5 Day A.I. Crash Course Review – Is Billy Gene’s Course Legit?

Welcome to my 5 Day A.I Crash Course review. This is Billy Gene’s new training that capitalizes on the AI trend.

The training is all about showing you how to use artificial intelligence to make your marketing smarter.

As someone who’s been around for a while, Billy knows what sells online and how to create value while maintaining the prospect’s curiosity.

His ads are very well thought off and come with a lot of creativity. I’ve found myself watching many of them.

While Billy has worked with huge names and has a track record, learning AI marketing from scratch in just five days sounds ambitious.

It’s awesome to get such concentrated knowledge, but it also makes you wonder if it’s enough time to really get the hang of it.

Plus, the course isn’t free, so you’re hoping it’s worth the investment and that you can really apply what you learn to see some real results.

5 Day AI Crash Course Review Summary

Product Name: 5 Day AI Crash Course

Product Owner: Billy Gene

Product Type: Internet Marketing With Artificial Intelligence Course

Product Price: $194

Overall Score: 60/100

Recommended: Not For Everyone

Summary: Billy Gene’s 5 Day AI Crash Course is all about integrating modern AI into traditional Internet marketing to save time, money, and effort in your campaigns.

This could allow you to focus on other avenues for growth, expand your business, or simply get started much easier than it was before.

You are promised to make the four-hour workweek a reality with these new tools at your disposal.

Even if you don’t have any experience. In my opinion, there’s a better way to start as a beginner with zero experience.

What is The 5 Day AI Crash Course?

5 day ai crash course

Billy Gene’s 5 Day AI Crash Course consists of basic, beginner information about merging artificial intelligence with your content creation, ads, and marketing copy, data analysis, chatbot utilization, and image generation.

The entire course is 5 video lessons long divided into 3 phases. The first one is all about showing you how to leverage and implement the four-hour workweek into your business.

The second phase is all about teaching you how to automate your selling process using AI. More specifically, this is for people who love getting sales but hate selling.

The final phase covers how to ethically profit from the dark side of AI.

As a member, you get access to a private Facebook group, a certificate upon completion of the course, and a 30-minute strategy session, where a sales representative will try to upsell you on one of Billy’s other programs and courses.

Is The 5 Day AI Crash Course a Scam?

5 day ai crash course review legit or not

No. The 5 Day AI Crash Course is not a scam. It’s a legit training program that can benefit beginners and fans of Billy Gene.

The information covered inside can be found for free online and you’re learning how to work with mostly free software and tools.

This course can be suited for people who prefer to get all the information they need in one place, saving a lot of research time.

However, I still think that there is a better way for a beginner to start a profitable online business.

Next: The Simple System I’m Using to Make Money Online

How Much Does The 5 Day AI Crash Course Cost?

Billy Gene’s 5 Day AI Crash Course costs a one-time fee of $194. There are discounts being dropped regularly on his official website.

However, keep in mind that you will get pitched many of his other programs and courses which will cost you more money should you decide to get them.

You will also learn how to run online ads using AI. This can be very costly if you don’t do it right.

Can You Get a Refund?

Yes. Billy’s promise is that if you don’t make your money back in 30 days, he will refund your money.

What I Like About The 5 Day AI Crash Course

5 day ai crash course Reviews pros vs cons

1. It’s Created By a Legit Internet Marketer. Billy Gene knows how to make money online, how to be entertaining, and how to keep people’s attention. He likes to be edgy and pushy.

That is reflected in his teaching methods. If you don’t like a lot of swearing, you may not like the way this guy teaches.

2. Beginner Friendly. People with no experience can easily get a better understanding of everything Billy teaches and says in his course.

3. There’s a Community. You can network with other members of the program.

What I Don’t Like About The 5 Day AI Crash Course

1. Many Upsells. Once you become a member, you will be offered additional products. A lot of them. You can end up spending way more money than your initial investment of $194.

2. Nothing Advanced or New is Taught. You will learn basic information that everyone who is someone in this industry already knows. Nothing new or special.

3. Not The Best Alternative For Beginners. On the next page, I will show you the simple, cost-effective system I’m using to make up to $1K per SINGLE sale using other people’s products and services. No sleazy selling and no high-pressure calls are required.

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