My Online Startup Review

Welcome to My Online Startup review. Have you ever been interested in getting your hands on a complete step by step, up to date Affiliate Marketing training that shows you exactly how to become profitable with this online business model?

If so, you should stick until the end of My Online Startup review, because, I will be revealing everything that you can gain from this training course.

I bought it to see what’s inside the program as a Partner ($197).

My Online Startup membership receipt

Within the next few minutes, you will know for sure, if this is the right program for you or not, and I will share some things about this training, that may just get you to reconsider getting involved with it in the first place. 

There is no one true way to achieving the dream lifestyle, online success comes in many different forms.

That’s why it’s important to find YOUR way before investing time, money, and resources into a seemingly good product or service.

Ready? Let’s get started…

My Online Startup Review Summary

Product Name: My Online Startup

Product Creator: Chuck Ngyuen

Price: Free or $197

Recommended: Yes

Overall Score: 75/100

Summary: My Online Startup is 100% free Affiliate Marketing training that teaches you how to become successful, and build an online business from scratch.

If you’re thinking that there must be some sort of catch attached to this ”free” training then you are right on track (kind of). The training by itself is completely free, with no restrictions.

You will get access to 50+ high-quality training videos. However, there are going to be some external tools and apps that you may need to BUY in order to get this thing working for you.

You can try and make some money using only free resources, which is also taught inside, but it’s going to be harder. I’m talking from experience.

That’s not all.

For anyone interested in becoming a Partner, it’s important to note that you will unlock MANY streams of income that revolve around the promotion of My Online Startup.

I would definitely recommend this program to anyone that wants to learn EXACTLY how to make money online with affiliate marketing.

In one place. Without paying for the education.

What is My Online Startup?

My Online Startup is all about teaching complete newbies, and people who are just getting started with Affiliate Marketing. I’ve seen courses out there with similar high-quality training, that sell for $297 or more.

The value inside is top notch and the guy teaching, Chuck Ngyuen, has been involved in internet marketing and making money online since 2012.

The Partner status can be achieved for $197. It will unlock training that’s specifically for all founding members.

In other words, if you’re not interested in becoming a Partner and being grandfathered into the one time price, you don’t need it.

At some point in the future, My Online Startup will become a subscription based membership and people will have to pay monthly to access the content.

As you can expect, there are going to be some perks to getting that upsell, such as the fact that you can now earn $100 for each paying member you enroll in the program.

You will also get to take advantage of all the other income streams available to founding Partners only.

Is My Online Startup a Scam?

My online startup review scam
My Online Startup is Not a scam. In fact, it has one of the most comprehensive, and cost-effective (because it’s free) Affiliate Marketing training courses out there. Many people have already benefited from this program, and haven’t paid a dime towards their learning process.

Honestly, there are A LOT of scams out there, that just want to take your money, and nothing else.

In case you’re curious as to what an online scam website looks like, then you should check out my Website ATM Review.

Even though the training itself is really great, there are some issues, that Chuck and his team can work upon.

Apparently, there are some members out there, that have had some technical issues with promoting this course, and didn’t get their affiliate commissions at all.

The complaint is over two years old and it looks like they’ve long fixed that issue since then.

Personally, I’ve NEVER had any similar problems and I’ve always been paid on time with full and complete transparency.

I’ve already made more money than what I paid for becoming a Partner by simply following the training provided.

It just works. Period. Here’s a screenshot of my earnings with this program so far.

Why Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is the easiest business model for beginners to start their online journey. The concept of Affiliate Marketing is extremely simple. All you have to do is find products, and services online that are of high quality, and promote them to people who are interested in similar things.

There’s NO selling involved, and you won’t be recruiting anyone either. Your job is to guide people and help them find what they’re looking for. When you do that, you will be rewarded with a percentage of the buyer’s purchase, in the form of commissions.

They can range from as low as 1% and can go up to 100% in some instances. It all depends on the type of promotions that you’re doing.

In his training course, Chuck will teach everything that you need to know about Affiliate Marketing starting from scratch.

Then you will slowly but surely progress into more intermediate, and advanced Affiliate Marketing strategies that will teach you what’s working right now, and how to implement it the right way. 

What Are People Saying About My Online Startup?

My Online Startup is completely free, that’s why many people would be interested in giving it a go. There are many users out there who are extremely happy with the training and are making money with that model.

However, the general opinion is that the value is mostly within the free part. In other words, the best of My Online Startup’s training is already free for everyone.

The general opinion about this program from users is great. The platform provides lots of value and tons of free content that can navigate any newbie in the right direction.

What’s Inside My Online Startup?

As soon as you register, and become a member, you will get access to all the 50+ free training videos that will help you generate income online with Affiliate Marketing. More specifically promoting Affiliate products from ClickBank.

The training is nicely prepared to be suitable for beginners, and it teaches you everything that you need to know including the advanced stuff. Here’s what you can expect to learn inside My Online Startup:

1. Getting Started. This is just a bit over 20-minute video that tells you exactly what to expect from this program. Chuck outlines everything that he is going to cover in this video training series.

2. The Game Plan. Here, you will get to learn everything about Affiliate Marketing. After watching this 36-minute training, you will know exactly why this is the most lucrative online business model to get in now. 

3. The Mindset Of Success.
 This is pretty much self-explanatory. Some people tend to neglect the mindset that you need to have in order to be successful or simply do not realize the fact that your mindset and the way you approach things will play a vital role in your online success. This is a 7 series part, with about 3 hours of combined training, where Chuck makes sure to prepare you mentally for the road ahead.

4. Affiliate Marketing 101.
 This part will show you all the profitable niche markets that you can tap into for maximum success rate. You will learn all the fundamental stuff, that will be the core of your online business. This is an hour-long video series with 5 separate parts.

5. Lead Generation Training. This is an important part of building out your business. You will learn how to capture email leads and build a list. You will find out why that’s so important nowadays, and how to properly use an autoresponder to automate all your sales letters. Not only that but you will find out how easy it is to build capture pages that are there with the sole purpose of generating leads.

6. Building an Authority Platform.
 In this training, Chuck explains why having a blog is essential if you want to maximize your earnings potential. He also recommends Wealthy Affiliate as the go-to place for learning how to write blogs, and rank them on the search engines for many people to see. This brings natural highly targeted organic traffic to your promotional offers. This training consists of 7 parts, with about 2 hours of overall watch time.

7. YouTube Marketing. YouTube is one of the most profitable ways to generate revenue right now, and many people are just neglecting this source of traffic. In this course, Chuck will let you in on a little secret. He will tell you exactly what kind of videos are best for YouTube, and what kind of resources you will need to get more views. This is a 6 part series with over 40 minutes of training.

8. Forum Marketing. This is just one video, that’s almost 15 minutes long, and it covers how to get high-quality traffic using forums that you can promote your products on. It can be difficult to get traffic from forums, but when you do, it’s a gold mine. Chuck explains how you can tap into all of that in his forever free training course.

9. Solo Ads Targeting. This is an in-depth training on running solo ads, to targeted audiences that will be interested in what you have to offer. You will learn how to effectively promote My Online Startup, and other programs using paid ads in the most cost-efficient way possible. Altogether there are 4 videos with 45 minutes of watch time.

10. Traffic Networks. Here, Chuck will disclose his top 3 traffic networks, how to use them, and where anyone can buy traffic for much cheaper than what you can on big social media platforms like Facebook. It’s approximately 33 minutes long and consists of 3 video training series. The traffic networks are as follows:

– Leads Ad Space

– Infinity Traffic Boost

– Leads Leap

This is what you will get inside the free training platform of My Online Startup in a nutshell. On top of all that great training, you will get access to a private Facebook group that’s for members of My Online Startup.

Over there you will get the chance to network with other members and get help if you ever need it. You can do that within the membership area too.

After each video you watch, you can add comments, provide feedback, or ask if there is anything unclear. Chuck and his team are quick with replying to comments, so you will always have someone that can help you if you get stuck on anything.

Something interesting that caught my attention is the ability to take notes inside the training itself. Under each video training, you will have a notepad icon. When you click it, the notepad will appear, and you can write notes as you go along with the training.

My Online Startup Founder Membership Price

The free training inside comes with a lot of great perks, however, the Founder membership has even more. It comes with a one-time payment fee of $197. Here’s everything that you will get with the paid membership of My Online Startup AKA MOS:

1. Exclusive Rights to Promote MOS. You will get $100 for each Founder sale you make.

2. Done For You Lead Generation System. This is an up and running system that has everything prepared for you to start promoting and generating leads.

3. Done For You Product Promotions. These are promotions that are worth $300 but you will get them as a bonus for becoming a Founder member of My Online Startup.

4. 30 Days To Massive Wealth. This is a bonus guide that challenges you to generate income, and become wealthy in 30 days. It’s easier said than done, however it is a good boost to get out there and do the work.

There is a 30-day full money-back guarantee, with no questions asked. This makes the investment risk-free, so if you’ve been on the fence, and want to see if the program will work for you, you will have about a month to find out.

What I Like About My Online Startup

My online startup review pros and cons
1. There Is No Hype.
 There are no gigantic claims of massive wealth virtually overnight, and there are no exaggerations about the nature of this business, and how easy it’s going to be.

There’s a lot of training courses out there that have taken their marketing a bit too far with lots of ridiculous claims. It’s refreshing to see something so valuable presented for what it truly is without any hype.

2. Huge Value
. It’s undeniable that this training has a lot of value. It basically covers everything about Affiliate Marketing, shows you what to do every step of the way, and nothing is left uncovered. The training itself is up to date, so it shows you methods that work RIGHT now, and people are implementing them on a full-time basis.

3. Whole Training is Free.
 If the training quality was poor, then the fact that there is no price would not intrigue me. What’s truly good about My Online Startup is that the ENTIRE training is packed with value, and it’s completely free. This should make you consider becoming a member, and finding out what it’s all about. That’s what happened to me, and I’m glad I stumbled upon this training.

4. There is a Refund Policy. 
The 30-day money-back guarantee makes the whole thing much less worrisome for people when they know that if anything happens, they can always get a refund within that time frame.

5. Chuck Knows What He’s Talking About
. Everything that Chuck is teaching you inside the training is extremely valuable and is being taught to you by someone who is already making a consistent amount of money using the same models that he is now showing to other people.

6. The Commission’s Are Big.
 If you decide to become a Founder member, you will automatically get $100 for each new Founder member that joins because of your Affiliate Marketing efforts, tactics, and strategies that you’ve learned inside My Online Startup.

What I Don’t Like About My Online Startup

1. Issues With Affiliates. There have been some reportings online of people who have referred others into the membership area, but the system didn’t acknowledge that. In other words, they ended up recruiting others without getting any commissions for some time. They will have most likely fixed this by the time you go through this review, but it’s good to keep it in mind just in case.

2. Things Can Change Fast. Chuck is always tweaking, and changing things inside the platform, that’s why you should be very mindful of that. History shows that people have been misled before by what it USED to be and what IT IS now. Always check twice, before going forward, and keep an eye out for any changes along the way too.

3. There Are Extra Costs. As you go along with the training, you will notice that many of the things that you will be doing, have to be outsourced from other people or by using resources that can be expensive. Let’s take autoresponders for example.

You will have to pay a fixed monthly fee for most of the good autoresponders that will help with your email marketing. Not to mention all the costs that can accumulate when you invest in paid ads.

The training shows you how to do it in the most profitable, and successful way, however, you can end up spending a big chunk of your money before you start seeing ROI (return on investment).

My Recommendation

My recommendation is that you give My Online Startup a shot.

If you’re new to the industry and want to know more about Affiliate Marketing, then this program is for you.

It costs nothing to become a member, and you will get more than 10+ hours of PURE VALUE.

You will get the kind of information that people pay good money for over there, and it’s free. There really is NOTHING to lose. 

If you want to start banking profits as these people do, then you should consider learning all About Affiliate marketing with Chuck’s training. 

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