Automatic Builder Review

Welcome to my Automatic Builder review. Can you really start making money online on complete automation, or is this just another well-crafted scam to avoid?

Here’s what you need to know. This program has been around for a while now, which is always a good sign in the online world.

It usually means that you don’t have to worry about getting your money taken from you without receiving what you were promised. However, it does not necessarily mean that Automatic Builder is for everyone.

This program comes with the opportunity to promote it as an affiliate and earn commissions when someone signs up under you.

That’s why I would like to point out that I’m not associated with it in any way or form, so don’t expect a thousand low quality bonuses for joining through my links because you won’t find any.

By the time you’re done here, you will know exactly what you’re getting into without any hype or exaggerations and how much you could really earn with this system.

I will also show you an alternative to this one that might be more suitable, depending on your own personal preferences.

Ready? Let’s get started…

Automatic Builder Review Summary

Product Name: Automatic Builder

Product Type: Done For You Lead Generation Program

Product Owners: Rob & Art

Product Price: $27 – $47 +

Overall Score: 55/100

Recommended: Not For Everyone!

Summary: Automatic Builder is a program that comes with everything you need to build a sustainable online business either by promoting the program itself or by promoting something else.

This can be a good fit for you if you don’t have a product or service to promote, you don’t have landing pages in place, and you don’t know how to generate traffic (web users) to your offers.

Within Automatic Builder, you’re allowed to promote up to 3 different offers, however, the entire program is made in a way that highly encourages you to focus your efforts on promoting it.

In other words, if you’re not interested in getting more people to sign up under you and get registered inside Automatic Builder in your downline, you won’t be able to take full advantage of this program.

The owners of this program WANT to help people like you with making money online, but they also want you to sell their program so that they can make more money.

If you’re not interested in spreading the word about Automatic Builder to increase your online earnings, then getting involved with this program may not be the right solution for you.

You would also have to consider some additional expenses like paying for online ads to generate more traffic.

For beginners that are looking to start earning passive income online, I think that there are better, cost effective alternatives that can help you with that by showing you how to monetize your passions, hobbies, and interests.

What is Automatic Builder?

It’s a business in a box type of program that allows you to promote Automatic Builder and earn 100% commissions on the front end.

This means instant $27 or $47 for every paying member that signs up under you. The catch is that you would also have to be a paying member to qualify for your commissions.

If, for example, you have a $27 worth membership, and one of your referrals buys the $47 package, you won’t be getting paid. That’s why you should upgrade to the highest level from the get-go, or you could lose money.

As a paying member, you get landing pages, an about me page where you get to represent yourself and promote up to 3 additional offers that don’t have to be connected with Automatic Builder, and a bunch of pre made email marketing messages that get sent out automatically to your referrals.

In many ways, this program is similar to another one called 1 Dollar Roger.

You can’t modify these messages, and they are solely focused on promoting the program with your affiliate links attached to them.

On the upside of things, your chances of converting prospects into buyers are increased.

On the downside, you don’t really own the email leads. They are owned by the founders of this program because you’re sending them directly to one of their pre made landing pages.

Is Automatic Builder a Scam?

automatic builder review legit or not

No, it’s not a scam. Automatic Builder is a legit opportunity to create an online business revolving around promoting and selling the program.

Apart from the instant, one time commissions that you earn whenever someone signs up as a paying member in your downline, you can also earn passive income each time one of your downline members buys traffic from one of the traffic sources provided within Automatic Builder.

It’s kind of like a circle, where you pay for traffic and send it to one of the many pre-built landing pages. If that traffic ends up buying the program and they start paying for exposure to get more people on board, you will be rewarded.

If that sounds like something you might be interested in, you should consider becoming part of it.

As a beginner that’s just getting started in this industry, you may not like the idea of paying money to get exposure to your offer because of the risks that come along with it.

Even with the best landing pages, and the most promising sources of paid traffic, sometimes, things don’t work out as planned, and you end up spending more money than what you’re making.

If you prefer to learn how to create an online business with completely free traffic generation methods, without having to own a product or service, and without having to focus on selling products you don’t necessarily believe in, then you should see this alternative below.

What’s Inside Automatic Builder?

automatic builders landing page

This program comes with 3 different package options. The first one is free of charge. It allows you to take a look inside and see what it’s all about.

Your trial pack comes with a direct referral link that won’t do you any good unless you’re a paying member, a professional video capture page, landing page, order page, and 1 year of unlimited free hosting service.

The most important thing you need to remember here is that you won’t be able to make any money online when you sign up people to your downline.

The free version exists with the sole purpose of allowing you to take a closer look inside to see if this opportunity is a good fit or not. Here’s everything else that you can get inside Automatic Builder.

Direct Pay Pack

This package costs $27. It comes with everything provided within the free version, plus the opportunity to leverage all the paid traffic sources within the program.

This includes classified ads, text ads, solo ads, signature files, SMS texts, live training calls, and more.

With the Direct Pay Pack you can earn commissions from people that join under you. Each time a referral becomes a paying member, you earn a percentage of the profits through the Direct Pay Module.

Combo Pack

This pack comes with a price tag of $47. It has everything included in the lower level packs, plus the opportunity to earn 100% commissions whenever your referrals buy the Direct Pay or Combo offer.

On top of that, you get to earn a percentage of the ad spend that your referrals make within the traffic sources provided inside Automatic Builder. You also get $150 worth of free ad credits.

Automatic Builder Monthly Subscription

This is a recurring subscription based offer that allows you to create an about me page, where you can promote other products as well as this one, an autoresponder sequence of dedicated emails that will be sent out to every person that signs up to Automatic Builder via your link, and more. This offer costs $7.95/Month and comes with the following additional things:

– Interactive Contact Manager
. This feature allows you to organize your contacts based on their engagement rates. You can see who interacts with your messages, whether or not they click on your links, and more.

– Additional Capture Pages.
Here you can leverage a form that’s automatically added to some of your landing pages. It allows your prospects to interact with your page and leave relevant information that will help you provide them with a more personalized offer. This will undoubtedly increase your conversion rates.

– Additional Landing Pages. Get access to even more pages. This will minimize the chances of your prospects seeing repetitive content with similar landing pages from you or other people that promote Automatic Builder.

– Mini Web Store
. A series of web pages that are supposed to help you increase the sign up rate to your main offer, your Direct Pay Module, and your lead sources.

– Advanced Training Module
. Live interactive training series where successful Automatic Builder marketers share their secret, alongside other tips and tricks that can increase your income.

How Much Does it Cost to Get Started?

There’s no definitive answer to that question. It entirely depends on your own personal goals and budget. You could start small with an ad budget of up to $10 per day, but this could minimize your earnings potential.

You could also start big, but this will increase the risk of losing more money. Bottom line is that you should be willing to spend a few hundred bucks a month for some period of time until you start getting decent results.

It could take longer for you to see success, or it could take less. It depends. Since you won’t be learning any free traffic generation methods, you will definitely have to spend money on paid ads.

Can You Get a Refund on Automatic Builder?

No. Automatic Builders’ terms of use explicitly say that under no circumstances can you get a refund on any of your purchases within the program.

This is not so bad considering the low price tags for most of the offers and services inside. You even get access to the platform for free, which can help a lot in the buy, or not decision.

What I like About Automatic Builder

automatic builder review pros vs cons

1. It’s a Real Opportunity. If you’re okay with promoting the program to others, then you have a real chance of making money online with Automatic Builder.

2. It’s Not Expensive
. Some programs and services with similar opportunities cost way more than this one. That’s why I can appreciate the low cost of entry.

3.The Company Has Been Around for a Long Time.
This means that it’s likely not going anywhere soon either.

What I Don’t Like About Automatic Builder

1. It’s Focused on Promoting the Program. Some people don’t mind it, but the fact that Automatic Builder does not allow you to focus on promoting other products or services that may be more suitable for your personal preferences is a bit limiting.

Yes, you can add links to other programs or products within your about me page, but that’s just about the only place where you can promote other products apart from Automatic Builder.

2. If You Don’t Promote Rob and Art’s Program, You Can’t Take Complete Advantage of This Opportunity
. This can put off a lot of people.

3. No Free Traffic Generation Methods
. Many people just getting started with making money online might prefer to avoid spending cash on ads.

Is There a Better Alternative?

Affiliate marketing and learning how to promote other people’s products or services is one of the best ways to create a successful online business.

You don’t have to worry about refunds, chargebacks, customer service issues, and complaints. All you have to do is send buyer traffic to a product or service and cash in on the commissions.

Ideally, you should strive to help people find what they are looking for. When that happens, they will be satisfied and you will be making money at the same time. It’s a win-win situation.

There are better ways to start an affiliate marketing business online that don’t require you to recruit others into your downline.

If you have specific interests, hobbies, or things you like doing in your spare time, you CAN turn that into a profitable online business, even if you don’t consider yourself an expert in the field.

There are over 4 billion internet users with different interests. All you have to do is grab a small portion of them that share your passion, and you can make money online.  It’s all explained in 4 simple steps.

This is what I used to earn my first $1K a day online. The proof and the system that helped me get there can be found by taking a look below.

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