A1 Revenue Review – Is Mr Opulent’s Course a Scam?

Welcome to my A1 Revenue review. Can this course really help you make money online, or is Mr. Opulent another scam artist that you should avoid?

There seems to be a lot of controversy around his VIP Program, and all the other courses that Sanu Opulent Ogunkoya has inside his platform.

Here’s what you need to know. This is a high ticket program, which means that it’s expensive.

That’s why it’s entirely possible to come across biased and one-sided reviews claiming how great this training is, without providing you with any REAL VALUE that you can use in the buy or not decision.

Instead of trying to convince you how great A1 Revenue is, I will share my UNBIASED opinion about Mr. Opulent and his course, without all the hype and exaggerations.

Ready? Let’s get started…

A1 Revenue Review Summary

Product Name: A1 Revenue

Product Owner: Sanu Opulent Ogunkoya, also known as Mr. Opulent

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing CPA Course

Product Price: $3,000+

Overall Score: 45/100

Recommended: Not Really!

Summary: A1 Revenue is a CPA (Cost Pet Acquisition) platform that has it’s own training courses that teach you how to grow and scale your campaigns to become successful at making money online.

If you are already running paid traffic, and that’s the ONLY thing that you are interested in, then Mr. Opulent’s course may be what you are looking for.

However, if you are a beginner that’s just getting started with affiliate marketing, then this training is probably not the best solution for you.

Even though the training is of very high quality, it’s extremely expensive, and there are ZERO guarantees that you will be able to get some decent ROI (return on investment) even with the help of an experienced internet marketer.

In my opinion, there are other cost-effective alternatives that are more suitable for beginners.

What is A1 Revenue?

This is a course that’s heavily focused on running paid ads and affiliate marketing CPA campaigns.

The cool thing about this business model is that the traffic (web users) that you send to your offers, don’t necessarily have to buy anything in order for you to get paid.

CPA means that you can get rewarded simply for sending in leads, and traffic to a specific offer.

Mr. Opulent shows you exactly how to take advantage of that, in his paid courses inside A1 Revenue.

Some of his successful students have managed to become profitable in as little as one month after joining, however, that’s not the case with MOST people that join.  Here’s a breakdown of some of the things that you will be able to leverage inside.

– Done For You CPA Campaigns
. You don’t need to start from scratch. Instead, you can take advantage of campaigns that are already proven to work.

– Fast Access to The Traffic Vault
. It has tips and tricks on increasing your traffic.

– VIP Bonus Perks & Contests
. They can help keep you motivated as you go through the training and complete all the necessary steps.

– Advanced Traffic Generation Methods
. These are things that you can learn only by paying for a course like this one.

– How To Master Mobile Traffic With CPA Affiliate Offers
. Most of us are already looking for things using our mobile devices, so why not learn how to take advantage of that?

– Access To Niche Markets That Are Currently Trending
. This can increase the odds of your success.

– Facebook Ads Mastery
. You can learn all the secrets to becoming profitable with Facebook ads traffic generation.

– How To Scale and Grow Your Online Business
. According to some students, this part is one of the most valuable things inside the course.

It’s important to remember that you will be dabbling with paid traffic, which means that you have to spend money to make money, and the outcome of your campaigns is always UNPREDICTABLE.

In other words, even with the most advanced and up to date training course that’s out there, you still run the risk of not getting a decent ROI.

It’s important to understand that A1 Revenue is not the ONLY training that can teach you how to run profitable paid ads. There is a very similar course called Fast Lane Profits, where you can learn all about affiliate marketing, and paid ads with Facebook.

Is Mr. Opulent a Scam?

is a one revenue a scam legit or not

No, he is not a scam. Mr. Opulent can teach you a lot of things about affiliate marketing CPA, and running profitable ad campaigns.

That doesn’t guarantee your success, and you should be aware of that. Given the fact that this is a very hefty investment, you should know that NOT everyone will be able to become profitable with A1 Revenue. You should invest your money ONLY if you are good with that risk.

You should also know, that since you will be dealing with paid traffic sources, you will have to constantly spend money for campaigns, and the moment that you stop, your traffic sources will cease to exist, which means that you won’t be able to make any money. This is a pay to play business model.

There are conflicting opinions of Mr. Opulent on Youtube.  Here’s a video where he gets called out for being a scammer and accused of manipulating his conversions and payouts.

Apparently, it’s very easy for Mr. Opulent to do that since he is the owner of the CPA platform.

A short time after that video was uploaded, Mr. Opulent came out with a comeback of these accusations, with his own response on his Youtube channel.

According to him, it is possible to make a lot of money with a low number of affiliate link clicks, if you have a high ticket offer, with a good funnel, that converts well.

Theoretically, that is true, but the results in his video are INSANE, and it’s doubtful that a lot of people can achieve them, even with decent training in place, so keep that in mind when watching the video below.

How Much Does The A1 Revenue Course Cost?

The A1 Revenue course is a high ticket item. It cost $3,000+ to become a member, and then you need to have an additional couple of thousand dollars to spend on paid ads if you want to scale your campaigns.

In other words, you should be prepared to spend roughly $5,000 in order to have the chance of becoming profitable.

Can You Get a Refund on The A1 Revenue Course?

Yes, you can but there is a BIG catch that you should be aware of. You have 24 hours starting from the time that you purchase your course to ask for a refund if you DO NOT log into the training.

If you open the content inside, or the 24 hour period passes, you will have an additional 30 days to get your money back. However, because of the additional requirements that are in place, it’s highly unlikely that anyone will be able to take advantage of that refund. Here’s what I mean by that.

According to A1 Revenue’s refund policy, you need to have gone through the entire training, prove that you’ve made the effort needed to make money with this program, and if you’ve failed, only then you can get your investment back.

You need to show them proof that you’ve spent at least $100 on paid ads, and if you get even one lead as a result of that ad spend, you automatically become ineligible from getting a refund.

If you end up not making any money and adhere to all the requirements, there is a subtle loophole that you should be aware of.

If the support team decides that you’ve tried to play them by doing everything last minute, they reserve the right to withhold any refund requests, which basically means that the chances of you getting your money back are slim to none.

What I Like About A1 Revenue

a one revenue review pros vs cons

1. You Can Make Money Without Owning a Product or Service of Your Own. A1 Revenue follows the affiliate marketing business model, which means that you only have to secure traffic to any given offer, to have the chance of making money online.

2. Mr. Opulent is Legit.
He clearly is a successful internet marketer, and people can learn a thing or two from him, and that’s definitely worth mentioning here.

What I Don’t Like About A1 Revenue

1. Shady Refund Policy. If you don’t read the terms of the money-back guarantee, you can get easily misled that you can get your money with little to no hassle, which is NOT true.

2. Poor Customer Support
. According to some members of A1 Revenue, the customer support inside is bad. They take days to respond to your issues, and when they do, the ”help” that you receive is more than inadequate.

3. Too Expensive.
I get that Mr. Opulent has made this for ”serious” people that are truly willing to invest in themselves, but spending so much money for something that may not even work for the person getting it, is not my cup of tea.

My Recommendation

My recommendation is that you should not spend that much money on a single training. The amount of knowledge that you can acquire with a fraction of the cost of A1 Revenue remarkable.

I’m not saying that there isn’t any advantage to getting Mr. Opulent’s course. The value is there, but in my opinion, it’s not worth paying $3,000+ for a training program, simply because there is always the chance of failing, and losing all that money.

If you are okay with taking that risk, then go ahead and purchase A1 Revenue, but I think that there are other alternatives to becoming successful with affiliate marketing, that won’t cost you a month’s worth of salary.

If you don’t feel comfortable paying that much money for something like that, then you should see how these people are banking profits using a simple yet incredibly effective blueprint that so many negelct and lose out on that opportunity forever. Don’t be most people.

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