Pyjama Bosses Review [In Depth]

Welcome to my Pyjama Bosses review. MLM does not have an overall good reputation because there are tons of pyramid schemes that hide under the ”network marketing” label. It’s also one of the HARDEST and most expensive online business models out there.

That’s why you need to know what you’re doing, or you will probably end up in the 99% of network marketers that lose more money than they ever make. 

Here’s the thing. This is a training course that can teach you how to scale and grow your online business in the Multi-Level Marketing industry. 

In other words, this program is for those that already have an established business online and are looking for growth. In my opinion, If you’re a beginner with no prior experience in making money online, then this program is NOT for you. 

Here’s a beginner-friendly alternative for getting started the right way.

Pyjama Bosses is a high ticket coaching program, which means that you can easily come across biased and one-sided reviews that praise it like it’s the best thing that ever happened on the internet without providing you with any REAL VALUE that you can use in the buy or not decision.

Let me point out that I’m not affiliated with this program in any way or form, so don’t expect a thousand low-quality eBooks for joining through my links.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Pyjama Bosses Review Summary

Product Name: Pyjama Bosses

Product Type: Course on Scaling a Multi-Level Marketing Business Online

Product Owners: Masa & Miguel

Estimated Product Price: $2,000 – $5,000+

Overall Score: 70/100

Recommend: Yes, Unless You’re a Beginner!

Summary: Most Multi-Level Marketing companies out there don’t have a very good training structure, which is part of the reason why so many fail with this business model.

You have to be really good at recruiting others and managing a team. Let’s face it, not everyone is cut out for this type of thing.

However, if you are already seeing some success with the network marketing company that you’re affiliated with then Pyjama Bosses may be what you’re looking for.

Especially if you’re looking to scale up to or beyond the 6 figure per year mark and you don’t mind investing thousands of dollars to get that opportunity.

On the other hand, if you’re a beginner or prefer to avoid spending that much money, there are other cost-effective alternatives that you can explore.

What is the Pyjama Bosses System About?

The Pyjama Bosses system is all about helping current network marketers or multi-level marketers (it’s the same thing) scale their online business by increasing their downline of recruiters.

According to their website, they can teach you tried and tested methods that have already helped thousands of people with their network marketing in more than 30 different companies.

In other words, they’re not associated with any particular MLM organization, which means that everyone involved with this business model has the chance to leverage Pyjama Bosses and their training.

That’s a good thing in my opinion because it means that they’re not trying to recruit you into their own downline or anything like that.

I’ve been exposed to many MLM companies in disguise that portrays themselves as opportunities to make money online or training courses that help you start or grow an online business. When there’s no hidden agenda, that’s always a good sign in my book.

Keep in mind that taking Masa & Miguel’s course isn’t a guarantee for anything. It’s an investment, which means that it has its own risks.

Is Pyjama Bosses a Scam?

pyjama bosses review legit or not

Pyjama Bosses is not a scam program that’s designed to take your hard-earned money. It’s a legit system that can teach you the fundamentals of growing your network marketing downline by leveraging what Masa and Miguel call the duplication method. 

You will have to think about additional expenses that will most likely occur once you get access to this course.

Spending money on ads to generate leads and prospects for your downline is one of these things that need to be considered, but you’re probably doing that already since this course is about people who are looking to scale their online business. 

If you’re seeing success with your MLM promotions already, Pyjama Bosses can help you transfer that into your downline and help them duplicate that process.

If you’re looking for a way to increase your own lead generation results, then you should take a look at Attract 100 Leads in 30 Days, which is a course created by ex-network marketer Tyson Zahner for Multi-Level Marketers.

Who Created Pyjama Bosses?

Masa Cemazar and Miguel Montero are the founders of Pyjama Bosses. In November 2005, they were introduced to the world of network marketing, and that’s when they started to dabble in this industry.

During their first two years, the couple didn’t see much success with the endeavors, but their drive was too big to just give up on their hopes and dreams.

A bit over the 2-year mark, they found a mentor who taught them a proven system that they had to follow, which increased their income to multiple 6 figures per year. In the span of 9 months, they managed to build a team of over a thousand people.

The problem was that most people in Masa and Miguel’s team couldn’t replicate their results, so the couple had to constantly work towards the success of their business which was too exhausting, and they couldn’t keep up with the 16-hour workdays anymore.

That’s when Masa and Miguel realized that they had to find a way to increase their income and reduce the work hours at the same time.

In 2013 they were recognized as millionaires. Many people were interested in learning their secrets, and that’s how Pyjama Bosses was born.

Since it’s creation back in 2014, Masa and Miguel have helped over 7,500 team leaders build a scalable system for their teams, resulting in 6 figure earnings.

What’s Inside Pyjama Bosses?

Pyjama Bosses consists of two main programs that you can choose from. 6 Figure Circle and the Inner Circle.

The first course is all about growing your current network marketing business to 6 figures per year.

Inner Circle is all about those that have already reached that goal and want to scale even further to 7 figures or more a year.

Pyjama Bosses – 6 Figure Circle

This course consists of 19 lessons, or missions as they like to call them, that gives you a path that you can follow in a systematic order.

To make things even easier, the missions are divided into 3 levels starting from the fundamental systems that you need to have in place, followed by creating events that can increase the earnings of your team.

The last level is all about creating more leaders in your team. Leaders are people that are good at making sales and recruiting others into the MLM program that you’re in.

This will increase your results and grow your business, which is what the main goal of the Pyjama Bosses’ 6 Figure Circle is all about.

It’s a 12-month program that consists of 1 on 1 coaching calls with Masa and Miguel, mentorship, an accountability coach, and software that can automate the sales process.

On top of that, you will get access to weekly coaching calls and regular communication with the team behind Pyjama Bosses’ trough Facebook messenger and emails

Here’s the 6 step process that you will go through inside the 6 Figure Circle course.

Step #1 – Chose a Path for Your Business and Do Not Deviate From it 

Step #2 – Find Your Flow of Potential Clients

Step #3 – Learn The Skills For Closing Prospects and Converting Them into Clients

Step #4 – Build an AutoBahn For Your Business

Step #5 – Keep Your Focus on Being Productive

Step #6 – Ask Questions When You Get Stuck

Let’s breakdown each of the above-mentioned steps, so that you can be fully aware of what you’re getting yourself into with 6 Figure Circle, starting with the software that can automate and duplicate your business.

My Duplicator

My Duplicator is a software that can help you create your own sales funnel inside the Pyjama Bosses platform.

It’s called that way because once you set up the whole thing, you can share it with your team members so that they can duplicate your methods and replicate your results.

Inside that software, there is an entire series of lessons (47 in total) that are all about helping you in the development of yourself and your team as established leaders.

This means that even if your downline has no clue how to recruit more people, they can simply plug into the pre-designed sales funnel inside My Duplicator AND get access to all lessons inside this software, which can increase their chances of success.

This software comes with its own CRM, which means that you can track your customer’s behavior and see where they’re at in the buyer-customer journey.

Sometimes it can be difficult to set up the entire system by yourself, which is why you get access to an onboarding call with an expert that can help you with all of that.

MLM System Scripts Software

This is something that Miguel and Masa created themselves with the help of Jim Edwards. He is an expert in copywriting and the author of a book called copywriting secrets.

The MLM system scripts software can help you with things like social media prospecting, the transition to an invitation, asking for referrals, contacting referrals, presenting the MLM company that you’re associated with the RIGHT way, and more.

There are over 20 different types of scripts inside that you can explore and implement into your own online business.

You have the option to fill in your prospect’s details like their name, your mutual friend’s connection, common interests, etc.

Once you fill out all the relevant details, the MLM System Scripts Software is going to auto-generate several scripts that you can use to connect with your prospect.

Lead Generation

This part of the course is all about helping you recruit 50 members to your downline. There are numerous training videos inside that can teach you how to generate leads through social media, with paid ads, or with organic outreach.

By the time you’re done here, you will know how to recruit others in the best and most profitable ways.


Here you will learn about scheduling events and meetups with your team members. You don’t have to limit yourself to online or offline events because you can learn how to do both, and pick the one that suits you most.

You could always combine your event scheduling and do a mixture of online and in-person meetings. 

Ignition – 20 Events

This part is all about building momentum and creating 20 events filled with potential members or prospects for your downline.

Ignition is a combination of two best-selling programs created by Masa and Miguel. The first one is called 7 Figure Duplication Secrets, and the second is Q Momentum.

200 Leads

This part of the course is entirely focused on advanced lead generation tactics and methods for scaling your overall efforts. It’s supposed to layer on top of the first lead generation lesson that shows you how to get 50 of them.

10 Pillars

Masa and Miguel have broken down everything that you need to do in order to achieve massive success with the multi-level marketing business model. It’s all broken down into the 10 pillars of success. 

Weekly Webinars

Every week the founders of Pyjama Bosses hop on to a live webinar where they talk about everything related to the industry.

Even if you miss a live session, you can get access to it plus every webinar that has ever been made by Masa, and Miguel even from before you joined the program.

How Much Does The Pyjama Bosses 6 Figure Circle Course Cost?

It costs up to $5,000 or more. The only way to find out is by scheduling a call with their sales team, which means that it can cost less than that. It all depends on the conversation that you have with the sales team member and your own personal goals with 6 Figure Circle.

Usually, when you have to make a call to find out the price of a program or course, it means that it’s a lot of money. That’s why you will talk to a trained professional that has one single job, which is to convert you into a customer.

They probably earn commissions for each sale, so even if you say no they will keep pushing until you either hang up or come to some sort of a conclusion.

Pyjama Bosses – Inner Circle

The Inner Circle is for those that are already earning a decent income from network marketing but can’t seem to reach the 7 figure mark. This course has everything that’s offered by 6 Figure Circle plus some additional things as follows:

– Private Welcome and Orientation Call

– Private Onboarding Call and System Launch Strategy

– One Year of Admin Access to My Duplicator Software

– One Year Access To The Complete Training Vault of Pyjama Bosses

– Two Tickets to Pyjama Bosses’ Live Events Including Inner Circle Retreat

– One Year of Access to Concierge Customer Support

– Direct Access to Miguel and Masa Through Voxer

Probably the most valuable part of the Inner Circle is your direct access to the founders of this program, which can give you a more personalized experience and increase your chances of success.

What I Like About Pyjama Bosses

pyjama bosses review pros vs cons

1. It Exists Since 2014. That’s a lot of time which means that it can be considered reliable and trustworthy. Obviously, this program has withstood the test of time, and that’s definitely a good thing.

2. It’s Extensive
. Pyjama Bosses covers everything that you need to know to make money online with MLM and it even has its own scriptwriting, and funnel building software.

3. Positive Testimonials and Reviews
. The overall opinion about this program is positive, with many success stories.

What I Don’t Like About Pyjama Bosses

1. It’s Not For Beginners. Even though Miguel and Masa try to make it appealing to those that are just getting started with network marketing through their 6 Figure Circle course, I don’t think that this is the most suitable program for beginners.

2. No Refunds
. According to their terms of service, you can’t get a refund which means that the risk of your investment is significantly increased.

My Recommendation

If you are looking for a way to increase your downline, and create a successful team of active recruiters for the MLM company that you’re working with, then Pyjama Bosses may be the right opportunity for you as long as you’re aware of the fact that it can cost you thousands of dollars to get into the program.

If you’re just starting out with an online business of you’re own, or if you have no experience with making money online, then you should probably avoid spending a lot of money on something that is not guaranteed to work.

What you can do instead is leverage a cost-effective opportunity for online passive income generation that most people don’t even know about. 

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