Ecom Stride Academy Review

Welcome to my Ecom Stride Academy review. Can you really start making money with the help of Leon Green, or is this another scam to avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. This is a very cost-effective program with multiple training modules that focus on every aspect of the drop-shipping business. It’s perfect for beginners that are looking to get started with selling stuff online. 

Leon Green updates his course every week. You can expect to see a whole bunch of useful resources and templates that can help you start making money online

While his offer sounds very appealing, enticing, and extremely cheap, some people say very negative things about this guy.

By the time you’re done here, you will know exactly what you’re getting into, without any hype or exaggerated income claims.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Ecom Stride Academy Review Summary

Product Name: Ecom Stride Academy

Product Type:
$20 (Subject To Change)

Product Owner:
Leon Green

Overall Score:

Not For Everyone

Ecom Stride Academy is a dropshipping course created by Leon Green. In his sales video, you’re promised to learn how to use TikTok and Facebook ads to drive traffic to your online store.

Before that, you will learn how to create one, and the easiest and quickest ways to find winning products that people would love to buy. Leon will test different products and share them with his members of the program, which can increase their odds of success.

He does NOT use AliExpress to input products on his websites. In his own words, adding music to his online stores is one of the secrets to his success. Leon wants to make people feel something when they browse.

If you’re willing to spend some good money on paid ads to see if this business model can work for you, then Leon Green can definitely help you. This is an online opportunity with many risks and a pretty low success rate for entrepreneurs.

Most businesses are like that. In my opinion, there is a less risky and not-so-hands-on way to start making money online.

It’s a cost-effective alternative that will show you how to leverage OTHER people’s products and services.

What is Ecom Stride Academy?

Leon Green

Ecom Stride Academy is a training program with seven training modules around creating an online business with dropshipping. It’s geared towards beginners and aspiring entrepreneurs with no previous experience.

You will get Leon’s proven products and watch him over the shoulder as he creates ad campaigns around these products on TikTok and Facebook. He publishes a new product each week.

He will also show you how your website should look, what descriptions to use, and how to run targeted ads properly. 

Is Ecom Stride Academy a Scam?

Ecom Stride Academy review legit or not

Ecom Stride Academy is NOT a scam. It’s a legit course that will give you exactly what’s advertised. It does NOT have any upsells or additional charges apart from the money you have to spend on paid ads. 

Keep in mind that even with the best training out there, you can still end up losing a lot of money on paid ads if you’re not careful.

It looks like some people have managed to make as much as $1K in a DAY using Leon Green’s program. You can see the success stories on his website. However, some people are not happy with his course. 

On the upside, it looks like he regularly updates his course. The price fluctuates all the time. Since dropshipping is VERY competitive and the ad costs keep rising, you can easily spend thousands of dollars on this.

The risks of not making a good return on your investment are very real. Especially if you’re a beginner. Furthermore, you have to think about client satisfaction, product quality, and respond promptly to negative reviews, feedback, refunds, and chargebacks.

You can avoid most of that if you’re using OTHER people’s products to make money online

Alternative: The Simple System I’m Using to Make Four Figures Per Single Sale Using Other People’s Products and Services (No Paid Ads)

How Much Does Ecom Stride Academy Cost?

ecom stride academy cost

Ecom Stride Academy costs a one-time fee of $20. The sales page implements scarcity marketing. It has a timer of 20 minutes. When the time runs out, the price supposedly increases to $199.

That did NOT happen when I was browsing that website. When these 20 minutes ran out, the timer just reset itself. The price will probably stay at $20 for a while. 

The only way you will learn to drive traffic to your online store is by paying for ads. This can be as expensive or cheap as you like. The more money you invest, the more risks you incur, but the higher the potential reward gets.

Can You Get a Refund?

No refunds.

What I Like About Ecom Stride Academy

Ecom Stride Academy review pros vs cons

1. Leon Green Updates His Program Regularly. This is a good thing. Things change very quickly in the online world. It’s important to stay on top of these changes and reflect them when necessary.

2. It’s Cost Effective.
I’ve seen similar programs that are sold for way more than $20.

3. Leon Green Keeps Selling Products Online.
Unlike other Gurus that simply sell their online courses, Leon is an active eCommerce and dropshipping business owner.

What I Don’t Like About Ecom Stride Academy

1. Very Saturated Business Model. There is a TON of competition out there. Only about 10% – 20% of dropshippers make good money with it.

2. It’s Risky.
You can lose a bunch of money while testing out your ads and finding out what works. It’s different for everyone.

3. Not The Best Alternative For Beginners.
In my opinion, there is a better way for a beginner to start a profitable online business. On the next page, I will show you the simple system I’m using to bank up to $1K per SINGLE sale using other people’s products and services.

Without spending money on ads and without worrying about maintaining good product quality, dealing with customer support, etc. The product owners take care of that. I just send them traffic and clients.

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