What is Six Figure Success Academy? Is It Wealthy Approved? 2022 Updated Review!

Welcome to the Six Figure Success Academy review.  Before you go on and spend $1K on an online training course, you NEED to know a couple of essential things first.

Can it really generate you $250 – $500 payments on DEMAND?

Is this something that can actually help you achieve your goals, or is it just another scam to avoid?

I don’t think that Six Figure Success Academy is a scam. However, it’s definitely NOT for everyone and you’re about to find out why.

Let me start by pointing out what this program is NOT about.

1. It’s Not Traditional Affiliate Marketing.

2. It’s not Blogging.

3. It’s not SEO.

4. It’s not doing ads on Facebook, Youtube or Google.

 5. It’s NOT Email Marketing.

How bad do you want it picture on phone

This is a completely different approach to generating money online. You don’t need to create your own products or services, because you will be using the affiliate marketing business model.

Remember that this is not your average training course that teaches the exact same things as everyone else.

Basically, what they promise to help you achieve is quite simple.

Find cheap courses online made by other people and collaborate with them so that you can promote their products at a higher price, through Instagram influencers.

The model is as simple as that. Here’s an example.

You find a Course on weight loss at Udemy.

The person who owns that course (let’s call him Bob) has a large Instagram following.

He’s promoting his course but doesn’t seem to generate a lot of money that way, because a large portion of his followers doesn’t like being sold directly on Instagram.

That’s when you come in.

You go into contact with Bob and offer to create a FREE Webinar with HIM to share with his audience. 
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That way you don’t do direct selling to people, quite the opposite.

You offer them something valuable that they WILL be interested in for FREE.

You basically give away a small part of Bob’s course through your webinar, sparking the interest of his audience and offer them to buy the whole thing only when they’ve seen the webinar.

So, when you’ve already solved part of their problem, the audience will most likely be “hooked” by now, thus increasing your chances to land more sales.

See where im going with that?

This is a proven marketing method that WORKS if you utilize it properly.

When all that is said and done, You and Bob split the earnings.

Sounds simple, right?

You can go ahead and watch the entire six-figure success academy training HERE.

Six Figure Success Academy In Depth Review

Name: Six Figure Success Academy

Website: www.startsuccessworkshop.com.

Price: The software costs $997 or two payments of $557

Owners: Ty Cohen and Mike Balmaceda

Overall Rank: 5/10

Summary: This is a training course that can show you how to find product or service owners that you can work with and earn commissions by promoting their stuff.

You will learn things like traffic (web users) generation from social media, setting up webinar funnels that can convert an audience into active buyers, and more. In my opinion, Six Figure Success Academy can be usefull to a lot of people that are just getting started.

However, you should expect to be paying for traffic generation, which can get costly at some point, with no real GUARANTEE for success. 

Below, you can find out how I got started with affilaite marketing, free traffic generation, and why I call this one of the most cost effective, high quality, training programs out there. 

Pro’s & Cons

Pro: They try to get you to make money as fast as possible.

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Pro: They have a money back guarantee which means that they are confident about their product

Pro: They focus on video marketing which is a big thing right now. Nowadays people would prefer to watch a video that explains something rather than just reading about it.

Pro: You don’t need to have a large following because you connect with people who already have a massive traffic source.

thumbs down

Con: You are being taught to sell the courses at a much larger price than they actually are.

This could potentially backfire at some point, simply because people MAY be
able to find equivalent courses a lot cheaper or as freebies in exchange for one’s email.

That’s not good in the long run.

Who Can Benefit From Six Figure Success Academy?

The truth is that this model has the potential of earning you some decent short term cash.

Although if you want to create a sustainable and long term business that will be generating money for you for a long period of time, this would definitely NOT help you do that.

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In order to determine whether or not the six-figure success academy is for you, you have to know what your end goal is.

If it’s just to make some money as fast as possible and then go on to the next thing, then fine, you can benefit from the software.

On the other hand, if you are looking to build yourself a REAL business that will be generating you money for a very long time, then this is NOT for you.

There is another program that can help you with building a respectful and authoritative presence online (it’s also a lot cheaper, the registration is completely FREE).

You can go ahead and check it out HERE.

Let’s Dive Deeper Into the Software and Training Itself

Over there you will receive a six-week training course that is divided into categories as follows:

Week one – Crash Course In How to do Webinars.

Week two – How to Partner With People Like “Bob”

Week three – Creating Your “Money Maker”

Week four – Preparing for Maximum Success & Setup

Week Five – Generating $1000+ on Demand

Week Six – Scale & Optimise

You will also get some bonuses, see the full offer below.

Is It Really Worth It & What Would It Take to Start Making Money With This Program?

I believe that this is a legit course that will help you learn something new.

Whether it would be what you want, is up to you to decide. As I already mentioned, this is a system that is quite shortlived.

Just like any other proper training online, don’t expect that everything will happen on its own and, you won’t start making thousands of dollars without actually doing anything.

You need to put in the work as it is required. Just like in life, if you want something you need to work for it so that you can have it.

>>> Get Started Now <<<

I also realize that some of you might have a limited budget or simply don’t want to spend that much money online, I get it.

Don’t worry, there’s an alternative to Six Figure Success Academy, that can actually prove to be even better (and a lot cheaper) for your long term goals.

Check out my recommendation here. I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read through my

If you’ve liked it, or know someone who might benefit from this review, share it.

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