Live Good MLM Review – Is it a Scam or Legit?

Welcome to my Live Good MLM review. Can you really make money with this program? Are the products any good, or is this another scam to avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. This is a company in the nutrition, health, and wellness niche markets. More specifically, they sell supplements. 

Apparently, their goal is to get people healthy and help them stay that way without spending a fortune to do it. If you want, you can pay a $40 fee to become an affiliate, promote their products and make money while helping others.

Stick around to find out EXACTLY what you’re getting into, what others are saying about this MLM, the compensation plan for active sellers, and more.

Live Good MLM Review Summary

Product Name: Live Good

Product Type: MLM (Multi Level Marketing)

Product Owner: Ben Glinsky

Product Price: $40+

Overall Score: 55/100

Recommended: Not For Everyone

Summary: This is a platform that sells supplements in the form of pills, capsules, powders, and oils.

They have some merch in the form of hats and t-shirts. Being a promoter will allow you to sell these products, earn a commission on each sale, invite others, and get paid when they enroll other paying members.

As you recruit more people under you, your monthly earnings will get higher. That’s the main focus of Live Good and all other MLMs out there.

The product line is an addition. If no products were sold, this program would be classified as an illegal cash gifting scheme.

Everything looks legit, but most people will NOT make more money than they spend. On average, most MLM recruiters (over 90%) end up with a negative ROI (return on investment).

That’s why I think that this is NOT for beginners with no prior business experience. There are better, cost-effective, much easier, and less risky ways to start a wildly profitable online business. Compare this platform with my top recommendation and see for yourself.

What is Live Good MLM?

Live Well Porducts

It’s a multi-level marketing platform that sells a wide range of nutrition and wellness products. This includes CBD Oil, vitamin supplements, plant-based protein, super greens powder, pet oils, and organic coffee.

As an affiliate, you can sell these products and earn a percentage of each sale made thanks to your marketing efforts.

The real cash comes from recruiting other affiliates and building a network of people who actively promote this business opportunity to others. There are six ranks you can achieve. The more you climb the rank ladder, the higher your rewards get.

1. Affiliate.
You get this rank when you sign up as an affiliate. Now, you are eligible to promote the  Live Good product line and get paid for it.

2. Bronze.
Recruit 3 members and have them onboard a total of 2 more paid members. Now you have a total of 5 people in your downline. This rank gives you 10% commissions for each new member that signs up thanks to your downline up to level two.

3. Silver. Recruit 10 members or sign up 3 affiliates that have the Bronze rank or higher and have a total of at least 20 people in your downline. A Silver rank comes with the same perks as Bronze with an addition of 5% commissions for levels 3 and 4 in your downline. 

4. Gold. Personally recruit 30 members or have at least 3 affiliates under you with a Silver rank or higher. You need a total of 100 members in your downline to get this rank. It comes with the same perks as Silver with an additional 3% commission for level 5 recruits and 2% for level 6. 

5. Platinum.
Onboard 100 members or maintain at least 3 people under you with a rank of Gold or higher. Then, you need at least 500 members in your downline. Doing so will give you everything mentioned so far, plus 2% for level 7 recruits and 1% for level 8.

6. Diamond. Recruit at least 3 people with a rank of Platinum or higher and have 2,500 members in your downline. This unlocks 1% from levels 9 and 10 in your downline. 

As you can see there’s a heavy emphasis on signing up as many people as you can to be active promoters of this business model.

Is Live Good MLM a Scam?

live well mlm review legit or not

It’s not a scam. Live Good looks like a legit MLM. However, the product quality seems questionable. The manufacturer is a company called Alpine 4 Holdings.

Before they were acquired, the company was called Alternative Labs. There were a few comments about the cleanliness, machines, and management that were worrisome. Otherwise, the opportunity looks straightforward.

Much like any other multi-level marketing program out there, the risks are very high and the likelihood of success for people with no previous experience with selling, building, and managing a team of people is incredibly low.

That’s why I think that there are better ways to start a profitable online business.

See This: Compare This Crazy Business Model With MLM

Live Good MLM Compensation Plan

Compensation Plan

There are six different ways you can get paid as a recruiter for Live Good. The first one is with weekly fast-start commissions. They are rewarded when you enroll people that sign up and pay for the affiliate membership. You get $25 per referral.

The second way is by leveraging the matrix commission structure. When more people sign up after you, regardless if you were the one who invited them or not, you could potentially be rewarded.

Then you have matching bonuses. They are distributed for even bigger rewards. Retail commissions are rewarded for every unit you sell to someone. Influencer bonuses.

They are given away to affiliates who decide to sell the Live Good product line in bulk. Finally, there’s the diamond bonus pool.  Once you achieve Diamond rank, you will share in 2% of total company sales every month!

How Much Does Live Good MLM Cost?

It costs $9.95/month to become a member and $40 to be an affiliate.

Can You Get a Refund?

Live Good monthly membership charges can be refunded up to 30 days from the date of the charge if there were no product purchases after that date. For all product refunds, there is a 90-day window from the time you make a purchase.

What I Like About Live Good MLM

live well mlm review pros vs cons

1. Huge Niche Market. Who doesn’t want to be more healthy? A lot of people would be willing to consider getting behind the company’s product line, becoming clients, or promoting the opportunity to others.

2. Legit Busienss Model.
There is REAL potential to make money online. It’s not easy, but it is doable.

3. Refund Policy.
You have time to decide if this is the right thing for you or not. 

What I Don’t Like About Live Good MLM

1. The Business Model is Very Difficult. For you to win, there need to be people paying you and even more people paying them. It can be very difficult to build a team of active recruiters if you don’t have any similar experience.

2. Most People Do Not Make Money in This Industry.
Most of the people who join this or any other MLM end up with very little profit margins if any.

3. Not For Beginners
. In my opinion, this is one of the most difficult business models for beginners. You need to possess great sales skills and recruitment abilities, and you have to manage a group of people that will actively onboard others.

On the next page, I will show you the four-step system I’m using to earn passive income by leveraging other people’s products and services. On automation, no recruiting, team building, or convincing people to sell stuff to others.

2 thoughts on “Live Good MLM Review – Is it a Scam or Legit?”

  1. It’s a misconception that just by registering, money will automatically start flowing into your account. That’s not how it usually works.

    If you’re lucky enough to be under an active promoter, you might see around $100. But without that, chances are you won’t see a dime.

    The reality of MLMs is that they require you to actively promote and build your own team. Start promoting, and over time, you’ll start to see some progress. Personally, I use Super Reds, which has helped manage my high blood pressure. And guess what? I get paid because I share my own positive experience. Wishing you all the best!


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