about that reach.

Let’s take Instagram for example.

Once you get enough people to follow you you can then start to utilize that platform for your own advantage by promoting different kinds of stuff.

What I would suggest here is that you focus on one particular topic when you build your social media account.

Even if you decide to build a Personal Brand on Instagram, that can still be a beautiful way for you to promote various different products.

let’s say that you already have 50k followers on Instagram and you are passionate about gym and muscle building.

 You have already set a topic and most likely your followers are also interested in muscle building.

Odds are that if you already have that many followers then you have built some sort of authority and people will trust you.

This gives you a unique opportunity to promote stuff like protein shakes sporting equipment and so on.

You can go on websites like Clickbank to.

Over there you can get a hold of affiliate products which you can promote on your Instagram page within your bio as a post or story.

8. Domain Flipping

domain flipping
Some people may not consider this as a form of passive income.

Nevertheless, I think that it’s quite an impressive and underrated thing.

Buying a domain online is like having a virtual piece of property which you can then resell to other people who want it at a higher cost.

Let me give you an example.

Sarah has a bakery shop in Springfield.

She realizes that in order to attract more people she would need to have an online presence.

So she makes the decision to create a website and wants to call it

She soon realizes that this domain name is already taken, but it’s up for sale.

You see, a powerful domain name like

SpringFieldBakeryShop will come up on the first page of google for everyone in Springfield that types in the words “bakery shop” and Sarah knows that.

That’s why she would be willing to pay a lot of money to get that name for her website.

Then you as a domain flipper, offer to sell her that domain for 10x the money you paid for it.

The transaction is made and both parties are left satisfied.

So there you have it.

The top 8 ways to create a passive income for yourself.

I hope that you have enjoyed this article.

Do you know of other any other ways that I did not mention?

Drop your comments below.

4 thoughts on “How to Create a Passive Income Online – Top 8 Ways Revealed”

  1. You have some interesting ideas here.  I do already have a blog and I utilize affiliate marketing.  I haven’t made any real money yet per se, but I am patient and I know it will happen.  I am curious about making YouTube videos.  I have a travel site so drone images would be the best use for me.  I don’t know if you know anything about drones or not.  But where would I start for videos.  Should I just start with  my smart phone videos and hope to gain followers and start an income to hopefully fund the drone?

    • A good idea would be to do what feels natural for you. In my opinion, there are no strict guidelines for making YouTube videos. The one thing that I would suggest is to try and get the quality of videos to be as good as possible. It’s all about high quality nowadays.

  2. Hi! This is a great list and I’ll have to bookmark to re-read as I start to research about each one of these ways. Some that stand out for me are writing an ebook and domain flipping.

    I know that in the past becoming a published author was quite difficult. That’s no more an issue because with ebooks anybody can get books published. And I have always been a fan of the real estate world and domain flipping sounds so similar to real estate.

    • Ebooks can be a great way of creating passive income. It’s not as difficult as it used to be before and I’ve seen best sellers online that consist of just a few 8-10 short pages. It’s quite mind-blowing. As for domain flipping, it sure is similar to real estate. You are buying a property in both cases. The only difference is that when you buy a domain it can turn out to be a lot cheaper investment-wise.


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