Alex Fasulo Fiverr – Course Review

Welcome to my Alex Fasulo Fiverr course review. Can you really learn how to make money online as a freelancer, or is this a scam you should avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. This training program is all about helping you equip yourself with in demand skills that people need.

If you can offer companies, business owners, and solopreneurs a skill that they need, you will have job security. 

According to Alex Fasulo, that’s the only way to ensure a constant flow of income without worrying about getting furloughed or losing your work.

Let’s see exactly what you’re getting into with this Fiverr Pro course. Let me point out that I don’t have any affiliate links that will give me commissions for promoting this program, so don’t expect a thousand low quality bonuses for joining through them because you won’t find any.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Alex Fasulo Fiverr Course Review Summary

Product Name: Fiverr Pro Course

Product Owner: Alex Fasulo

Product Type: Freelance Training Program

Product Price: $47

Overall Score: 60/100

Recommended: Not For Everyone!

Summary: The Fiverr Pro course by Alex Fasulo will teach you how to take advantage of the Fiverr marketplace and get hired by business owners to write 500 word blog posts and get paid for your efforts.

According to the founder of this program, this is an untapped market that very few people know about.

Instead of starting complex online businesses, you write short posts and earn more than these business owners.

The sales pitch is really convincing. However, here are some things you need to consider first.

If you’ve never done anything similar before, and you have to learn things like copywriting, search engine optimization, and content writing, it will probably take you longer than two weeks to become so good that people would be willing to pay a lot of money for your services.

You will have to grind a lot until you manage to build a solid portfolio and prove to your potential clients that you are actually good at your job.

Don’t expect to be making a lot of money fast and easy because it won’t happen. In my opinion, the whole point of having an online business is to work for yourself, not for others.

In most cases, your income stops if you don’t have any clients, which means that there is little to no room for passive income generation.

That’s why I think that there are better ways to start a profitable online business that may be more suitable for people that want to earn income from the internet with content writing.

What is Alex Fasulo’s Fiverr Course?

Alex Fasulo’s Fiverr Pro course is all about teaching you how to set up your account on Fiverr and helping you learn the basics of content writing that every freelancer in this niche market should know.

Being able to stand out from everyone else that you’re competing with can significantly increase your chances of finding work.

That’s why Alex is focused on helping you implement the basics of setting up your account, what mistakes to avoid, how many gigs you should have at any given time, and more.

If you’ve got no experience with anything similar, then this course can definitely help you learn and implement essential things that will help you land different gigs.

However, if you’re already familiar with Fiverr and the freelance world, then you probably won’t find a ton of useful things inside.

Is Alex Fasulo and Her Fiverr Course a Scam?

alex fasulo fiverr course review legit or not

Alex Fasulo is not a scam artist, and neither is her Fiverr Pro course. What you need to understand is that she is selling a product, which means that you won’t get to hear about any of the struggles that freelancers have to deal with. 

I don’t think that it’s going to be as easy to break into this industry as it’s laid out to be. Not everyone is cut out for it. On her sales page, Alex mentions that you need to learn a skill that is in demand. This usually takes time and effort. 

According to this Reddit thread, not everyone is happy with the way she “outsources” some of her work.

In my opinion, freelancing on Fiverr is definitely worth diving into, as long as you don’t mind adhering to tight deadlines and working for someone else. 

It will take time, just like any other online venture, but with Alex Fasulo’s course, you can get the basics of everything required from you to get this thing going. 

What you need to ask yourself is, are you looking to make money online and be your own boss, or do you prefer to get hired by companies and businesses to do their hard work?

There’s a reason why so many people pay others to write blogs for them. One of the main ones is because it can be a great source of passive income.

You can get paid for a long time from a single piece of content if you know how to monetize it properly. If that sounds like something you prefer tapping into, click below.

What’s Inside Alex Fasulo’s Fiverr Course?

Inside the Fiverr Course by Alex Fasulo, you will get access to two main classes that cover freelancing and copywriting. Both of these things usually go hand in hand, so it’s no wonder that she is focused primarily on them.

As a bonus, you will also get Alex’s course on scaling from $100K to $400K and unlimited access to her Facebook mastermind group. Let’s break down each part of the Fiverr Pro training program and see what you can expect inside.

Freelance Class

Here you will learn how to leverage Fiverr as a selling platform. You will get familiar with the basics of setting up your account, how to look like a professional, getting hired for gigs, pricing your services, and more.

After you’ve learned how to set up everything, you should know the exact number of gigs you can take at once, so that you don’t start neglecting one client for the sake of another.

That would be a huge mistake and a sure way to start off on the wrong foot. Since you will be relying on customer reviews to get more work, you need to ensure that you bring results for your clients and actually do the work that they’re paying you for.

If you put yourself in the shoes of someone looking to outsource his work, would you hire a freelancer with an average score of 5 stars on Fiverr or someone that has less?

The answer should be obvious. Getting positive reviews will play a big role in your success. Your first few customers will probably be the hardest to get, but if you manage to get positive feedback from them, it will be that much easier to land your next gig.

Copywriter Class

Copywriting is an essential thing to learn, even if you decide NOT to work as a freelancer on Fiverr. Being able to influence people with your content (copy) is a high paying skill on its own.

One of the first lessons in this class is about the tools you need to use to increase the quality of your copy. Alex Fasulo suggests that you look into Grammarly and Thesaurus.

Then, you will get familiar with the basics that you have to cover before you even get started. You will need to choose a niche and create a brand so that people can acknowledge your expertise in a more professional manner.

After that, Alex goes into more detail on building a portfolio, becoming a better writer, getting published, getting found online, and how to avoid the 5 biggest mistakes that most newbies make.

In one of her lessons, she emphasizes the importance of doing your research, knowing basic search engine optimization skills, staying motivated, and the amount of money you should be charging for your services.

Does Alex Fasulo Offer a Refund on her Course?

There is a 30 day money back guarantee that can be applied at the sole discretion of Alex Fasulo’s company. In other words, in theory, you can get a refund, but it’s subject to whatever she or her team decides to do.

I wouldn’t get my hopes up about getting my money back after buying the Fiverr Pro course.

After the 30 days have passed, you will NOT be granted a refund and that’s the only sure thing about this policy.

What I Like About Alex Fasulo’s Fiverr Course

alex fasulo fiverr course review pros vs cons

1. It Can Help Beginners. If you’re just getting started, then this course can help you learn the basics of becoming a freelancer and how to approach this without making too many mistakes in the beginning.

2. Alex Fasulo is Legit. Despite what some people might say, I think that Alex has created an awesome business for herself. She obviously knows how to make money online as a freelancer, which means that she can teach others as well.

3. The Price is Low.
Her course is not expensive, which makes it affordable for most people.

What I Don’t Like About Alex Fasulo’s Fiverr Course

1. It Makes it Look Too Easy. That’s my own personal opinion here, but I think that the landing page and the sales video make the entire opportunity look way easier than it actually is.

2. You Will Be Working for Someone Else.
If you don’t mind having multiple bosses that tell you what to do, then freelancing can be a perfect thing for you.

However, if you’re anything like me, you don’t like deadlines and you don’t like it when someone does not appreciate your hard work.

Trust me, there will always be at least one employer that will never be satisfied with what you do for them.

3. No Room For Passive Income Generation.
Since you will be paid for the work you do, there’s no way around it. You will be rewarded only when you have work. When it stops, so does your income flow.

Is There a Better Alternative?

Maybe. Here’s what I mean by that. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur looking to get into freelancing and you know that this is what you will enjoy doing the most, then Alex Fasulo’s course is a great option for you.

By now, you should know exactly what will be required from you as a freelancer. 

However, if you prefer a way to work for yourself, without doing the hard work of other businesses and companies, and you’re into content writing, then you can learn how to create blogs posts like the one you’re reading right now and earn recurring passive income. 

With the method I’m about to share with you on the next page, I was able to generate $1K from a single sale.

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