Freedom Breakthrough Review

Welcome to my Freedom Breakthrough review. Is Jonathan Montoya’s course legit, or is it just a big scam that you should avoid?

According to its sales page, this is an affiliate marketing training program that can teach you everything you need to know about creating a successful online business without owning a product, without spending a ton of money on paid ads, and without any tech skills.

Here’s what you need to know. This is a brand new product, covering methods and techniques that very few internet marketers are currently utilizing. In other words, right now is the time to take advantage of Jonathan Montoya’s course.

However, you should also know that this program is NOT for everyone. That’s why I will go over everything that you need to know about it, before you can make the buy or not decision, without any hype or exaggerations.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Freedom Breakthrough Review Summary

Product Name: Freedom Breakthrough

Product Owner: Jonathan Montoya

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Course

Product Price: $997 or Two Payments of $597

Overall Score: 80/100

Recommended: Yes!

Summary: There are many different ways to make money online with affiliate marketing.

With so many platforms and methods to choose from, it can be difficult to find out which approach is best suited for you, and trying them all would cost you a lot of money and time.

With Freedom Breakthrough, you can explore all of the methods that are currently working from someone that knows what they are talking about when it comes to this particular business model.

You can leave out all the guesswork and focus only on efficiency and results.

Jonathan Montoya has partnered with successful affiliate marketers that excel in different topics, like free and paid traffic generation from Google, Youtube, Facebook, TikTok, email marketing, sales funnels, picking the right products to promote, etc.

If you’re just getting started with affiliate marketing, or if you’re looking to grow your online business, then you should definitely check out Freedom Breakthrough – The Affiliate Blueprint Academy.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of courses that help people make money online. It’s safe to say that I know how to distinguish all the ”bad apples” from programs that are worth considering.

Jonathan Montoya’s course is one of my top recommendations for those that are looking to achieve online success with affiliate marketing. 

What is Freedom Breakthrough?

It’s a training course divided into four phases, ranging from basic to advanced methods for promoting other people’s products effectively.

The concept of affiliate marketing is very easy to grasp. Your one and only job is to connect people with products and services that they NEED. If you can learn how to do that, you will be able to make money online.

The hard part comes with actually being able to find people that are interested in a particular topic and helping them find what they are looking for. Here’s a breakdown of all the phases that are covered inside this course.

Phase One: Creating Your Affiliate Machine

To properly understand how YOU can make money online with affiliate marketing, first, you need to know how it works, what’s required from you as an affiliate, and how to choose a niche market that’s suitable for you.

Then you will learn how to create a website, where to locate products that accept affiliates, and how to spot offers that are worth promoting. 

Phase Two: Email Marketing

Most people that come across your affiliate promotions will NOT buy, and that’s completely normal. A study done on consumer behavior suggests that a person needs to be exposed to a product or offer at least 7 times before they end up making a purchase.

When you learn how to capture people’s emails, you can create a whole new marketing channel for your affiliate promotions. This will allow you to increase exposure to your offers, which in turn, will increase your overall sales.

Capturing people’s emails is done by offering your prospects something valuable in exchange for their details. It’s what internet marketers refer to as lead magnets. To master email marketing, you need to able to communicate with thousands of people at a time.

The only way of doing that without wasting hours on end is by using autoresponders, creating email automation sequences, and follow-up emails.

It’s not as difficult as it sounds if you have a proper guide that can show you everything that you need to do, step by step, which is exactly what this phase of Freedom Breakthrough is all about.

Phase Three: Free Traffic Generation

Web visitors that come to your website are referred to as traffic. In theory, more traffic equals more exposure and more affiliate commissions. Of course, being able to generate web visitors is part of the formula for success.

However, by the time you get to this part of Jonathan Montoya’s course, you should have everything else that’s required to convert that traffic into sales in place.

The main difference between free traffic generation and paid is the amount of time it takes you to acquire it. When it comes to free methods, it’s usually way slower to gain traction, but you can get results for a long time after you’ve done the initial work.

You can attract web visitors by creating articles like this one. When they rank on Google, and all the other search engines, you can get exposure without spending any money on online ads.

You can also use other platforms, like Facebook, TikTok, and Youtube. Freedom Breakthrough Goes over all the different ways that you can use these platforms to generate organic visitors.

Phase Four: Paid Traffic

Using paid traffic is the fasted way to get exposure to your affiliate offers and earn commissions. However, it’s also way riskier compared to free traffic, and it costs money.

The only way to make sure that you stay on top of your expenses is by always keeping track of your paid campaigns and following the exact steps that are outlined inside Jonathan Montoya’s course.

Phase four of the Freedom Breakthrough program will cover how to scale your online business with paid ads, how to implement Facebook’s pixel to create lookalike audiences, how to buy traffic with little upfront costs on Youtube, Google, and TikTok.

For a paid campaign to be considered successful, you should be able to make $2 for every $1 that you end up spending.

It’s important to understand that even with the best training in place, there’s always some risk involved, and you may not always run profitable campaigns.

Is Freedom Breakthrough a Scam?

freedom breakthrough legit or not

No, it’s not a scam. Jonathan Montoya’s course is legit and anyone that’s serious about creating a successful online business with affiliate marketing can learn a lot of useful things from it.

There are many internet marketers that have courses focused on helping others succeed as affiliates, such as Ministry of Freedom. Here’s why that’s a good thing.

When there’s a good dose of healthy competition, it helps motivate course owners to strive to provide the best possible content. This will undoubtedly increase the overall quality of programs such as this one.

That’s part of the reason why Jonathan Montoya has done such a good job in creating this incredibly powerful resource.

Who Created Freedom Breakthrough?

The person behind Freedom Breakthrough – The Affiliate Blueprint Academy, also the founder of Passive Income Lifestyles, is Jonathan Montoya. In the span of nine months, he became well known in the affiliate marketing industry.

He was featured in Legendary Marketer as an expert in TikTok marketing. Being recognized as a successful affiliate by David Sharpe, one of the leaders in this industry, is a very remarkable achievement.

With a solid following of over 135K and counting, it’s no wonder that people are interested in learning Jonathan’s methods for success with this platform.

He is also gaining a lot of traction with his Youtube channel. Currently, it has over 22K subscribers and over 600K combined views on all of his content. 

passive income lifestyles youtube channel

Jonathan Montoya left his $80K a year job as an electrical engineer to pursue his dream of achieving financial freedom online. He did it, and now he is teaching others how to succeed with affiliate marketing as well.

What’s Inside Freedom Breakthrough?

freedom breakthrough review inside

The course consists of 12 modules in total. Alongside these modules, you will unlock 3 additional bonuses, and you will be able to get actionable advice from 6 and 7 figure super affiliates.

Jonathan has gone through the trouble of getting these affiliates to share their strategies and methods for banking big commissions with this business model.

By gaining access to the membership inside, you will be able to explore the mindset of successful business owners on top of all the strategic advice that you can utilize in your own affiliate business as a member of Freedom Breakthrough.

To help you get a better understanding of what you can get with your membership, here’s a breakdown of all the modules inside this course.

Module 1 – Picking The Perfect Affiliate Niche

After the introductory part that goes over how to navigate inside this program, you will learn how to choose a niche that has a solid income potential, how to identify problems in your niche market of choice, and how to make money by offering solutions to these problems.

One of the things that you will need to be a successful affiliate, is to create your own website.

Jonathan will introduce you to a great hosting provider, an autoresponder service for your email marketing, and a sales funnel software that will help you convert leads into sales.

On top of that, you will be introduced to a few marketplaces where you can sign up as an affiliate and start promoting products in various niches straightaway.

Module 2 – Creating The Affiliate Website Asset

This module is focused on establishing your digital asset AKA your website. You will learn how to pick a domain name, how to customize your website by adding a theme, and how to set up everything else that you need to have a great, functional online property. 

By the time you’re done with this part of the training course, you will have a fully operating website, with all relevant pages, categories, and plugins in place.

Jonathan Montoya has covered everything that you need to set up a solid foundation so that you can be off to a great start.

Module 3 – Google SEO Mastery

Here you will learn everything there is to know about search engine optimization and how to create content that will rank on Google. This module is covered by Nathan Lucas.

He’s one of the top Legendary Marketer affiliates, and his knowledge in SEO can definitely help anyone that’s interested in learning how to create blog posts that rank well on the SERPs (search engine results page).

Nathan dives deep into the technical aspect of creating an awesome, well-optimized post, so you don’t have to scratch your head trying to figure out all that stuff on your own. 

This is a process that takes time and patience, so you shouldn’t get discouraged when you don’t see immediate results. It takes time to build momentum.

Module 4 – The Perfect Funnel

This module is all about mastering sales funnels and understanding how they work. In layman’s terms, a funnel can be described as a sequence of pages that take an audience and guide them through a series of web pages designed to warm them up to the idea of becoming customers of the product that you’re affiliated with.

A sales funnel should familiarize your audience with the offer that you’re trying to sell to them.

Instead of learning how to create one by yourself, you can leverage the share funnel system within the software that Jonathan Montoya is using and take advantage of what he has already created. 

You can claim these funnels as your own, which can save you a lot of time in doing all of the work by yourself.

Module 5 – Email Mastery

Jonathan goes over the ins and outs of email marketing, how to create emails that will get a lot of open rates, how to avoid the spam folder, and how to create automation flows.

The whole idea is to automate as much as you can so that you can earn revenue on a passive basis. By the time you’re done here, you will know exactly how to leverage email for your marketing campaigns.

Module 6 – Free Traffic With Facebook

This part is all about leveraging your Facebook profile to attract heaps of traffic to your affiliate product offers.

You will learn how to use groups inside this social media platform to siphon users and take them to your sales pages, funnels, etc.

If you do it right, this source of traffic can yield great results for your online business with Facebook alone.

Module 7 – Free Traffic With Youtube

Learning how to create videos and establishing a Youtube channel can be a HUGE source of organic traffic. Many videos rank well on Google’s result pages, which means that you can get a lot of traffic from there, as well as from Youtube itself.

Everyone is watching videos nowadays, and if you’re not utilizing this platform for organic, free exposure, you’re missing out. Jonathan Montoya’s course will help you leverage Youtube and take advantage of everything that it has to offer.

Module 8 – Free Traffic With TikTok

This platform is gaining popularity by the minute, and many internet marketers are already using it to get awesome results for their online business.

You can learn how to create free 15 second videos to get leads and convert them into sales with a TikTok account

Module 9 – Paid Traffic With Google Ads

This module goes over everything about running Google ads and how to target the right type of people. Those that are interested in what you have to offer.

It’s all about relevancy and making sure that you get your ads in front of people that have a problem, which you can solve with your affiliate product offer.

You will learn all about the Google Pixel, how to do keyword research to find out what search terms people are typing in Google’s search bar, how to analyze the data to ensure that your campaigns are successful, and more. You will also learn about running effective Youtube ads.

Module 10 – Paid Traffic With TikTok Ads

Running ads on TikTok is a bit different, which is why it’s important to go through this module carefully. When you’re done here, you should know exactly how to run paid ads on TikTok in the most efficient way.

To make it even easier for you, Jonathan has prepared to give you his exact landing page, which you can copy and use for your own campaigns.

Module 11 – Paid Ads With Facebook

Running ads on Facebook means that you will be competing with a lot of people. That’s why you need to know EXACTLY what you’re doing so that you don’t end up wasting your money.

This module is very in-depth and goes over the methodology of setting up campaigns on Facebook, and everything else that you need to maximize your chances of good ROI (return on investment).

Module 12 – Launch Jacking

This is one of the fastest ways to make money online with affiliate marketing. It’s a great way to get started as a beginner. Launch Jacking has been around for a while, but most people don’t even know about it.

It involves preparing to promote products that are yet to launch on the market so that you can get first dibs on these sweet commissions. Inside Jonathan Montoya’s course, you will learn where to find these types of products and how to focus your efforts on product launches with the biggest potential of reaching a lot of people.

Tons of products and offers are launched every day but not every one of them is worth the effort. You don’t want to waste time Launch Jacking a product that won’t get people excited and interested.

If it’s not a quality product, there’s just no point in making the effort. Being able to spot worthwhile opportunities is paramount if you want this method to work for you. Jonathan Montoya knows that, which is why he covers all of that inside his course.

Freedom Breakthrough Bonuses

Bonus #1 – How To Structure The Perfect Affiliate Offer. This lesson is taught by 6 figure affiliate, Alex Branning.

Bonus #2 – High Ticket Sales Mastery With Organic Facebook Traffic. Joshua Ong will teach this lesson. 

Bonus #3 – How To Get Your ClickFunnels Dream Car
. Paul Mottle will go over what it takes to be a successful affiliate of the biggest sales funnel company.

How Much Does Freedom Breakthrough Cost?

Jonathan Montoya’s course comes with a price tag of $997, or you could pay in two separate installments of $597, which means that the overall cost will be slightly increased with the latter option.

Are There Any Additional Costs?

Yes, you will have to invest in an autoresponder for your email marketing. Prices for the software recommended by Jonathan start at $15/Month.

You’re also advised to invest in a sales funnel software, which will increase your outgoings to a further $97/Month or more.

You don’t have to spend any money on paid ads if you don’t want to, because there is more than enough training on free traffic generation that can get you earning a solid income.

Can You Get a Refund?

Yes, you can. Jonathan Montoya’s course comes with a 14-day refund policy. However, to be eligible you need to complete the first 4 modules of the training program and show proof that you’ve tried and implemented all the steps inside. If you go over more than 50% of the content inside, you forfeit your rights to a refund.

What I Like About Freedom Breakthrough

freedom breakthrough pros vs cons

1. It Goes Over Basic and Advanced Affiliate Marketing. Jonathan leaves nothing to the imagination and shares his exact steps and strategies that took him from $0 to full-time affiliate in less than a year.

2. You Will Get Access to More Than One Successful Person
. The bonus courses inside Freedom Breakthrough feature 6 and 7 figure earners, allowing to you pick their brains and find out what they did to achieve massive success with this business model.

3. You Will Learn Both Free and Paid Traffic Generation Methods.
 This is a good thing because it allows you to start making money online even if you can’t afford to invest in paid ads.

What I Don’t Like About Freedom Breakthrough

1. It Can Be Expensive For Beginners. Not everyone can afford to invest in this online business opportunity, especially if they are just starting out.

All of the additional costs that come along with this training course are definitely worth it, but if you are on a tight budget, you can consider other alternatives that don’t require you to spend that much money upfront, such as this one.

My Recommendation

If you are truly serious about creating an online business with affiliate marketing, and you are fully aware of the fact that YOU have to put in a lot of work and effort into it, then you can definitely benefit from Jonathan Montoya’s Freedom Breakthrough course.

Throughout the entire training, you will learn valuable insights on what it really takes to achieve success as an affiliate.

You have to understand that just because you are paying for a program that has been proven to work, it does not mean that it will work for you too. If you don’t put in the effort, it does not matter how many courses and training programs you buy. 

Freedom Breakthrough will provide you with a viable path to follow, and show you how to acquire essential skills that every affiliate marketer has to master to achieve success.

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