CTFO Review – Can You Make Money With This MLM?

Welcome to my CTFO review. Can this MLM help you create a profitable online business, or is it another scam to avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. Changing The Future Outcome (CTFO) is a platform that sells different products and services online.

People can join MyCTFO as associates to sell the company’s products. Associates can earn money through the sale of products and also by recruiting other people to join as associates.

Those recruited become part of the recruiter’s “downline,” and the recruiter can earn commissions based on the sales made by their downline. That’s how multi-level marketing works.

Due to the similarities between MLM and an illegal pyramid scheme, many people might question the legitimacy of CTFO and their business opportunity. 

By the time you’re done here, you will know exactly what you’re getting into, without any hype or exaggerated income claims.

Ready? Let’s get started…

CTFO Review Summary

Product Name: CTFO

Product Owner: Stuart Finger

Product Type: Multi Level Marketing Program

Product Price: $27.97 – $45+

Overall Score: 65/100

Recommended: Not For Everyone

Summary: This MLM comes with a great compensation plan and multiple ways to earn money online. When you join the program as a distributor of the products, you can earn a commission from each sale you generate.

You can also earn from the efforts of your downline. When people that you recruit to become distributors get more people to join the sales team, you get to earn from the efforts of everyone.

The percentage you get paid varies between 5% – 25%. To make good money with this program, you will likely have to spend a lot of time building your downline and making sure they are actively selling products and recruiting others.

This can be very time-consuming and difficult. Especially if you’re new to making money online.

That’s why I think that there is a better way to create a wildly profitable online business that does NOT revolve around managing a team of people.

What is CTFO?

CTFO is a multi-level marketing program that sells products in the health niche. It’s marketed as a system that can improve your lifestyle.

As an associate or distributor, you can earn a percentage of each sale that’s made thanks to your marketing efforts. It can be as high as 50% of the product’s price.

You can also build a team of people who can help you make more money by earning from their efforts. The product line consists of different health-related goods, such as pills for weight loss. 

As an incentive, you’re offered fast-start bonuses that can increase your potential earnings even more. Then there’s the unilevel pay. 

Associates can earn commissions based on the sales made by their downline. This expands 7 levels deep. Apparently, CTFO has the world’s first and only profit-sharing regenerating matrix, which means that you can get paid up to four times more from one single sale.

The company also has a monthly loyalty bonus that pays you on top of your current earnings. That’s if you manage to bring in a lot of sales. You can see their full compensation plan here.

Becoming a partner offers several advantages. Joining is free with the purchase of a qualifying product. Each partner receives a unique website for placing orders.

Several online tools and special pages are available to help attract people to the site. Weekly online meetings are conducted, featuring advice from top leaders to help grow the business.

There is access to straightforward training, coaching, and support aimed at ensuring success. The business can be managed online, accommodating international transactions with a user-friendly payment plan.

Starting part-time is an option, allowing individuals to retain their current sources of income. Discounts of up to 25% on products are available.

There is no need to maintain a stock of products, and with a low monthly target, earning income is made more accessible.

Is CTFO a Pyramid Scheme?

Changing The Future Outcome review legit or not

CTFO is not a scam or a pyramid scheme. The main difference between a legit MLM and a pyramid scheme is the emphasis on recruiting people by promising them to make money when they recruit others.

In this case, there are REAL products that are sold to people. This makes it a legit business model that’s NOT going to get flagged down by any of the organizations that shut down pyramid schemes.

However, that does NOT guarantee success. If you are persistent enough, there’s a real potential to create a profitable online business. It will take time, dedication, and people skills.

Your main goal will probably be to build a huge team of associates that will help you reach a point where you’re making good money. Not everyone can do it. In fact, most people will fail. 

The Simple System I’m Using To Earn Passive Income Online

Who Founded CTFO?

Stuart Finger

CTFO (Changing The Future Outcome) was founded by Stuart Finger, who started the company in 2015. Stuart Finger has been involved in various MLMs and network marketing companies before starting this one.

The company initially started in the health and wellness sector and later shifted its focus to CBD-based products.

How Much Does CTFO Cost?

Joining CTFO as an associate/distributor is free with the purchase of a qualifying product. The product should have a price tag of no less than $45. Otherwise, your membership will cost you $27.97 with no product.

What I Like About CTFO

CTFO review pros vs cons

1. It’s Been Around For a While. A company that’s passed the test of time indicates sustainability. You don’t have to worry about them closing their doors and pulling the rug under you.

2. The Owner Has Been Involved in Multiple Business Ventures.
This shows entrepreneurial spirit and experience. That’s always a good thing.

3. The Products Come With a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.
This means that people can get a refund if they do not like the products. That’s good because it indicates that the founder and his team want to satisfy their clients, not just take their hard-earned money.

What I Don’t Like About CTFO

1. Low Success Rate. Many people who join MLMs may struggle to make a substantial income. Statistics have often shown that a majority of MLM participants make little to no profit, and some even lose money after accounting for expenses.

Earning substantial income generally requires building a large and active downline, which can be challenging.

2. Market Saturation. MLMs often lead to market saturation as more and more people join and try to sell within their communities. As more people join and try to sell the products and recruit others to do the same, it becomes increasingly difficult to find new customers or recruits, limiting the earning potential of many participants.

3. Not The Best Alternative For Beginners.
 People with no sales experience may struggle in MLM as selling is central to earning income in this business model. The lack of experience can make it challenging to understand customer needs, present products persuasively, and handle objections effectively.

Without developed sales skills, beginners might find it difficult to establish a customer base and generate consistent sales, impacting their overall success in MLM.

On the next page, I will show you the simple, beginner-friendly system I’m using to make up to $1K per SINGLE sale using other people’s products and services. 

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