Welcome to my Derek Moneyberk review. In 2023, his net worth is estimated at over $36M. He is a wealth coach, mentor, investor, and business owner.
He is well known for coaching celebrities and influencers on growing their businesses and reaching the next level. In his own words, you should be doing everything you can every day to achieve a better life for yourself.
Derek talks a lot about working hard and putting in the effort to achieve success, generate wealth, and prosper in your business ventures.
As a very well-known internet personality, naturally, there are conflicting opinions about him and his programs. Some users share their bad experiences with Derek, while others claim they’ve gotten that much-needed help to improve their lives.
Who is Derek Moneyberg?
Derek Moneyberg has a real name. Dale Buczkowksi. He has multiple paid courses on real estate and investing. His programs have helped a lot of people online achieve high performance and success.
He has over 4M followers on his Instagram account and over 154K subscribers on Youtube. His flagship program is called the Ten Commandments of Wealth.
It’s a high-ticket program with a community of like-minded people and a huge library of educational and motivational videos.
Next: The Simple System I Used To Quit My 9 to 5 & Start a Wildly Profitable Online Business
What is Derek Moneyberg’s Net Worth?
Derek Moneyberg’s net worth is over $36M. That’s calculated from his combined streams of income, including multiple businesses, training programs, live events, brand advancement, Youtube ad revenue, sponsorships, and private mentoring services.
He is very well known across the internet, and his brand name already brings in millions to his name.
Is Derek Moneyberg a Scam?
Derek Moneyberg is not a scam artist. He runs multiple legit businesses and has a whole bunch of happy customers. Some people claim that he encourages his students to go out there and create positive reviews about him and his products, while others share very bad experiences with him.
Everyone is different. It’s up to you to decide if you’re willing to spend and risk losing thousands of dollars on education, mentoring, and self-help.
There is some evidence to suggest that he has previously been involved with some shady stuff. That doesn’t necessarily make Derek Moneyberg a scammer.
His products and services have been around for a long time and many people claim that they’ve experienced great things since discovering him.
What Can You Learn From Derek Moneyberg?
Derek Moneyberg claims he can help you learn how to think, what to do, and what kind of tools to use to create real prosperity in your life. He also believes that you need to be obsessed to achieve success in any endeavor you pursue.
In his own words, reading books can be a great procrastination tool. It’s not the answer to becoming wealthy. Otherwise, librarians would be millionaires.
He’s got nothing against books. However, they alone will NOT help you if you’re not willing to go out there, do the work, and don’t stop until you achieve success.
Next: The Simple System I Used To Quit My 9 to 5 & Start a Wildly Profitable Online Business