Product Launch Formula Review – Is Jeff Walker Legit?

Welcome to my Product Launch Formula review. Can Jeff Walker really help you start a profitable online business, or is it another scam to avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. This is a program that can help people with an audience to monetize it.

By creating a high quality product or service and launching it effectively, you can seriously impact (in a good way) people that follow you and make money online at the same time.

Even without an audience yet, you can still take advantage of the Product Launch Formula, however, there are a bunch of things you should know prior to making your decision.

This is a high ticket expensive program, which means that you may come across promoters all over the internet.

That’s why, I want to point out that I’m not affiliated with this product or Jeff Walker in any way, so don’t expect a thousand bonuses for joining through my links because you won’t find any.

By the time you’re done here, you will know exactly what you’re getting into without any hype or exaggerated claims of income.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Product Launch Formula Review Summary

Product Name: Product Launch Formula

Product Owner: Jeff Walker

Product Type: Launch a Product Online Course

Product Price: $1,997 or 6 Monthly Payments of $397

Overall Score: 65/100

Recommended: Not For Everyone!

Summary: Product Launch Formula is all about helping you launch a product or service in a niche market of your choice.

Jeff Walker is someone that can definitely help you out a lot, even if you have no clue as to the exact steps needed to create something online and then sell it to your audience.

If you are someone that already has a big audience and you know what they’re looking for in a product or service, then the Product Launch Formula can help you get to a point where you can sell your own stuff profitably.

However, if you’re a beginner with no experience in business or making money online, then you should know that as a product or service owner you need to deal with things like bad reviews, customer service, issuing refunds, running paid ads to promote your products, and managing a team of people.

You can’t really do all of these things alone. That’s why, I think that there are better, cost effective, more laid back ways to create a successful online business as a beginner, without having to deal with all of the above mentioned things.

What is Product Launch Formula?

Product Launch Formula is a program that can help you not only launch your own brand new product or service but do so in a way that gets people’s attention even before you’ve opened the doors for enrollment.

It’s important to understand that creating a high quality product or service is ONE SMALL part of having a successful online business.

You need to consider things like researching your market to find out if there’s actually any interest in what you have to sell. Then you have to make sure you convey the right message to the right people, AKA copywriting.

After all that, you need to find a way to create hype around your product or service so that people can start buying them immediately after they become available to the open market.

The difference between successful product launches and those that generate a small number of sales is that the latter usually don’t bother with all the additional steps that are required to make it work.

Simply creating your product or service without doing anything else (in most cases) WILL NOT accumulate to great results.

Is Product Launch Formula a Scam?

product launch formula review legit or not

Product Launch Formula is NOT a scam. It’s a legit training program designed to help people that actually want to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the internet.

It’s important to realize that this is an educational program that will NOT do the work for you.

If you expect to simply pay for access and start banking solid cash, then you will end up extremely disappointed.

If you’re willing to put in the work, then you have a real chance of succeeding. If you prefer to get your hands on a program that offers to do most of the heavy lifting for you, rather than teach you how to do it yourself, you can take a look at my 100K Apprentice review.

Product Launch Formula was released way back in 2005 and has gone through many updates over the years.

This is one of the many indicators showing that Jeff Walker knows how to appeal to his audience while offering a ton of value to those interested in the business model shown inside his program.

However, I also think that there are better ways for beginners to get started without risking that much money upfront.

Who Created Product Launch Formula?

Jeff Walker. He is the founder of Product Launch Formula, amongst other programs, an author and industry leader. In 1996 Jeff Walker started writing email newsletters on topics related to the stock market.

At some point, he realized that selling his knowledge would not only benefit him but it will also help a lot of people at the same time.  

His flagship program came into existence when he decided to focus on teaching others how to launch products or services.

What’s Inside Product Launch Formula?

Product Launch Formula teaches the 4 phases of executing profitable launches. The Pre Pre Launch Phase, The Pre launch Phase, Launch Phase, and Post Launch Phase.

The first phase is all about helping you build out your email list by sending your prospects to a designated web page AKA a squeeze page.

The next phase is all about bringing more awareness to your prospects and crafting great sales letters. The next phase is focused on sending personalized emails with limited time offers, discounts, etc.

The final phase is all about getting feedback and offering free valuable content to your email list and potential clients.

There are 9 modules in total that cover these 4 phases in great detail. Let’s break down each module inside and see exactly what you will be getting.

Module 1 – Your Launch Foundation

The first module covers 5 different methods for launching a product or service. Depending on what stage you are with your business, you can do all, most, or some of the following things:

Seed Launch
. This is a lead generating process using email. If you don’t have a big audience or you’ve no experience with an online business, the Seed Launch can be a good starting point.

Internal Launch.
If you already have a target audience in a niche market of your choice, you can use this method and promote your new offer even if it’s not ready yet. By showing it to people in your list or subscriber base, you can stir some hype and get people excited about your upcoming launch before it’s even fully completed.

Joint Venture Launch. This method can be done after you go through with the Internal Launch process. It involves working with affiliate marketers by sharing a percentage of the sales you make with them. For example, I bring traffic (web users) to your offer. If people like it and buy, you as the owner of that offer, give me a percentage of the sale each time I bring a new one.

Evergreen Launch.
With this method, you can position your offer in a way that makes it available indefinitely. In other words, it’s not restricted during a specific time frame and it’s not dependant on things like time of year, the changing seasons, etc.

Quick Launch.
This is where you create special discounts and introduce your offer with a lot of bonuses but for a limited time, encouraging people to act fast or miss out.

Module 2 – Your Launch Plan

Having a clear goal in mind with a well established path for getting there is the only way to get where you want to.

That’s why carving out a plan early on, is an important of your journey. Choosing a niche, direction, ideal customers, and defining your goals is what this module is all about.

Module 3 – Pre Pre Launch

Here you will learn more about the pain points and inner desires of your ideal customers. That way, you can present them with a message that targets them and offer a solution to their problems.

This will not only help you form a connection with your target audience, but it’s also a great way to create hype around your launch.

Module 4 – Prelaunch

This module is all about teaching you how to prove to your audience that your content is valuable in their eyes. It’s not about overpromising and underdelivering.

It has to do more with the way you portray your offer and help your audience understand exactly what your offer can do for them.

Module 5 – Open Cart

This is where you will get to start selling and promoting your launch actively. Sales videos and open cart emails will be all the buzz in this module.

When you’re done here, you will know how to create campaigns around your product or service in various ways.

Module 6 – Seed & Internal Launches

According to Jeff Walker, Seed and Internal Launches are essential for beginners with no product or list to sell to.

With the help of Jeff’s Launch Planner and his Seed Launch Planner guides, you will be able to follow in his footsteps and implement everything taught inside with ease.

Module 7 – Joint Venture Launches

Before you begin with Join Venture Launches, you need to know if your product or service is perceived well by potential buyers.

That’s why you have to complete the Seed & Internal launch phase first. That way, you will know for sure if your launch is of high quality or not. If it is, you can go ahead and continue with finding affiliates to partner with.

Module 8 – Evergreen Launches

This module will show you Jeff’s exact strategy for launching evergreen products and services to the public, allowing you to keep profiting without doing any extra work whatsoever.

Module 9 – Business Launch Formula

This module will help you keep launching different products and services and create a consistent strategy.

The last part of this program is especially suitable for beginners with no previous experience in running an online business or launching their own products or services.

How Much Does Product Launch Formula Cost?

Product Launch Formula costs a one time payment of $1,997 or 6 monthly installments of $397. The second payment method costs less initially, but over time, you will end up paying more. 

Is There a Money Back Guarantee?

Yes. Jeff Walker offers a 14 day refund period. There are no weird requirements for getting your money back or anything like that. As long as you’re within the given time frame, you should be able to get your money back.

What I Like About Product Launch Formula

product launch formula review pros vs cons

1. The Founder is Well Experienced. Jeff Walker has been in the industry of teaching others how to make money online for a while now. It’s safe to say that he can teach and help a lot of people.

2. Product Launch Formula is Not Always Open.
This shows that the founder wants his students to succeed. Obviously, there is no way to help thousands of people at the same time, which is why his program opens up periodically throughout the year.

3. Money Back Guarantee With No Strings. A lot of programs and courses out there have shady refund policies. In this case, there doesn’t seem to be any shadiness around the 14 day money back guarantee.

What I Don’t Like About Product Launch Formula

1. It Can Be Expensive For Some. Not everyone would be willing to risk losing thousands of dollars to get started with making money online.

2. Product Launches Are Difficult.
In my opinion, this is one of the most difficult and rewarding ways to create a profitable online business. Not everyone is cut out for it.

3. Not The Best Business Model For Beginners. I think that there are better ways for beginners to get started.

Is There a Better Alternative?

In my opinion, there is a better way to start a profitable online business. One where you don’t have to think about customer service, issuing refunds, dealing with unhappy customers, spending money on paid ads, and investing thousands of dollars to get started. I still think that affiliate marketing is the best alternative for beginners.

Using this business model and the 4 step blueprint that you will see on the next page, I am able to earn consistent recurring passive income and get paid up to a thousand dollars from a SINGLE product sale that I don’t even own myself.

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