Matt Leitz Bot Builders [Review]

Welcome to my review of Matt Leitz and his Bot Builders program. Can you really start generating automated leads and sales with the help of this course that will show you how to leverage chatbots, or is this just another hype?

Here’s what you need to know. Automation IS possible with this business model and many people have already taken advantage of everything that Bot Builders has to offer.

The founder of this program is quite a successful entrepreneur in multiple markets, such as real estate investing. He managed to turn one of his passions, board games, into a successful online business.

Now, Matt Leitz has decided to dive into lead generations and is already recognized by one of the biggest messenger marketing companies, ManyChat. 

All of these things indicate that this guy clearly knows what he is doing when it comes to making money online and helping others do the same.

Does that mean that he can help you too? 

For the sake of full transparency, I want to let you know up front that this post has affiliate links, which means that I may earn small commissions on any links you click, at no extra cost to you. 

However, I’m not here to sell or pitch anything. Instead, I want to offer REAL VALUE that you can use in the buy or not decision.

That’s why I will give you my HONEST and transparent review of Bot Builders and Matt Leitz without any hype or exaggerations.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Bot Builders Review Summary

Product Name: Bot Builders

Product Owner: Matt Leitz

Product Price: $1,497

Product Type: Automated Chatbot Marketing and Lead Generation Service

Overall Score: 85/100

Recommended: Yes!

Summary: If you already have an online business and you’re trying to get more leads and sales, then Matt Leitz’s Bot Builders can help you by introducing you to the world of Facebook Messenger marketing and by showing you how to automate entire messaging sequences designed to turn prospects and leads into loyal buyers.

Compared to other marketing channels like email, messengers get up to 80 times more engagement. 

The average open rate for messenger is 80% – 90% with a click-through rate (CTR) of about 20%. For email marketing, these numbers fall down to about 15% open rate and a CTR of up to 2.5%.

That’s a HUGE difference, and it basically means that you can promote your offers and services to more people with less effort.

If you don’t have an online business yet, you can still leverage Bot Builders by learning how to promote automation to other business owners and turn that into a full-time income online. 

Chatbots are really hot right now, much like email marketing was 15 years ago.

There’s virtually no competition and tons of room for growth, so if you’re interested in generating tons of leads and sales, you should take action on this opportunity right now.

Get Matt Leitz to help build your bot and give you his exact automation blueprint responsible for his massive online success.

What is Bot Builders?

bot builders review inside

It’s a training program on teaching you exactly how to build your own chatbot to connect with people on Facebook that are interested in your offer or service.

Even if you don’t have one, you can still leverage this method to make money online by applying the beginner-friendly methods taught inside Bot Builders.

Matt Leitz will show you how to make money online with Chatbots even if you have ZERO technical experience, how to increase the size of your email list and combine the two methods to explode your income, how to create a sustainable recurring stream of revenue for your business and more. 

To back that all up, he shows you proof of the results of his existing students and how anyone can achieve success as long as they’re willing to put in the work required.

Bot Builders is a great opportunity to tap into a growing trend, but it’s not like all you have to do is invest in this to get rich overnight. It does not work like that.

Just like any REAL online business venture, you will have to put in the work required to succeed. 

Is it Worth Investing in Bot Builders?

The way I see it, it depends on a couple of things. 

1. Are You Willing to Put in The Work to Get Things Up and Ready?
Matt Leitz and his team will help you and provide you with all the necessary tools, but you will have to show them that you’re willing to work together towards creating your automated chatbots.

2. Can You Afford it?
I’m no financial advisor, but in my opinion, if investing in Bot Builders will leave you broke, then it’s probably a good idea to save your money. Here’s a cost-effective alternative that doesn’t cost 4 figures to get started.

Bot Builder will definitely deliver on its promises and by the time you’re done with the course, you will have a chatbot that’s of the same caliber as the ones Matt uses for his own marketing campaigns. 

However, it’s up to you to decide if this business venture is something that you would be interested in pursuing.

There are many automation services out there that offer to build entire businesses for you that cost way more than what you’ve offered here, such as Just One Dime’s Done For You service that starts at $30K. 

What’s Inside Bot Builders?

bot builders inside

The program is divided into 5 phases, and they are as follows:

Phase 1 – Preparation. No fluff, pure value content that breaks down everything you need to know about chatbots, how to use them effectively and what you need to do to set up everything.

At the end of phase one, you will get to download the bot that Matt Leitz and his team used to generate massive leads and sales.

Collectively, it took them over 2000 hours to create this powerful automated AI. You can take advantage of that with one simple click and claim it as your own.

Phase 2 – Customization. The team behind BotBuilders has ensured to make the entire customization process incredibly easy to follow and implement.

In their words, as long as you can use a text editor and follow step by step tutorials, you can tailor your chatbot and turn it into a profitable lead generation and conversion tool.

Phase 3 –  Monetization
. Here, you will learn all the tips and tricks to maximize your earnings potential before you start promoting your chatbot.

That way, you can be sure that you will get the most out of your new online business venture.

Phase 4 – Promotion
. There are almost a dozen tools and additional promo resources inside BotBuilders that you can use to achieve fast growth and exposure to potential clients and buyers.

Phase 5 – Domination
. This is where you will get the opportunity to collaborate with Matt Leitz and his team to ensure your online success. 

What I Like About Bot Builders

bot builders review pros vs cons

1. It Shows You How to Capitalize on a Growing, Underappreciated Market. Not a lot of internet marketers and companies utilize messenger bot marketing.

For the majority of people that ARE leveraging bots, it’s so new to them that they don’t really know how to do it the right way.

That’s why now is the time to capitalize on this growing market while the competition is low.

2. It Works For Beginners That Don’t Have an Online Business Yet and For Experienced People That Want to Scale Their Business

3. Matt Leitz and His Team Will ”Hold Your Hand” Throughout The Entire Process
. The Do it Together feature inside BotBuilders is all about making sure that you’re never left alone wondering what your next step is.

4. Bot Builders Is a Well Recognized Company By ManyChat. Matt Leitz and his team created chatbots for one of the world’s top messenger bot marketing companies.

What I Don’t Like About Bot Builders

1. It Can Be Expensive For Some. For some beginners, investing that much may seem like a lot, and I get that. However, you will be getting the undivided attention of Matt Leitz and his team of experts, which justifies the price tag, in my opinion.

2. Not Everyone Likes Chatbots
. There are many business owners and online entrepreneurs that may think that ChatBot marketing is not worth it, weird, or ineffective. Even though having an open mind is a common trait in successful business owners, not everyone has one.

My Recommendation

Bot Builders by Matt Leitz is a great resource for anyone interested in automating Facebook messenger marketing and increasing their lead generation by tapping into something that’s underused and in demand right now.

The in-depth course inside this program goes over everything about ChatBots and how to make money online with them, regardless of your niche or industry.

This thing works for every type of business out there. It even shows you how to integrate your ChatBots with email marketing so that you can get the best of both worlds.

Overall, I was incredibly impressed by the sheer amount of high-quality content that Bot Builder has to offer to its members. It’s catered towards complete beginners, experienced business owners, and those in between. 

I highly recommend Bot Builders by Matt Leitz to anyone that want’s to learn how to automate lead generation and earn passive income with Facebook messenger.

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