Tan Choudhury Course [Review]

Welcome to my Tan Choudhury course review. Can you really learn how to build a profitable dropshipping store with his Ecom Mastery training or is it just a big scam to avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. This is not an expensive course, but it doesn’t mean that you should jump right into it without knowing what you’re getting into.

That’s why, instead of praising it like it’s the best thing ever, I will offer you some REAL VALUE that you can use in the buy or not decision.

Let me point out that I’m not affiliated with Tan Choudhury and his course in any way, so don’t expect a thousand low-quality bonuses for joining through my links because there aren’t any. 

By the time you’re done here, you will know exactly what to expect inside this dropshipping training program without any hype or exaggerated claims of income.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Tan Choudhury Course Review Summary

Product Name: Ecom Mastery

Product Type: Dropshipping Training Course

Product Owner: Tan Choudhury

Product Price: $67/Month

Overall Score: 45/100

Recommended: No!

Summary: The sales page is incredibly convincing, and it makes the entire opportunity look very appealing.

The reality is that you will need a solid upfront investment to kick things off, and with the limited traffic (web users) generation training, you can only get so far.

Dropshipping is incredibly competitive. Everyone is running Facebook ads and Influencer marketing is not what it used to be.

Don’t get me wrong, both of these methods are legit ways to find clients and get sales, but you will be competing with a ton of people, which means that you have to learn what works for you and do it better than everyone else.

Tan Choudhury’s training can definitely help you with learning the ins and outs of dropshipping, but his course will not help you find new and innovative ways of attracting traffic, which is one of the reasons why I don’t recommend it.

If you’re new to the world of making money online, there are other, cost-effective and beginner-friendly alternatives that don’t require you to spend a lot of money on running paid ads for exposure.

In fact, you don’t even have to deal with traditional problems that e-commerce store owners come across daily, such as customer complaints and product refunds.

What is Tan Choudhury’s Course About?

The Ecom Mastery Program is Tan’s flagship course. It’s designed to help you create your own online store, find winning products to sell, and attract visitors by running paid ads online.

Even though I think that his training is not one of the more comprehensive, in-depth courses, such as Dropship Formula, which is a program that can teach you how to dominate the UK market with high ticket dropshipping, Tan Choudhury’s course is definitely one of the cheaper ones. 

The entire program can be broken down into the following four steps:

Step #1 – Finding Viral Products.

The first thing that you will learn is how to spot items that people have an interest in. If there’s a lot of interest in a particular product, it means that your chances of selling them through your store and turning a profit are increased significantly. Keep in mind that there are trending, seasonal, and evergreen products.

You may remember the fidget spinner fad in 2017. That’s a clear example of a trending item. Ecommerce store owners that caught onto it early made a ton of cash because the demand was constantly rising, and there was virtually no competition. 

Seasonal products are in high demand at particular times of the year, such as spooky masks and costumes during Halloween, or Christmas decorations during the last few months of each year.

Evergreen items are popular all the time, but the demand may not be as huge compared to rising trends. That’s why it usually pays big if you’re able to spot them early on.

Step #2 – Creating Your Online Store

Your store is essentially a website, which means that it’s important to optimize it to ensure that your visitors have a positive experience. This will increase your sales rate as well as the percentage of returning customers.

A few things play a key role here, with the most important one being the loading speed of your online store. If your website doesn’t load fast, people might click off and close the page before they even get to see it.

Making sure that your entire website structure is user-friendly is just as important. It has to be easy for customers to navigate and find what they’re looking for.

Finally, there are some additional optimization tips that can increase your sales rates, such as discounted items, bundle products, or even time-sensitive offers. 

Step #3 – Getting Traffic

Buying your traffic is NOT the only way to get people to see your products and offers, but Tan Choudhury’s course is focused entirely on running paid ads.

That’s a bit limiting, in my opinion, especially when you take into consideration that you’re taught only two paid traffic generation methods, Facebook and Influencer marketing.

This step is all about teaching you how to set up campaigns and leveraging the biggest social media platform to target people interested in what you’re selling within your e-commerce store.

Micro CBO (Campaign Budget Optimization) testing and scaling your Facebook ads are the essence of this part of the course.

You will also learn how to collaborate with Instagram influencers that have a huge number of followers and pay them to promote your products on their bio.

Step #4 – Automating Your Business

It’s important to know how to outsource a lot of your work so that you can focus on growing your online e-commerce business. You can only get so far by yourself. That’s why this step crucial to your progress.

Ideally, you would want to hire virtual assistants that will do a good job at lower costs. That way, you won’t go bust, and you will have more free time on your hands.

Is Tan Choudhury’s Course a Scam?

tan choudhury review legit or not

No, it’s not a scam. Tan Choudhury’s dropshipping course is legit. It can teach you a lot of useful things about being a successful e-commerce store owner. His net worth is in the 7 figure range.

According to him, Tan has made over 5 million with this business model, which means that he can definitely help others in the field. His Youtube channel has over 72K subscribers and over 2 million views.

tan choudhury youtube channel

Unlike many fake gurus out there, he actually learned the ropes before creating the Ecom Mastery Program. This is definitely a good thing, but it does not mean that everyone can benefit from this course.

Unless you’re willing to invest a lot of money on paid ads to get things going, and possibly a one-time fee of $247 for Tan Choudhury’s Shopify theme Konvertify, then you’d probably want to reconsider becoming a member.

Dropshipping is a REAL way to earn income online, but there’s a lot of things that you need to consider first. One of the main problems for store owners is the long waiting time for orders to arrive.

Some customers aren’t willing to wait 20 days or more for their items to arrive, and if they end up asking for a refund, it’s up to you to make things right. In such a scenario, you will have to pay out of pocket.

I think that there are better business opportunities for beginners to earn income online.

What’s Inside Tan Choudhury’s Course?

As a member of the Ecom Mastery Program, you will get access to a number of things that can help you get started, set up your entire online business, and scale your earnings by implementing methods that have helped Tan Choudhury in becoming a successful eCom store owner. Here’s what you will get inside:

1. 10 Dropshipping Modules.
The first module starts by explaining the business model in detail. By the time you’re done with the last one, you should know everything about this opportunity, including but not limited to finding profitable products, effectively running paid ads, building customer relations, and more.

2. Product Research Mastery Training.
Learn how successful people are doing their research and replicate their methods.

3. Weekly Product Uploads. Tan and his team will do the research for you. Every week they upload new, winning products. There are over 25 of them as of right now, and that number keeps on increasing.

4. Scaling With Facebook Ads

5. Influencer Ads

6. Testing Strategies With Smaller Amounts of Money
. That way, you can find out what works and double down on that.

How Much Does Tan Choudhury’s Course Cost & Can You Get a Refund?

Currently, the price is capped at $67/Month, but that may change over time. As for a refund, the sales page explicitly says that you can get one, as long as you follow the course and don’t get any results. However, when I clicked on the refund policy, it stated otherwise.

no refunds

This may be due to an error, or it may be intentionally misleading. Nevertheless, you should definitely take a look at the refund policy and read it carefully, especially if you’re not sure if this course is for you or not.

What I Like About Tan Choudhury’s Course

tan choudhury course review pros vs cons

1. It’s Cheap. Most Dropshipping courses cost a lot more than $67/Month. It’s usually a 3, 4, or even 5 figures.

2. Tan Has a Big Following.
He is known in the eCommerce space, which increases his credibility.

What I Don’t Like About Tan Choudhury’s Course

1. Contradictory Refund Policy.

2. Limited Traffic Training
. You will learn the methods that everyone else is doing, which means that your competition is going to be huge.

3. It’s Not The Best Business Model For Beginners
. You will need to spend more money on Facebook ads and pay influencers to promote your products, hoping that you will make more than you spend.

Is There a Better Alternative?

Unless you’re 100% certain that dropshipping is the best business model for you and you’re fully aware of the pros and cons of starting an e-commerce store, yes, there is.

If that’s the case, then Tan Choudhury may be able to help steer you in the right direction by showing his exact steps for achieving success with this business model.

This is one of the most competitive ways to make money online. Everyone has an online store nowadays, and everyone is generating traffic by running social media ads and doing influencer marketing.

That’s not necessarily a bad thing, and if you approach this business opportunity with the mindset that it will likely take you a lot of time, money, and effort to find out YOUR winning formula, you increase your overall chances of success.

Tan Choudhury’s course can help you with that, but it’s not going to be the all in all solution to all of your problems.

If you’re on the fence, then I can definitely say that there are better ways to start an online business that do not require you to deal with customer service, refunds, complaints, product purchases, and damaged inventory.

You can learn how to promote other people’s products or services and pocket generous commissions.

All you have to do is send traffic to an already proven to convert product. You don’t even have to pay for exposure if you don’t want to.

You can leverage the search engines for free exposure and earn a full-time income online.

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