High Ticket Profit System Review

Welcome to my High Ticket Profit System review. Can you really clone this high ticket system that’s landing Glynn Kosky over $1K per day, or is it another scam to avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. The High Ticket Profit System is legit and works. However, it will NOT work for everyone that gets it, and here’s why.

If you think that you can simply purchase the program and instantly start making bank, odds are that you will NOT get to a point where you’re actually making any money.

The way you approach opportunities like this one is as important as the quality of the training content. The quality is there, but that alone is not enough. 

That’s why this training program’s first educational piece of content is all about mindset. Many people disregard it as something unimportant when in reality can be a determining factor for your success or failure.

Plus, there’s a TON of high quality information inside, and you will have to spend some time going through all of it and start implementing what you’re taught.

By the time you’re done here, you will know EXACTLY what you’re getting into, without any hype or exaggerated claims of income. 

Ready? Let’s get started…

High Ticket Profit System Review Summary

Product Name: High Ticket Profit System

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Program

Product Owner: Glynn Kosky

Product Price: $17 + Upsells

Overall Score: 85/100

Recommended: Yes!

Summary: High Ticket Profit System lets you partner with a 7 figure affiliate marketer and serial entrepreneur Glynn Kosky in his latest product launch.

Inside, you will learn the brand new system that Glynn has been implementing for a while now without anyone knowing about it.

The entire program is done for you in a way that lets you automate the selling, promoting, marketing, and trust building.

The last bit is probably the most important part of making money online. No one will buy from you if they don’t trust you. It’s also one of the hardest things in this industry.

Nevertheless, it’s all taken care of for you, mainly because you will leverage OTHER well know internet marketers’ authority online.

You will learn how to sell high ticket products that can make you between $500 – $1,000 and build a highly engaged email list. This will be your audience of people that will know, like, and trust you.

That way, you can keep on promoting high quality products, without spending money on paid ads to generate more traffic (web users).

This is a strategy that I use in my own business and something that has helped me go from making $0 online to thousands of dollars, all while sending a couple of simple emails. That’s how I KNOW this system works.

What is High Ticket Profit System?

High Ticket Profit System is done for you program that will show you how to make money as an affiliate even if you don’t have any previous experience or tech skills.

By partnering with the founder of this system, Glynn Kosky, you will get his proven system that’s already helped make him a wealthy guy. In his own opinion, low ticket offers are way easier to sell, but it will take you a lot longer to start earning a decent income.

In comparison, you only need a couple of high ticket sales per month, to earn a full time income from home. There are a few key things to consider here. People will naturally be more reluctant when spending a lot of money on high ticket courses.

That’s why it’s essential to build that trust and rapport with your audience. One of the best ways is through email marketing and Glynn covers all of that in his brand new training program.

You even get a FREE autoresponder that will help you automate all the messaging campaigns, alongside a step by step guide on how to do it right.

This includes email swipes, so you don’t have to figure out what to write, a plethora of high quality products to choose from, so you don’t have to waste any time locating and identifying good offers, and many different ways to generate traffic (web user) that will join your list after being exposed to one of your offers.

Is High Ticket Profit System a Scam?

High Ticket Profit System review legit or not

High Ticket Profit System is NOT a scam. It’s a training program created by a very successful and profitable internet marketer and course creator.

The entire system is set in place to help both you and the owner of this program. In other words, it’s in Glynn’s best interest to create as many success stories as he possibly can.

Simply put, SOME of the affiliate programs that you will get to promote are his own.

That’s why there’s a LOT of high quality information inside and NOTHING get’s left untold. 

What’s Inside High Ticket Profit System?

high ticket profit system

High Ticket Profit System consists of training videos and a step by step guide on how to use the system to start making profits.

Even though most of the hard work is done for you, you will have to take your time to go through all of the video training series, set up your software tools by following the guide, prepare the email swipe files for people, and sign up for the affiliate programs that Glynn Kosky recommends.

You only have to do these things ONCE. Then, your only goal is to keep driving more and more traffic to your done for you funnels and system.

It’s important to go through everything inside High Ticket Profit System WITHOUT skipping anything. That way, you will significantly increase your chances for success. The training can be separated into 3 different categories. 

The System Explained

high ticket profit system funnel breakdown

This is where you can see a mind map of the funnel that you will be using. This is a very simple email marketing funnel that’s more or less similar to the one I have, and it keeps on producing results day in and out without me having to do much.

Here’s an explanation of how it all comes together. First, you need a traffic source. If you want faster results, you will want to start running paid ads all over the internet to attract people’s attention.

There are different ways to run ads online and most of them are covered inside the High Ticket Profit System. This is riskier than relying on organic, free traffic generation, but it’s much faster.

On the other hand, you will learn a lot of ways to generate free traffic with different sources. This is for people that are more patient and prefer a reliable, steady flow of traffic.

When you go through all of these different methods, you will be able to choose one and start getting visitors to your landing page.

Since your main goal is to get people on your list, you will offer them a lead magnet. That’s a free offer that people can get in exchange for their email.

Once on your list, people can start getting automated emails from you about different offers, tips, and tricks that will help them in their journey.

The more people you manage to help out, the higher your income will get. It’s all about building trust with your email list.

Setting Up Your Campaigns

There’s a lot of emphasis on properly setting up your campaigns in this program. First, you will choose an autoresponder. There are many options. Some of them cost money and others let you get started for free.

Once you’ve picked an autoresponder, the next step is to set up your welcome series. This is something that needs to be done ONCE. After that, you let the software do its thing.

Getting Traffic

The recommended traffic source for this system is solo ads. You can, of course, go through all the other methods and pick something else.

However, you will be encouraged to go to a website called Udemy and buy solo ads from there. That’s borrowing other people’s email lists and sending targeted emails with your links inside. The costs of each click can vary from $0.25 to $2 – $3 and more.

Not every solo ad provider is equal in quality to its competitors. You may want to decide to cut corners and find solo ad vendors that charge you cents for clicks, but the traffic you get usually does not convert.

That’s why it’s important to pick a well trusted vendor with many positive reviews from other clients. It’s all covered inside the training program.

How Much Does High Ticket Profit System Cost?

High Ticket Profit System costs a one time fee of $17. There are several upsells along the way. They aren’t mandatory but if you do decide to purchase any of them, you will fast track your success and get tons of additional help and support along the way.

Upsell #1 – Traffic App ($26)

Upsell #2 – Unlimited ($47)

Upsell #3 – Done For You ($197)

Upsell #4 – Unlimited Traffic ($97)

Upsell #5 – Automation ($67)

Upsell #6 – ATM Edition ($147)

Upsell #7 – Ultimate Edition ($47)

Upsell #8 – Licence Rights ($167)

Upsell #9 – 30K Edition ($47)

Upsell #10 – Super Affiliate ($37)

Upsell #11 – Millionaire Edition ($97)

Can You Get a Refund?

High Ticket Profit System is sold on one of the biggest networks, WarriorPlus. This means that it automatically comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.

However, Glynn Kosky offers a no questions asked 180 day refund guarantee. You have more than enough time to try things out, see if it’s a good fit, and get your money back if you decide it’s not for you.

What I Like About High Ticket Profit System

High Ticket Profit System review pros vs cons

1. It’s Very Inexpensive to Get Started. The front end price allows anyone to give this program a try without any risks whatsoever. It’s a very cost effective product, allowing beginners to get started, even if they are on a tight budget.

2. Glynn Kosky is Well Known in This Industry.
The fact that he proudly stands behind his product can serve as an assurance that the program is of high quality. Most low quality offers NEVER show who the ACTUAL person behind them is.

3. You Can Get a Refund.
Both the vendor and the platform this product is hosted on, offer a refund.

4. In Depth Training.
Glynn Kosky leaves nothing behind in his training videos. Unlike other marketers that only show half of the picture, with this program you will NEVER be left in the dark and you will always get the help and support you need along the way.

What I Don’t Like About High Ticket Profit System

1. Heavy Focus on Paid Ads For Traffic Generation. There is a lot of free traffic generation training inside, but the main focus is on running solo ads to your offers. Personally, I prefer to play the waiting game and work up to a point where I have a steady flow of organic traffic.

Apart from that, this program is one of the RARE products that can actually help people start making money online without creating a product or spending a lot of money upfront.

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