Affiliate Escape Plan Review

Welcome to my Affiliate Escape Plan review. Can Brian Brewer teach you how to become a super affiliate marketing pro, or is this another scam to avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. This is a program that changed its pricing multiple times over the years.

Now, it costs $997.

For most people, this is a big price tag. Affiliate Escape has been around for a while, but that does NOT guarantee anything.

By the time you’re done here, you will know exactly what you’re getting into without any hype or exaggerated claims of income. 

Ready? Let’s get started… 

Affiliate Escape Plan Review Summary

Product Name: Affiliate Escape Plan

Product Owner: Brian Brewer

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Course

Product Price: $997

Overall Score: 65/100

Recommended: Yes, But Not For Everyone

Summary: Affiliate Escape Plan teaches beginners how to get started with promoting other people’s products and services.

It’s taught by a well-known and reputable affiliate and online business owner, Brian Brewer.

You will learn up-to-date strategies that he has mastered over the years to help you start making money promoting other people’s products and services.

When deciding on a product to promote, you have the option of joining Affiliate Escape Plan’s affiliate program, allowing you to earn a commission for each sale you bring.

As part of your investment in this business venture, you will likely end up spending money on additional resources and tools like Clickfunnels, which costs between $97/month to $297/month.

There will be additional costs on a monthly basis, so factor that too.

The training inside Affiliate Espace Plan will help you learn how to become a profitable affiliate marketer and promote your offers via social media, YouTube, etc.

It’s definitely worth considering if you’re serious about making money online.

However, I know that there are other cost-effective alternatives out there that can help you get started and succeed online without investing in expensive sales funnel software tools.

What is Affiliate Escape Plan?

Affiliate Escape Plan is all about teaching you the fundamentals of affiliate marketing, how to identify a niche market, and an introduction to Clickfunnels and Legendary Marketer

The business model taught inside is all about promoting other people’s products and services, which is exactly what the owner of this course does.

He offers value in the form of education. Then he recommends software tools and more educational content that has helped him succeed online.

Whenever people end up buying any of these recommendations, Brian Brewer earns a commission. 

Inside the training program, you will be highly encouraged to spend money on sales funnel software tools and other programs.

Guess who makes a commission each time someone buys any of the recommendations inside Affiliate Escape Plan?

Brian does.

In other words, not only does he practice what he teaches, but he is also incredibly good at it. The training content is divided into 3 phases. Each one is focused on different aspects of the affiliate marketing business model

There is a lot of educational material provided inside. It can help beginners with getting started and understand the core concepts of this model.

Is Affiliate Espace Plan a Scam?

Affiliate Escape Plan review legit or not

Affiliate Escape Plan is NOT a scam. It’s a legit training course created by a super affiliate and a successful internet marketer.

Brian Brewer has created a program designed to help aspiring entrepreneurs and people looking to get out of the hamster wheel. 

If you approach this opportunity with the impression that you can easily start generating cash on repeat without putting in a good amount of work upfront, then you will likely end up disappointed. 

The main program that Bryan Brewer’s Affiliate Escape Plan promotes is called Legendary Marketer.

It’s a great platform that can give you all the guidance, training videos, and resources needed to succeed as an affiliate marketer. It’s one of the most popular ones too. 

If you’re interested in starting a profitable online business that revolves around promoting other people’s stuff, then this course can help you out.

The only thing that might be worth considering is the fact that you’re encouraged to invest in an expensive sales funnel builder. 

Alternatively, you can learn how to create an affiliate marketing business without spending money on expensive tools, without buying traffic (web users) and sending them to your offers, and without having to risk losing a bunch of money in the process. 

Who Created Affiliate Escape Plan?

The founder of Affiliate Escape Plan is Brian Brewer. He is Legendary Marketer’s 2x platinum earner, which means that he has made over $200,000 promoting that platform as an affiliate marketer.

This should make it clear to everyone that the guy knows his stuff. Many of us can learn a thing or two from him. 

madcam publishing youtube channel

Brian Brewer has a few YouTube channels, but his most popular one, Madcam Publishing, has over 73K subscribers.

He publishes a lot of high-quality videos that educate people on making money online, mainly through affiliate marketing and high ticket commissions.

What’s Inside Affiliate Escape Plan?

Affiliate Escape Plan can be broken down into 3 main phases. The training starts by helping you get into the right mindset to ensure your success.

This is how many other courses operate as well. It takes a specific way of thinking to be able to overcome the hurdles ahead.

The journey to online success can be worthwhile but it does come with its own obstacles. That’s why you should be prepared for what’s about to come.

Otherwise, you might end up giving up prematurely. Let’s dive into each phase and analyze the content provided inside Affiliate Escape Plan.

Phase 1 – Introduction

Phase one is all about introducing you to the affiliate marketing business model, how it works, and what to expect inside Brian Brewer’s course.

He is an advocate of high ticket promotions, which is why you will learn how to connect with expensive programs and services that can bring in up to four figures per sale that you generate via your promotions.

However, it’s not just about promoting expensive stuff. They should be of high quality too.

Being able to provide immense value to people and make money online at the same time is at the core of what’s covered inside the first part of Affiliate Escape Plan.

The 6 lessons inside will help with figuring out what the business model is all about.

Phase 2 – Traffic & Funnels

Phase two consists of 4 lessons, all about generating traffic (web users) and sending them to your affiliate offers.

It goes over leveraging YouTube for affiliate marketing, Facebook groups, and TikTok. These are the main sources of traffic that are covered inside the Affiliate Escape Plan. 

You will also learn how to implement sales funnels to your offers and siphon the traffic you get from the above-mentioned channels to convert them into buyers.

The emphasis here is to leverage both Legendary Marketer and Clickfunnels for your traffic generation and conversion efforts.

Phase 3 – Action Plan

The last phase goes over methods and tactics for increasing your conversion rates. There are 4 lessons here in total.

You will learn how to place everything covered so far into a well-designed action plan for generating traffic and making sales with your affiliate promotions.

To help you with that, Brian Brewer recommends becoming part of Legendary Marketer’s 15-day challenge. 

How Much Does Affiliate Escape Plan Cost?

affiliate escape plan price

According to the sales page, Affiliate Escape Plan costs $249 (one time). Apparently, it used to be free of charge but that’s not displayed anywhere on Brian Brewer’s website, which leads me to believe that he has put a price on his course.

In addition, if you do follow everything laid out inside, you will end up investing at least a hundred bucks per month for the sales funnel and more on Legendary Marketer. There are numerous offers inside, with the most expensive one being $1,497.

What I Like About Affiliate Escape Plan

Affiliate Escape Plan review pros vs cons

1. It’s High Quality. The training offered inside is great. It covers everything you need to know about affiliate marketing and making money online promoting other people’s stuff.

2. It’s Focused on High Ticket Commissions.
Some people might disagree on this, but I think that being able to land a handful of high ticket commissions can significantly boost your income. Depending on your overall strategy, it may be a better alternative than selling a ton of low-cost offers to a lot more people.

3. The Founder is Legit. Brian Brewer is not some shady internet marketer who teaches you stuff that he doesn’t have a clue about. Trust me, I’ve seen a lot of them out there, which is why I can appreciate the fact that the guy knows what he is doing.

What I Don’t Like About Affiliate Escape Plan

1. It’s Not for Shy People. If you don’t want to put your face on camera, film yourself, and upload it on platforms like YouTube or TikTok, then a big chunk of what’s covered inside will be useless to you.

2. It Can Be an Expensive Venture. Since Brian Brewer is all about promoting high-ticket affiliate offers, at some point, you will come across some very expensive offers and you will be pitched on buying them.

Is There a Better Alternative?

That depends on the type of online business you’re looking to get into. If you’re interested in mastering YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook groups for lead generation, and you don’t mind spending hundreds up to thousands of dollars in education, resources, and tools, then Affiliate Escape Plan may be for you.

However, I do think that there are better ways to get started as a beginner.

I also like making high ticket commissions, which is a big portion of my online revenue.

If you’re looking for a cost-effective alternative that can teach you how to do that, on the next page, I share the exact system I used to create a profitable affiliate marketing business online.

Here’s a screenshot of one of my recent high ticket commissions, which I made by landing a SINGLE sale.

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